Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 13 of 13 Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. Page 1 of 20 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
John s Lodge , 196 , Hampstead , and AV . M . of the Domatic Lodge , 206 , presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly responded to , the presiding Master presented a beautiful silver snuff-box , on behalf of the Lodge , to its able , energetic , and untiring Secretary , Br . Bywater , P . M . of the Jerusalem Lodge , No . 233 , as a small mark of the respect , ssteem , and affection in which they hold him , on account of his many virtues , both as a man and a Mason . The address of Br . Adams was purely Masonic , and evinced a spirit which we hope may never be effaced
from the hearts and memories of those who heard it , and closed with a prayer in which we most heartily join , that our worthy Br . Bywater may long live to appreciate the gift , and that when he shall be removed to the Grand Lodge above , his children and his children's children may proudly point to it as a memorial of the respect in which their ancestor was held , and be by it warned to an imitation of his virtues . LODGE OF UNITED STRENGTH ( NO . 276 . )—AVe have to acquaint our Masonic brethren that this old established Lodge of Instruction is now held in the large room at Br . Lloyd ' s , the Enterprise Tavern , Long Acre , on eyery AVednesday throughout the year . AVe are pleased to sec that this Lodge is well supported by some most learned Masons , such as Brs . Adams , Fisher , Crawlev , & c , & c .
LODGE OF UNITED PILGRIMS ( NO . 745 ) . —This excellent and well-working Lodge of Instruction met on Friday evening , the 18 th May , at the Clayton Arms Tavern , Kennington Oval , for the purpose of going through the 15 sections—Br . Adams in the chair , who , with his usual ability , put the questions , and the following brethren assisted him in a very able manner in working the sections of First Degree : —1 . Brs . G . Howard ; 2 . C . Foulsham ; 3 . AV . T . Pitcher ; 4 . I . Thomas ; 5 . D . R . Farmer ; 6 . H . Garrod ; 7- Adams . Second Degree Sec .: — 1 . Brs . C . Ellis ;
2 . J . AV . AVard ; 3 . T . Thomas ; 4 . D . R . Farmer ; 5 . AV . Burden . Third Degree Section : —1 . Brs . J . Collins ; 2 . P . Moss ; 3 . G . Haward . The brethren afterwards partook of a supper provided by Br . C . Foulsham , in his usual satisfactory manner , and the evening passed off in social harmony . The brethren seperated , expressing the pleasure they had received in hearing the questions so ably put by the-AV . M ., and responded to by the brethren in the like manner . The Masonic ball given by the Lodge on the 7 th Maywent off with great eclatand a vote of thanks
, , was given to Br . P . Moss for his presiding as the Hon . M . C . on tho occasion , as also to Br . T . R . AVarren as the Hon . Sec , the Stewards expressing their entire approbation of manner in which each brother discharged his duties . The dancing was kept up with great spirit until a late hour , with the assistance of Br . Adams ' celebrated quadrille band , and the company separated , highly delighted with thtt evening ' s entertainment . The refreshments met with unanimous approbation .
Provincial Lodges.
EATON LODGE , CONGLETON ( No . 777 ) . —Br . Ullivero entertained the Brethren of this Lodge at dinner on the 9 th of May , to celebrate , his becoming the host of the Bull ' s Head Hotel . A goodly company sat down to table , G . C . Antrobus , Esq , W . M . of the Lodge , presiding , supported by his worship the mayor of the borough , the town clerk , the Rev . AV . C . Arnold , & c , & c . The usual loyal and fraternal toasts were given and responded to , together with the health and success of the host and ' hostesswhich was proposed in very limentary termsBr . "Ullivero has provided
, comp . a spacious Lodge room , which has been handsomely decorated , and affords every accommodation necessary for the performance of the " mystic rites . " DEVONSHIRE . ¦ LonGE ST . JOHN THE BAPTIST , PLYMOUTH ( NO . 83 ) . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , 1 st May . The minutes of the last Lodge were confirmed and some business o £
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Masonic Intelligence.
John s Lodge , 196 , Hampstead , and AV . M . of the Domatic Lodge , 206 , presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly responded to , the presiding Master presented a beautiful silver snuff-box , on behalf of the Lodge , to its able , energetic , and untiring Secretary , Br . Bywater , P . M . of the Jerusalem Lodge , No . 233 , as a small mark of the respect , ssteem , and affection in which they hold him , on account of his many virtues , both as a man and a Mason . The address of Br . Adams was purely Masonic , and evinced a spirit which we hope may never be effaced
from the hearts and memories of those who heard it , and closed with a prayer in which we most heartily join , that our worthy Br . Bywater may long live to appreciate the gift , and that when he shall be removed to the Grand Lodge above , his children and his children's children may proudly point to it as a memorial of the respect in which their ancestor was held , and be by it warned to an imitation of his virtues . LODGE OF UNITED STRENGTH ( NO . 276 . )—AVe have to acquaint our Masonic brethren that this old established Lodge of Instruction is now held in the large room at Br . Lloyd ' s , the Enterprise Tavern , Long Acre , on eyery AVednesday throughout the year . AVe are pleased to sec that this Lodge is well supported by some most learned Masons , such as Brs . Adams , Fisher , Crawlev , & c , & c .
LODGE OF UNITED PILGRIMS ( NO . 745 ) . —This excellent and well-working Lodge of Instruction met on Friday evening , the 18 th May , at the Clayton Arms Tavern , Kennington Oval , for the purpose of going through the 15 sections—Br . Adams in the chair , who , with his usual ability , put the questions , and the following brethren assisted him in a very able manner in working the sections of First Degree : —1 . Brs . G . Howard ; 2 . C . Foulsham ; 3 . AV . T . Pitcher ; 4 . I . Thomas ; 5 . D . R . Farmer ; 6 . H . Garrod ; 7- Adams . Second Degree Sec .: — 1 . Brs . C . Ellis ;
2 . J . AV . AVard ; 3 . T . Thomas ; 4 . D . R . Farmer ; 5 . AV . Burden . Third Degree Section : —1 . Brs . J . Collins ; 2 . P . Moss ; 3 . G . Haward . The brethren afterwards partook of a supper provided by Br . C . Foulsham , in his usual satisfactory manner , and the evening passed off in social harmony . The brethren seperated , expressing the pleasure they had received in hearing the questions so ably put by the-AV . M ., and responded to by the brethren in the like manner . The Masonic ball given by the Lodge on the 7 th Maywent off with great eclatand a vote of thanks
, , was given to Br . P . Moss for his presiding as the Hon . M . C . on tho occasion , as also to Br . T . R . AVarren as the Hon . Sec , the Stewards expressing their entire approbation of manner in which each brother discharged his duties . The dancing was kept up with great spirit until a late hour , with the assistance of Br . Adams ' celebrated quadrille band , and the company separated , highly delighted with thtt evening ' s entertainment . The refreshments met with unanimous approbation .
Provincial Lodges.
EATON LODGE , CONGLETON ( No . 777 ) . —Br . Ullivero entertained the Brethren of this Lodge at dinner on the 9 th of May , to celebrate , his becoming the host of the Bull ' s Head Hotel . A goodly company sat down to table , G . C . Antrobus , Esq , W . M . of the Lodge , presiding , supported by his worship the mayor of the borough , the town clerk , the Rev . AV . C . Arnold , & c , & c . The usual loyal and fraternal toasts were given and responded to , together with the health and success of the host and ' hostesswhich was proposed in very limentary termsBr . "Ullivero has provided
, comp . a spacious Lodge room , which has been handsomely decorated , and affords every accommodation necessary for the performance of the " mystic rites . " DEVONSHIRE . ¦ LonGE ST . JOHN THE BAPTIST , PLYMOUTH ( NO . 83 ) . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , 1 st May . The minutes of the last Lodge were confirmed and some business o £