Article BON ACCORD LODGE OF MARK MASONS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SUMMARY OF NEWS FOR MAY. Page 1 of 5 →
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Bon Accord Lodge Of Mark Masons.
private Lodge in England to delegate its powers to others , those others itat csaat being in the same country . Either the Bon Accord Chapter of Aberdeen is kcadssg you Masons in the South , or you are very easily satisfied about your title deed-In conclusion allow me to say , that I am one of those who deeply regret thai fSa ? . Grand Lodge of England ever assumed to itself the Past Master degree . Tka ir . sm and only degree characteristic of the Master of a Blue Lodge is the degree of Metier Mason ; but when that sublime degree began to be given by brevet to every F- C h not elected Master of Lod
althoug a ge , the Blue Lodges looked out for some < £ k £ « . - guishing mark for their R . W . M ., and for that purpose stole one of the degrees iff && Royal Arch scries—that for the Master of a Mark Lodge . It woulel , in my ojsiaam , add much to the value and consistency of the Royal Arch degrees were the Sajaiaie Royal Arch Chapter of England to order that the four direct degrees of MarL Fzst , Excellent , and Royal Arch should be granted in the above order , under its chszteis , as during last centuryand as they are now | irotected in Scotland . AVhen I hacums
, a Mason I was led to understand that Masonry divided itself into three classes : —lit . The Gentilo or Jewish , consisting of E . A . P ., F . C ., and M . M . degrees , which tihsu were under the cognizance of the Grand Lodge . 2 nd . All the other Jewish or ass-Christian , including Mark , Past , Excellent , Royal Arch , and some collateral iegs-ees , under the authority of the Supreme Royal Arch . And 3 rdly . All the Ckckfes degrees came under the Templar charters , except such as had been previously , eleven more properlyarranged under some other supreme head . Were the Sajsems
, Arch Chapter of England to assert the supremacy firmly belonging to it , alfchos . git o £ late in desuetude , we should hear no more of spurious Mark Lodges in Londsii ,. st of warrants being asked from Scotland . Glasgow , 5 th May , 1855 . G . A . AV . A . Deputy Gr . Princ . Z . of SeoikasL
Summary Of News For May.
Events in the Crimea appear to be advancing towards a close , althoughihe assekte bombardment of Sebastopol has heen suspended . A sharp engagement took place < the 1 st of May , when a number of rifle-pits , eight mortars , and 200 prisoners sraas taken . The Russians made sorties on the 10 th and loth , which were repulsed , ths English loss being inconsiderable as compared with that of the attacking party . Offi the 22 nd and 23 rd the French carried further works of the Russians in front ol ths Flagstaff battery . On the 24 th the French occupied the lines of Tchernaya , and &&
Russians are stated to have sustained a loss in killed and wounded of from 5 Q 8 C 3 te 6000 . An expedition , under Sir Grorge Brown , had taken Kercsch , where the . fcrii .. fications and a foundry of shot and shells had been destroyed , and several vessels < s £ war taken . Sir George afterwards proceeded to Yenikale , and the combined fiee & s were completely in possession of the Sea of Azoff . General Canrobert lisvusg resigned the command of the French army , has been succeeded by General PelissLse Reinforcements continued to arrive in the Crimea , aud everything was looked upoE as proceeding satisfactorily , though it is much to be deplored that cholera has & gsM appeared in the armv .
_ In the House of Lords , on the 30 th of April , the Militia Bill was read a thki time . On the 1 st of May the Stannary Court Amendment Bill passed through Csmmitte , and the Cambridge University Bill was reported . On the 3 rd the Loan Bifi wis read a third time , and a conversation of no importance took place on the subjeei : of the Vienna Conferences . The Loan Bill was read a third time on the 4 th . * Oa the 7 th the Affirmation ( Scotland ) Bill and the Income Tax Bill were read a secaai time . On the 8 th papers relative to the Vienna Conference were laid on the £ abk „
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bon Accord Lodge Of Mark Masons.
private Lodge in England to delegate its powers to others , those others itat csaat being in the same country . Either the Bon Accord Chapter of Aberdeen is kcadssg you Masons in the South , or you are very easily satisfied about your title deed-In conclusion allow me to say , that I am one of those who deeply regret thai fSa ? . Grand Lodge of England ever assumed to itself the Past Master degree . Tka ir . sm and only degree characteristic of the Master of a Blue Lodge is the degree of Metier Mason ; but when that sublime degree began to be given by brevet to every F- C h not elected Master of Lod
althoug a ge , the Blue Lodges looked out for some < £ k £ « . - guishing mark for their R . W . M ., and for that purpose stole one of the degrees iff && Royal Arch scries—that for the Master of a Mark Lodge . It woulel , in my ojsiaam , add much to the value and consistency of the Royal Arch degrees were the Sajaiaie Royal Arch Chapter of England to order that the four direct degrees of MarL Fzst , Excellent , and Royal Arch should be granted in the above order , under its chszteis , as during last centuryand as they are now | irotected in Scotland . AVhen I hacums
, a Mason I was led to understand that Masonry divided itself into three classes : —lit . The Gentilo or Jewish , consisting of E . A . P ., F . C ., and M . M . degrees , which tihsu were under the cognizance of the Grand Lodge . 2 nd . All the other Jewish or ass-Christian , including Mark , Past , Excellent , Royal Arch , and some collateral iegs-ees , under the authority of the Supreme Royal Arch . And 3 rdly . All the Ckckfes degrees came under the Templar charters , except such as had been previously , eleven more properlyarranged under some other supreme head . Were the Sajsems
, Arch Chapter of England to assert the supremacy firmly belonging to it , alfchos . git o £ late in desuetude , we should hear no more of spurious Mark Lodges in Londsii ,. st of warrants being asked from Scotland . Glasgow , 5 th May , 1855 . G . A . AV . A . Deputy Gr . Princ . Z . of SeoikasL
Summary Of News For May.
Events in the Crimea appear to be advancing towards a close , althoughihe assekte bombardment of Sebastopol has heen suspended . A sharp engagement took place < the 1 st of May , when a number of rifle-pits , eight mortars , and 200 prisoners sraas taken . The Russians made sorties on the 10 th and loth , which were repulsed , ths English loss being inconsiderable as compared with that of the attacking party . Offi the 22 nd and 23 rd the French carried further works of the Russians in front ol ths Flagstaff battery . On the 24 th the French occupied the lines of Tchernaya , and &&
Russians are stated to have sustained a loss in killed and wounded of from 5 Q 8 C 3 te 6000 . An expedition , under Sir Grorge Brown , had taken Kercsch , where the . fcrii .. fications and a foundry of shot and shells had been destroyed , and several vessels < s £ war taken . Sir George afterwards proceeded to Yenikale , and the combined fiee & s were completely in possession of the Sea of Azoff . General Canrobert lisvusg resigned the command of the French army , has been succeeded by General PelissLse Reinforcements continued to arrive in the Crimea , aud everything was looked upoE as proceeding satisfactorily , though it is much to be deplored that cholera has & gsM appeared in the armv .
_ In the House of Lords , on the 30 th of April , the Militia Bill was read a thki time . On the 1 st of May the Stannary Court Amendment Bill passed through Csmmitte , and the Cambridge University Bill was reported . On the 3 rd the Loan Bifi wis read a third time , and a conversation of no importance took place on the subjeei : of the Vienna Conferences . The Loan Bill was read a third time on the 4 th . * Oa the 7 th the Affirmation ( Scotland ) Bill and the Income Tax Bill were read a secaai time . On the 8 th papers relative to the Vienna Conference were laid on the £ abk „