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The New Constitutions Of The French Masons.
LODGES AND THEIR DISCIPLINE . Lodges , at stated periods , determined by the Statutes General , proceed to elect their officers by ballot , to be decided by the majority of actual voters . The S . G . also fixes the number of officers , their functions , and prerogatives . Officers are always re-eligible . No members whose subscriptions are in arrear can take part in elections . Candidates for the Chair should be active , as well as subscribing members , in possessionfor at least a yearof the hihest degree the Lodge confers . The W . M . should
, , g always be selected from amongst the most capable and the most worthy . He ought to possess the following qualifications : —He should be a born or naturalized Frenchman—actually or civilly domiciled Avithin a circle of twenty kilom . of the Lodge—ancl should have belonged to the Lodge for at least a year . One man cannot hold two offices in the same Lodge , nor can he be President of more than one Lodge in the same degree at the same time . The Lodges have re-unions , the duties of which ai-3 fixed bthe Council . They call Lodges of Emergency in certain contingencies
y may specified in ( he Statutes General . In populous centres of Masonry , the Lodges should , where possible , be held in the same place to save expense , and to bring the brethren together so that they may learn to know and love each other . No -bye-law is valid without the sanction of the G . M . and Council . Each Lodge has an absolute right of discipline over all its members , and over all Masons who participate in its proceedings . In case of hallottiny for initiation , all regular Masons present may vote .
PEES GENERAL AND PARTICULAR . Fees for initiations aud collations to clivers grades are abolished , but they are still required for charters of constitution and certificates of membership . Henceforth the Lodges will make to the G . O . two annual payments , the one permanent ancl the other temporary . The permanent contribution will be the same for all the Lodges ; but the temporary contribution will be proportioned to the number of members in each Lodge . The permanent annual fee to the G . O . is fixed at 100 francs ( 4 ? . 3 * 4 _ d . \
. for each Lodge , whatever the degree may be . The temporary fee to which the Lodges are subject is thus regulated : —under 40 members 75 francs , under 70 members 120 francs , under 100 members 150 francs , and above 100 members 200 francs per aim . These fees are called temporary , because they will cease to be enforced when the debts of the G . O . are paid . When this is done , the entire buildings and other properly of the G . O . will be vested in the Lodges , under its jurisdiction . These transitory fees came into operation March 1 , 1355 , ancl all Lodges not complying with the
regulations Avill be suspended . All previous constitutions , so far as they are not in harmony with the above , are hereby abrogated . Copies of this document have been sent to the Lodges . It was considered , approved , and unanimously adopted in the general assembly of the Convent Constituent , Oct 28 , 1854 , and is signed by the " President of Constitution Commission , " G . E . Gout des Martres , Rapporteur ; and it was declared in force by Prince Lucieii Murat , the G . M ., stamped and registered by the Chief Secretary , P . Claude .
Masonic Intelligence.
GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . THK regular quarterly communication was held in Freemasons' Hall , on the 5 th of September , there being an unusually small attendance of G . Officers . Amongst those present , we noticed Br . John Fawcett , P . G . M . for Durham , who officiated as G . M . ; Br . H . R . Willett , P . G . M . for Dorsetshire , as D . G . M . ; Cliev . Heber , as S . W . _ Br . H . Lloyd , as J . W . ; Br . Tomkins , S . G . D . ; - Br . J . ]} . King , as J . G . D . ; Brs . J . E . Cox , and Ed . Moore , G . Chaplains . Br . G . Elkington , G . P ., Br . Rawson , Pl . G . M . for China ; Br . Dr . Howe , P . G . W . ; Br . John Hervey , P . G . D . ; Br . Potter , P . G . D . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The New Constitutions Of The French Masons.
LODGES AND THEIR DISCIPLINE . Lodges , at stated periods , determined by the Statutes General , proceed to elect their officers by ballot , to be decided by the majority of actual voters . The S . G . also fixes the number of officers , their functions , and prerogatives . Officers are always re-eligible . No members whose subscriptions are in arrear can take part in elections . Candidates for the Chair should be active , as well as subscribing members , in possessionfor at least a yearof the hihest degree the Lodge confers . The W . M . should
, , g always be selected from amongst the most capable and the most worthy . He ought to possess the following qualifications : —He should be a born or naturalized Frenchman—actually or civilly domiciled Avithin a circle of twenty kilom . of the Lodge—ancl should have belonged to the Lodge for at least a year . One man cannot hold two offices in the same Lodge , nor can he be President of more than one Lodge in the same degree at the same time . The Lodges have re-unions , the duties of which ai-3 fixed bthe Council . They call Lodges of Emergency in certain contingencies
y may specified in ( he Statutes General . In populous centres of Masonry , the Lodges should , where possible , be held in the same place to save expense , and to bring the brethren together so that they may learn to know and love each other . No -bye-law is valid without the sanction of the G . M . and Council . Each Lodge has an absolute right of discipline over all its members , and over all Masons who participate in its proceedings . In case of hallottiny for initiation , all regular Masons present may vote .
PEES GENERAL AND PARTICULAR . Fees for initiations aud collations to clivers grades are abolished , but they are still required for charters of constitution and certificates of membership . Henceforth the Lodges will make to the G . O . two annual payments , the one permanent ancl the other temporary . The permanent contribution will be the same for all the Lodges ; but the temporary contribution will be proportioned to the number of members in each Lodge . The permanent annual fee to the G . O . is fixed at 100 francs ( 4 ? . 3 * 4 _ d . \
. for each Lodge , whatever the degree may be . The temporary fee to which the Lodges are subject is thus regulated : —under 40 members 75 francs , under 70 members 120 francs , under 100 members 150 francs , and above 100 members 200 francs per aim . These fees are called temporary , because they will cease to be enforced when the debts of the G . O . are paid . When this is done , the entire buildings and other properly of the G . O . will be vested in the Lodges , under its jurisdiction . These transitory fees came into operation March 1 , 1355 , ancl all Lodges not complying with the
regulations Avill be suspended . All previous constitutions , so far as they are not in harmony with the above , are hereby abrogated . Copies of this document have been sent to the Lodges . It was considered , approved , and unanimously adopted in the general assembly of the Convent Constituent , Oct 28 , 1854 , and is signed by the " President of Constitution Commission , " G . E . Gout des Martres , Rapporteur ; and it was declared in force by Prince Lucieii Murat , the G . M ., stamped and registered by the Chief Secretary , P . Claude .
Masonic Intelligence.
GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . THK regular quarterly communication was held in Freemasons' Hall , on the 5 th of September , there being an unusually small attendance of G . Officers . Amongst those present , we noticed Br . John Fawcett , P . G . M . for Durham , who officiated as G . M . ; Br . H . R . Willett , P . G . M . for Dorsetshire , as D . G . M . ; Cliev . Heber , as S . W . _ Br . H . Lloyd , as J . W . ; Br . Tomkins , S . G . D . ; - Br . J . ]} . King , as J . G . D . ; Brs . J . E . Cox , and Ed . Moore , G . Chaplains . Br . G . Elkington , G . P ., Br . Rawson , Pl . G . M . for China ; Br . Dr . Howe , P . G . W . ; Br . John Hervey , P . G . D . ; Br . Potter , P . G . D . ;