Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 11 of 13 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
very pleasant evening was spent . This Lodge under the excellent direction of Br Kelly , is assuming a distinguished position in the Craft , and the young blood which is being infused into the Lodge , and which has so long been wanting , promises weE for the future . UNIVERSAL LODGE ( NO . 212 ) . —This Lodge met at the Freemasons Tavern on Friday , May 25 th . In the absence of two raisings and one passing that were expected , five sections of the First Lecture were worked in a manner which reflected great
credit on the brethren . ST . PAUL ' LODGE ( No . 229 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting according to summons , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst . This Lodge numbers amongst its members some of the most distinguished Masons in the Craft , alike known for their Masonic learning as well as for their hospitable and brotherl y feelings . The W . M . Br . Randall proceeded , after opening the Lodge in due form , to raise two brethren to the sublime degree of Master Masons . It is needless to say how much instruction and example
this excellent Mason displays in the Lodge , and with the admirable charge given by the Treasurer , Br . Foster White ( who , by the way , we are happy to see restored to health after a severe illness ) , nothing more could be desired . AVe noticed amongst the visitors Br . Dr . Bowles , of the Hereford Lodge , Br . Nicoll , Br . Dr . Lawrance , and others ; the Lodge assembled in fall numbers , with the exception of that worthy and excellent Mason , Leonard Chandler , whose cordial and happy face all welcome and are glad to see among them . The AV . M . announced a meeting of recreationto be
, held at Blackwall in June . JORDAN LODGE ( No . 237 ) . —The last regular meeting of this Lodge for the season was held on Friday , the 18 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , Br . Spooner , W . M ., presiding . One gentleman was proposed for initiation , and it was unanimously carried that the annual summer recreation dinner should take place at Br . Bailey ' s , Southampton Hotel , adjoining the Kingston Railway Station , on the third Friday in
J uly . There being no other business before the Lodge , the Brethren retired to refreshment , and after partaking of a well spread banquet , the evening passed in the expression of every kindly masonic feeling , with " hearty good wishes" to the " next merrie meeting . " The visiting Brethren were Brs . Wylde , AV . M . 13 , Laird P . M . 13 , Fox , P . M ., 87 , Muggerklge P . M . 227 , and Bowman 125 , and formerly of this Lodge . ST . ANDREW ' LODGE ( NO . 281 ) . —The members of this very excellent Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern on Thursday , the 3 rd of May , when Br . James Linton ,
P . M ., acting for the W . M ., initiated Mr . John Messent into the mysteries of Freemasonry , passed Br . Newson , and raised Br . Thomas Evans—performing the several ceremonies with great ability . At the conclusion of all Masonic business the Brethren retired to refreshment , Br . "D yke , W . M . presiding . Br . P . M . Thomas Bohn ( No . 7 ) , returned thanks for the visitors on their health being drank , and paid a well-timed compliment to the excellent -working of Br . P . M . Linton and the officers assisting him , and expressed his appreciation of the kindness and hospitality of the Lodge , in
which Br . Phillips ( No . 30 ) , the only other visitor , most cordially concurred . " The P . M . ' s , ( of whom there were ei ght present ) , '' The W . M ., " "The Initiate , " and other toasts were then' proposed and warml y received . Much gratification was afforded to the Brethren by the very pleasing singing of Br . Messent , the newly initiated Brother , and Br . Crew , calling in during the evening for a few moments , sang one of his delightful melodies . Thus a most pleasant hour or two passed away , and the Brethren separated in perfect harmony and trulmasonic feeling .
y LODGE OF NINE MUSES ( NO . 286 ) . —At the last monthly meeting of this Lodge for the season , on Tuesday , May Sth , a duly qualified candidate was initiated into the Order , by the W . M . Br . Warner . About fifteen of the brethren afterwards dined together , and concluded the evening by a fervent hope that they mi ght all re-assemble with the blessing of the G . A . U ., in health and prosperity at the commencement of the next season in October .
LODGE OF UNIONS ( NO . 318 ) . —The closing meeting for the season , was held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Monday , May 7 th , when the AA ^ . M . Br . Geo . Blair , had a full programme of business before him , consisting of two initiations , two passings , and a raising ; the whole of which were most admirably gone through . Nearly thirty
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Masonic Intelligence.
very pleasant evening was spent . This Lodge under the excellent direction of Br Kelly , is assuming a distinguished position in the Craft , and the young blood which is being infused into the Lodge , and which has so long been wanting , promises weE for the future . UNIVERSAL LODGE ( NO . 212 ) . —This Lodge met at the Freemasons Tavern on Friday , May 25 th . In the absence of two raisings and one passing that were expected , five sections of the First Lecture were worked in a manner which reflected great
credit on the brethren . ST . PAUL ' LODGE ( No . 229 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting according to summons , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst . This Lodge numbers amongst its members some of the most distinguished Masons in the Craft , alike known for their Masonic learning as well as for their hospitable and brotherl y feelings . The W . M . Br . Randall proceeded , after opening the Lodge in due form , to raise two brethren to the sublime degree of Master Masons . It is needless to say how much instruction and example
this excellent Mason displays in the Lodge , and with the admirable charge given by the Treasurer , Br . Foster White ( who , by the way , we are happy to see restored to health after a severe illness ) , nothing more could be desired . AVe noticed amongst the visitors Br . Dr . Bowles , of the Hereford Lodge , Br . Nicoll , Br . Dr . Lawrance , and others ; the Lodge assembled in fall numbers , with the exception of that worthy and excellent Mason , Leonard Chandler , whose cordial and happy face all welcome and are glad to see among them . The AV . M . announced a meeting of recreationto be
, held at Blackwall in June . JORDAN LODGE ( No . 237 ) . —The last regular meeting of this Lodge for the season was held on Friday , the 18 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , Br . Spooner , W . M ., presiding . One gentleman was proposed for initiation , and it was unanimously carried that the annual summer recreation dinner should take place at Br . Bailey ' s , Southampton Hotel , adjoining the Kingston Railway Station , on the third Friday in
J uly . There being no other business before the Lodge , the Brethren retired to refreshment , and after partaking of a well spread banquet , the evening passed in the expression of every kindly masonic feeling , with " hearty good wishes" to the " next merrie meeting . " The visiting Brethren were Brs . Wylde , AV . M . 13 , Laird P . M . 13 , Fox , P . M ., 87 , Muggerklge P . M . 227 , and Bowman 125 , and formerly of this Lodge . ST . ANDREW ' LODGE ( NO . 281 ) . —The members of this very excellent Lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern on Thursday , the 3 rd of May , when Br . James Linton ,
P . M ., acting for the W . M ., initiated Mr . John Messent into the mysteries of Freemasonry , passed Br . Newson , and raised Br . Thomas Evans—performing the several ceremonies with great ability . At the conclusion of all Masonic business the Brethren retired to refreshment , Br . "D yke , W . M . presiding . Br . P . M . Thomas Bohn ( No . 7 ) , returned thanks for the visitors on their health being drank , and paid a well-timed compliment to the excellent -working of Br . P . M . Linton and the officers assisting him , and expressed his appreciation of the kindness and hospitality of the Lodge , in
which Br . Phillips ( No . 30 ) , the only other visitor , most cordially concurred . " The P . M . ' s , ( of whom there were ei ght present ) , '' The W . M ., " "The Initiate , " and other toasts were then' proposed and warml y received . Much gratification was afforded to the Brethren by the very pleasing singing of Br . Messent , the newly initiated Brother , and Br . Crew , calling in during the evening for a few moments , sang one of his delightful melodies . Thus a most pleasant hour or two passed away , and the Brethren separated in perfect harmony and trulmasonic feeling .
y LODGE OF NINE MUSES ( NO . 286 ) . —At the last monthly meeting of this Lodge for the season , on Tuesday , May Sth , a duly qualified candidate was initiated into the Order , by the W . M . Br . Warner . About fifteen of the brethren afterwards dined together , and concluded the evening by a fervent hope that they mi ght all re-assemble with the blessing of the G . A . U ., in health and prosperity at the commencement of the next season in October .
LODGE OF UNIONS ( NO . 318 ) . —The closing meeting for the season , was held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Monday , May 7 th , when the AA ^ . M . Br . Geo . Blair , had a full programme of business before him , consisting of two initiations , two passings , and a raising ; the whole of which were most admirably gone through . Nearly thirty