Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 5 of 18 →
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Provincial Lodges.
blue sky , to enable them to decide whether it be a case of heartburn with the ducks and chickens or not . Secondly , it was discovered at the eleventh hour that the " Earl of Mount Edgecumbe , " was with his family at then- ancient seat of " Catebell . " What Avas to be done ? the noble Lord ' s steward had kindly given permission for the party to dine in the hall —( the great treat of the day)—but as his Lordship and family were there , an intrusion on their privacy was not to be thought of , without special permission from his Lordship himself . Brother P . M . Call
immediately volunteered to wait on his Lordship , and present a memorial from the Lodge , praying that the same kindness might be accorded on this , as had been on previous years . We need not say , P . M . Call was received with all the kindness ancl urbanity which characterise his Lordship , and intercourse with his tenantry . His Lordship expressed in the most pleasing terms his happiness at being enabled to conduce to that of others . This trouble being over , there remained only the Aveather , but with that P . M . Call was powerless , and nothing could be done better than hope
it would clear in time . The morning came , and Avith it clouds and rain , till eight o'clock , after which time it gradually lightened , and by the period appointed —( " The sun always shines on Freemasonry )"—old Sol burst forth , and gave prospect of a beautiful day . The party , a small one of about ninety , landed at " Catebell , " where they did ample justice to Br . Killingley's good things . After the cloth was drawn , the W-M ., Br . W . R . Phillips , gaA'e the Queen and the Craft , which was responded to with the loyalty which marks the noble Order . The " Earl ancl Countess of Mount Edgcumbe , " having been given , was received with loud cheers ,
and a speech was made expressive of the gratitude felt by the members of 122 , and their friends , for the treat afforded by the noble lord aud lady . The ladies were represented by that ]) ink of politeness and ladies' mail , the Senior Warden , who , in a speech of wit and humour , did ample justice to the fair ones who graced the hall with their presence ; finally expressing a Avish that at the next annual excursion he should only be called on to answer for one lady , and not " The Ladies . " The afternoon was spent in dancing . Tea Avas served about five o'clock , and at seven , the steamer started for the "Weir
Head , " returning to Mill Bay Pier about nine o ' clock , after one of the most delightful days it has been our lot to enjoy . On the Sth of August , the Lodge again met , and balloted for Br . Lieut . Edmund Joseph Squire , who was unanimously received with much pleasure by the brethren . An emergency meeting also took place on August 20 , when Br . John Andrews , Surgeon of H . M . S . Alarm , was passed to the degree of a fellow craft , by the W . M ., in a manner that should make many of our purple friends look to their laurels . Lodge
closed in peace and harmony at 8 . 45 , the brethren retiring to refreshment , thence to their homes at a seasonable hour . LODGE HARMONY , PLYIHOUTII ( 182 ) . —This flourishing Lodge held its monthly meeting on the first Monday in September , Avhen two brethren Avere raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., ancl two gentlemen initiated . The ceremonies were performed by the W . M ., ( Br . Earl ) Avith good effect , Business over , the brethren adjourned to partake of an excellent supper , supplied by Br . Watts , ( in his usual good style ) . A very pleasant evening was spent , and the brethren retired early .
DURHAM . LODGE OP INDUSTRA ' , GATESHEAD ( NO . 56 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge , held on Monday , 27 th of August , it was unanimously resolved , on the motion of Br . E . D . Davis , P . M ., seconded by Br . Octa \ 'ius Bell , to make a further donation of £ 10 10 * . to the Royal Freemasons' Charity for Female Children—this being the second donation from the Lodge to that institution . LANCASHIRE .
LODGE OF FIDELITY , BLACKBURN ( No . 33 C . )—This Lodge held its regular Lodge-night , on Friday , the 31 st of August , at the Angel Inn , King-street , the W . M ., Br . W . Thwaites ( West Bank ) presiding , assisted by Brs . Whewell , S . W . . and Yates , J . W . Several matters of business being transacted , the brethren present abl y worked the first degree , and afterwards adjourned , and separated at an early hour , after passing a very pleasant evening .
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Provincial Lodges.
blue sky , to enable them to decide whether it be a case of heartburn with the ducks and chickens or not . Secondly , it was discovered at the eleventh hour that the " Earl of Mount Edgecumbe , " was with his family at then- ancient seat of " Catebell . " What Avas to be done ? the noble Lord ' s steward had kindly given permission for the party to dine in the hall —( the great treat of the day)—but as his Lordship and family were there , an intrusion on their privacy was not to be thought of , without special permission from his Lordship himself . Brother P . M . Call
immediately volunteered to wait on his Lordship , and present a memorial from the Lodge , praying that the same kindness might be accorded on this , as had been on previous years . We need not say , P . M . Call was received with all the kindness ancl urbanity which characterise his Lordship , and intercourse with his tenantry . His Lordship expressed in the most pleasing terms his happiness at being enabled to conduce to that of others . This trouble being over , there remained only the Aveather , but with that P . M . Call was powerless , and nothing could be done better than hope
it would clear in time . The morning came , and Avith it clouds and rain , till eight o'clock , after which time it gradually lightened , and by the period appointed —( " The sun always shines on Freemasonry )"—old Sol burst forth , and gave prospect of a beautiful day . The party , a small one of about ninety , landed at " Catebell , " where they did ample justice to Br . Killingley's good things . After the cloth was drawn , the W-M ., Br . W . R . Phillips , gaA'e the Queen and the Craft , which was responded to with the loyalty which marks the noble Order . The " Earl ancl Countess of Mount Edgcumbe , " having been given , was received with loud cheers ,
and a speech was made expressive of the gratitude felt by the members of 122 , and their friends , for the treat afforded by the noble lord aud lady . The ladies were represented by that ]) ink of politeness and ladies' mail , the Senior Warden , who , in a speech of wit and humour , did ample justice to the fair ones who graced the hall with their presence ; finally expressing a Avish that at the next annual excursion he should only be called on to answer for one lady , and not " The Ladies . " The afternoon was spent in dancing . Tea Avas served about five o'clock , and at seven , the steamer started for the "Weir
Head , " returning to Mill Bay Pier about nine o ' clock , after one of the most delightful days it has been our lot to enjoy . On the Sth of August , the Lodge again met , and balloted for Br . Lieut . Edmund Joseph Squire , who was unanimously received with much pleasure by the brethren . An emergency meeting also took place on August 20 , when Br . John Andrews , Surgeon of H . M . S . Alarm , was passed to the degree of a fellow craft , by the W . M ., in a manner that should make many of our purple friends look to their laurels . Lodge
closed in peace and harmony at 8 . 45 , the brethren retiring to refreshment , thence to their homes at a seasonable hour . LODGE HARMONY , PLYIHOUTII ( 182 ) . —This flourishing Lodge held its monthly meeting on the first Monday in September , Avhen two brethren Avere raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., ancl two gentlemen initiated . The ceremonies were performed by the W . M ., ( Br . Earl ) Avith good effect , Business over , the brethren adjourned to partake of an excellent supper , supplied by Br . Watts , ( in his usual good style ) . A very pleasant evening was spent , and the brethren retired early .
DURHAM . LODGE OP INDUSTRA ' , GATESHEAD ( NO . 56 ) . —At a meeting of this Lodge , held on Monday , 27 th of August , it was unanimously resolved , on the motion of Br . E . D . Davis , P . M ., seconded by Br . Octa \ 'ius Bell , to make a further donation of £ 10 10 * . to the Royal Freemasons' Charity for Female Children—this being the second donation from the Lodge to that institution . LANCASHIRE .
LODGE OF FIDELITY , BLACKBURN ( No . 33 C . )—This Lodge held its regular Lodge-night , on Friday , the 31 st of August , at the Angel Inn , King-street , the W . M ., Br . W . Thwaites ( West Bank ) presiding , assisted by Brs . Whewell , S . W . . and Yates , J . W . Several matters of business being transacted , the brethren present abl y worked the first degree , and afterwards adjourned , and separated at an early hour , after passing a very pleasant evening .