Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. Page 1 of 13 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
FREEMASONS GIRLS SCHOOL . On Thursday , Jan . 11 , the Quarterly General Court was held at the School House , St . John's Rise , Br . J . Barnes , V . P . presiding . The minutes of the house committee , recommending the names of eight little girls as candidates to fill up the vacancies which will occur at the next quarterly court in April , Avere approved , Avith the exception of one candidate , whose case was reserved for further consideration , in
consequence of a difference of opinion between two of the medical officers as to the state of her health . There are IIOAV sixty-five pupils m the institution . The report of the audit committee was also received , and the treasurer was instructed to pay bills to tho amount of £ 433 . The funds of the institution are in a very satisfactory state . Br . Symonds proposed a resolution for placing the school under Government Inspection , and explained that Miss Souter , the new governess , holding a Government certificate of her capabilities for the situationmiht therebreceive a grant of £ 15
, g y or £ 17 from government in augmentation of her salary ; and every year one child might be apprenticed to her as a pupil teacher , for five years ; and the ptipil afterwards might be examined for a Queen ' s scholarship , by means of which , if she deserved it , she might be educated in ' a training school , and ultimately , Avith a certificate of merit , obtain a good situation as a school-mistress . Br . Robinson seconded the motion which AA'as opposed by Brs . Barrett , Patten , & c , who urged that the Freemason ' s school ht not to be subjected to interference from the government , or
oug any body not connected with the Craft , and that if necessary they could themselves increase the salary of the schoolmistress . Upon a show of hands the resolution was lost , only three brethren voting for it—the meeting being very thinly attended in consequence of the inclemency of the weather . The appointment of Miss Jarwood as matron , ancl that of Miss Souter as schoolmistress , were then confirmed . A motion , of which Br . Robinson had g iven notice , to provide that no child of a who had ceased to subscribe towards Freemasonry
person for more than seven years ( unless from circumstances beyond his own control ) should be eligible for admission into the school , was deferred until a revision of the rules and bye-laws ; a report from the committee upon which was ordered to be printed , and considered at a special court to be held in March .
LONDON LODGES . GRAND MASTERS LODGE ( N O . 1 ) . —This highly respectable Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on Monday , Jan . 15 , when Br . Potter initiated a brother into the Order , ancl A \ 'as re-elected into the Chair , the newly elected W . M . not having come forward to accept the office . The Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet , which was attended by
se \ 'eral visitors , amongst whom Avers Brs . White , G . Sec . ; Udall , P . M . ; E . Warwick * , W . M ., No . 30 ; Alderman Rose , & c . The brethren , after spending a most delightful evening , separated at a reasonable hour . LODGE OF ANTIUUITY ( N O . 2 ) . —This most celebrated Lodge , over which Sir Cristopher Wren and many other most highly distinguished Masons presided , held its meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , 24 th , on which occasion the brethren re-elected their W . M . and Treasurer . The brethren afterwards dined
together . The toasts of the evening being varied by the singing of Brs . Genge and Donald King . ROYAL SOMERSET HOUSE AND INVERNESS LODGE ( No . 4 ) . —This lodge , which acts under immemorial constitution , held a meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on . Monday , Jan . 22 , when Br . A . A . Leveau , W . M . and P . G . S . B ., initiated three candidates into the Order , ancl raised a brother to the third degree . The S . W . Br . Chas . Locock Webb , G . Steward , was unanimously elected W . M . for the coining- year- The
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Masonic Intelligence.
FREEMASONS GIRLS SCHOOL . On Thursday , Jan . 11 , the Quarterly General Court was held at the School House , St . John's Rise , Br . J . Barnes , V . P . presiding . The minutes of the house committee , recommending the names of eight little girls as candidates to fill up the vacancies which will occur at the next quarterly court in April , Avere approved , Avith the exception of one candidate , whose case was reserved for further consideration , in
consequence of a difference of opinion between two of the medical officers as to the state of her health . There are IIOAV sixty-five pupils m the institution . The report of the audit committee was also received , and the treasurer was instructed to pay bills to tho amount of £ 433 . The funds of the institution are in a very satisfactory state . Br . Symonds proposed a resolution for placing the school under Government Inspection , and explained that Miss Souter , the new governess , holding a Government certificate of her capabilities for the situationmiht therebreceive a grant of £ 15
, g y or £ 17 from government in augmentation of her salary ; and every year one child might be apprenticed to her as a pupil teacher , for five years ; and the ptipil afterwards might be examined for a Queen ' s scholarship , by means of which , if she deserved it , she might be educated in ' a training school , and ultimately , Avith a certificate of merit , obtain a good situation as a school-mistress . Br . Robinson seconded the motion which AA'as opposed by Brs . Barrett , Patten , & c , who urged that the Freemason ' s school ht not to be subjected to interference from the government , or
oug any body not connected with the Craft , and that if necessary they could themselves increase the salary of the schoolmistress . Upon a show of hands the resolution was lost , only three brethren voting for it—the meeting being very thinly attended in consequence of the inclemency of the weather . The appointment of Miss Jarwood as matron , ancl that of Miss Souter as schoolmistress , were then confirmed . A motion , of which Br . Robinson had g iven notice , to provide that no child of a who had ceased to subscribe towards Freemasonry
person for more than seven years ( unless from circumstances beyond his own control ) should be eligible for admission into the school , was deferred until a revision of the rules and bye-laws ; a report from the committee upon which was ordered to be printed , and considered at a special court to be held in March .
LONDON LODGES . GRAND MASTERS LODGE ( N O . 1 ) . —This highly respectable Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on Monday , Jan . 15 , when Br . Potter initiated a brother into the Order , ancl A \ 'as re-elected into the Chair , the newly elected W . M . not having come forward to accept the office . The Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet , which was attended by
se \ 'eral visitors , amongst whom Avers Brs . White , G . Sec . ; Udall , P . M . ; E . Warwick * , W . M ., No . 30 ; Alderman Rose , & c . The brethren , after spending a most delightful evening , separated at a reasonable hour . LODGE OF ANTIUUITY ( N O . 2 ) . —This most celebrated Lodge , over which Sir Cristopher Wren and many other most highly distinguished Masons presided , held its meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , 24 th , on which occasion the brethren re-elected their W . M . and Treasurer . The brethren afterwards dined
together . The toasts of the evening being varied by the singing of Brs . Genge and Donald King . ROYAL SOMERSET HOUSE AND INVERNESS LODGE ( No . 4 ) . —This lodge , which acts under immemorial constitution , held a meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on . Monday , Jan . 22 , when Br . A . A . Leveau , W . M . and P . G . S . B ., initiated three candidates into the Order , ancl raised a brother to the third degree . The S . W . Br . Chas . Locock Webb , G . Steward , was unanimously elected W . M . for the coining- year- The