Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 8 of 13 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
following five candidates , all of whom are gentlemen well known in the railway world;—Ed . Watkin , R . G . Underdown , Geo . Hawkins , J . Chester Craven , and A . E . Williams . At the conclusion of the Masonic business , the brethren , to the number of 30 , adjourned to dinner . Amongst the visitors , we observed Brs . Owen , P . G . Chaplain of Surrey ; John Hervey , P . S . G . D . ; John Ross , P . M ., 696 ; and P . G . O . Warwick ; W . Bragge , 857 ; A . P . French , & c , & c . After spending ' a very pleasant evening , the brethren adjourned until August .
GIHON LODGE ( NO . 57 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Bridge House Hotel , May 17 , the W . M ., Br . Geo . England presiding , when there were three raisings and passings , and an initiation—the whole of the' ceremonies being extremely well performed . At the conclusion of the Masonic business , the brethren partook of a cold collation , and separated at an early hour . CONSTITUTIONAL LODGE ( No . 63 ) . —This Lodge met at the Exeter Hall Hotel , on Thursday , May 24 th . One Brother was raised to the sublime degree of a Master
Mason , and one passed to the degree of Fellowcraft . LODGE OF PROSPERITY ( NO . 78)—This Lodge held its monthly meeting at Br . Stanton ' s , the Earl of Durham , Murray Street , New North Road , Islington , on Friday , 18 th ult ., when the W . M . Br . Thos . Weeks , who initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of Freemasonry , in a very efficient manner . In the course of the evening Br . Saque , with the assistance of the brethren , worked the lecture in the first degree . The business of the Lodge being concluded , it was closed in due form , and the brethren
about 30 in number , adjourned to the banquet , which was well furnished by Br . Stanton , the worthy host . The usual toasts having been duly honoured , Br . Richd . Barnes , P . M ., proposed the health of the W . M ., adverting in eulogistic terms on the very able and efficient manner , in which the duties of the Lodge , had been worked by so young a member of the Craft . The W . M . in reply assured the brethren that his utmost endeavours would be used to ensure the well working , as well as the unanimity of the Lodge . The W . M . then proposed thehealth of the newly initiated Br ., who replied in suitable terms , in which he expressed his admiration of the principles of the Order , and tendered
his sincere acknowledgments for his admission among Masons that evening . The W . Mthen proposed the health of the visiting brethren ; Brs . Wilson , No . 218 ; Rev . DShaboa , Chaplain , No . 812 ; Isaacs , S . W . No . 247 ; W . Edwards , W . M . No . 218 ; R . E . Barnes , P . M . No . 15 ; who severally returned thanks . The health of the P . M . 's was next proposed , to which Br . Lehmann , P . M . replied in a very pleasing and energetic manner , expressive of his delight at seeing so many old faces around the board . He thanked the members generally for the liberality of sentiment at all times evinced
towards him by the Lodge . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Officers of the Lodge . In reply , Br . Saque , as S . W . pro . tern , in the absence of Br . Goodwin , S . W ., adverted to the principles of the Order , and the beneficial results arising from the working of the lectures , and expressed his willingness to render them any assistance in his power . He also alluded to the able manner in which he had been assisted in working that evening , by his worthy Br . Isaacs . Br . Barnes , Senr ., in rising to propose the next toastclaimed the attention of the brethrenas he felt assured it would meet with
, , the unanimous and cordial feeling of every member present . He alluded to the health of then highly esteemed , and much respected Treasurer , Br . Day , whose zeal for the Craft , and interest for this Lodge in particular , had been the sole means of raising it from the low ebb to which it had been fallen , to its present proud and high position , not only by the increase in numbers and the respectability of its members , but for the many and valuable services rendered to the various Masonic Charities . Such , observed Br . Barnes , had been the conduct pursued by Br . Day , since his introduction amongst
them , that ho felt assured such marked conduct merited the entire approbation of the Lodge , and that the feelings of the members wou'd accord with his in tendering to Br . Day , that meed of praise , which his truly Masonic actions so richly deserved . Br . Day , in returning thanks , assured the brethren he felt highly gratified at the manner in which his name had been introduced to their notice , on that occasion , by P . M . Barnes . It was not his intention to dilate on the excellences of that institution , amongst whose members he was happy to be enrolled , but he begged to assure them , that haying been appointed to the honourable post of Treasurer to the Lodge , he felt it his bounden
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Masonic Intelligence.
following five candidates , all of whom are gentlemen well known in the railway world;—Ed . Watkin , R . G . Underdown , Geo . Hawkins , J . Chester Craven , and A . E . Williams . At the conclusion of the Masonic business , the brethren , to the number of 30 , adjourned to dinner . Amongst the visitors , we observed Brs . Owen , P . G . Chaplain of Surrey ; John Hervey , P . S . G . D . ; John Ross , P . M ., 696 ; and P . G . O . Warwick ; W . Bragge , 857 ; A . P . French , & c , & c . After spending ' a very pleasant evening , the brethren adjourned until August .
GIHON LODGE ( NO . 57 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Bridge House Hotel , May 17 , the W . M ., Br . Geo . England presiding , when there were three raisings and passings , and an initiation—the whole of the' ceremonies being extremely well performed . At the conclusion of the Masonic business , the brethren partook of a cold collation , and separated at an early hour . CONSTITUTIONAL LODGE ( No . 63 ) . —This Lodge met at the Exeter Hall Hotel , on Thursday , May 24 th . One Brother was raised to the sublime degree of a Master
Mason , and one passed to the degree of Fellowcraft . LODGE OF PROSPERITY ( NO . 78)—This Lodge held its monthly meeting at Br . Stanton ' s , the Earl of Durham , Murray Street , New North Road , Islington , on Friday , 18 th ult ., when the W . M . Br . Thos . Weeks , who initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of Freemasonry , in a very efficient manner . In the course of the evening Br . Saque , with the assistance of the brethren , worked the lecture in the first degree . The business of the Lodge being concluded , it was closed in due form , and the brethren
about 30 in number , adjourned to the banquet , which was well furnished by Br . Stanton , the worthy host . The usual toasts having been duly honoured , Br . Richd . Barnes , P . M ., proposed the health of the W . M ., adverting in eulogistic terms on the very able and efficient manner , in which the duties of the Lodge , had been worked by so young a member of the Craft . The W . M . in reply assured the brethren that his utmost endeavours would be used to ensure the well working , as well as the unanimity of the Lodge . The W . M . then proposed thehealth of the newly initiated Br ., who replied in suitable terms , in which he expressed his admiration of the principles of the Order , and tendered
his sincere acknowledgments for his admission among Masons that evening . The W . Mthen proposed the health of the visiting brethren ; Brs . Wilson , No . 218 ; Rev . DShaboa , Chaplain , No . 812 ; Isaacs , S . W . No . 247 ; W . Edwards , W . M . No . 218 ; R . E . Barnes , P . M . No . 15 ; who severally returned thanks . The health of the P . M . 's was next proposed , to which Br . Lehmann , P . M . replied in a very pleasing and energetic manner , expressive of his delight at seeing so many old faces around the board . He thanked the members generally for the liberality of sentiment at all times evinced
towards him by the Lodge . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Officers of the Lodge . In reply , Br . Saque , as S . W . pro . tern , in the absence of Br . Goodwin , S . W ., adverted to the principles of the Order , and the beneficial results arising from the working of the lectures , and expressed his willingness to render them any assistance in his power . He also alluded to the able manner in which he had been assisted in working that evening , by his worthy Br . Isaacs . Br . Barnes , Senr ., in rising to propose the next toastclaimed the attention of the brethrenas he felt assured it would meet with
, , the unanimous and cordial feeling of every member present . He alluded to the health of then highly esteemed , and much respected Treasurer , Br . Day , whose zeal for the Craft , and interest for this Lodge in particular , had been the sole means of raising it from the low ebb to which it had been fallen , to its present proud and high position , not only by the increase in numbers and the respectability of its members , but for the many and valuable services rendered to the various Masonic Charities . Such , observed Br . Barnes , had been the conduct pursued by Br . Day , since his introduction amongst
them , that ho felt assured such marked conduct merited the entire approbation of the Lodge , and that the feelings of the members wou'd accord with his in tendering to Br . Day , that meed of praise , which his truly Masonic actions so richly deserved . Br . Day , in returning thanks , assured the brethren he felt highly gratified at the manner in which his name had been introduced to their notice , on that occasion , by P . M . Barnes . It was not his intention to dilate on the excellences of that institution , amongst whose members he was happy to be enrolled , but he begged to assure them , that haying been appointed to the honourable post of Treasurer to the Lodge , he felt it his bounden