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TO THE TRADE . The trade are requested to notice , that in future the " Masonic Mirror" will be published at No . 2 , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street . TO CORRESPONDENTS .
Our correspondents are earnestly requested to address their future communications to the editor , to No . 2 , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street . Bv . Barton will continue to receive advertisements at his office , 2 , Upper Wellington-street , Strand , as usual . We are requested to state that Br . the Rev . J . E . Cox , the G . Chaplain , has no connection with the " Freemason ' s Monthly Magazine , " and that he has not had any
conneetinn with it . since March last . O . P . —Edmund Kean . the tragedian , was a Freemason , and teas initialed in St . Mark ' s Lo'lge , Glasgow , in 1817 , B . J . S . —We should say not . H . ' !' . —Let us see the paper . A . B . C ., York . —Foi . are eligible to sit in G . Lodge . Br . F ., No . 389 , Carlisle . — . 4 Provincial G . Lolge is held in the first degree . The Provincial Grand Officers hold their offices until their successors are appointedand the
, P . G . M . or his Deputy , does not de his duty if he does not hold a G . Lodge , and appoint : new officers annually . We should think thai the P . G . L . of Cumberland must he on the eve of being hrtd . The G . M . of the Province , Sir James Graham , has not done his duly for years ; and , were strict justice done , he would have been Itm * since removed . One Br ., whom we believe to be a sincere Mason , was deprived of his office of P . G . M . for being too zealous , and we could wish that the principle was carried ct hull further , and those P . G . M's . dismissed who do not attend to their dutiesCumberland and Sussex would thenere long
; , , have new G . M's . So soon as iue see this system put in operation , we will readily assist the G . M . by pointing out ufew more who never attend to the duties they have undertaken . B . B ., Dorsetshire , asfe whether equal justice is meted out to all the brethren , and whether , if Br . Tucker ions properly deprived of his office of P . G . M . fur advocating Knight Templarism , Lord Leigh can be permitted to hold the office of G . M . for Warwickshire , he
being the Master of an illegal Lodge of Mark Masons not even holding a Charter from the body they profess to xcork under—the G . Chapter of Scot / and . ADOLPIIUS . —YOU are too young . Ko person is admitted into the Order in England until he is Iwenty-one years of age , excepting by spwial dispensation , which we do not see any reason , for being granted in your case . Were you about to proceed abroad in the service of your country , and wished to be made a Mason before leaving , there would he good ground for a dispensation being applied for , and- it would , no doubt , be readily granted . R . S . S . should explain , himself al greater length . We do not understand the question .
A YOUNO MASON . —The book to which you allude is a vile imposture . EDWARD L , MANCHESTER . — Preston ' s Illustrations of Freemasonry may be obtained of Br . Spencer , High Holborn . In our opinion , it would be a great improvement if every Lodge had a Masonic Library attached to it . AN OLD P . M . will have no reason to complain in the coming season . The Freemasons ' Tavern is undergoing repairs , and being most elegantly decorated throughout the whole of the rooms . JAMES R . —Where aud ivhen were you initiated ?
Through accident the last portion of the letter of Comp . Gaylor in last month ' s " Mirror , " was put to press without being corrected . Amongst other errors apparent to the reader , the name of Brother Massey Dawson teas rendered Br . Brassey Dawson . Absence from England prevented our exercising our usual supervision on the occasion . BLACKBURN . —7 K consequence of the change in our Publishing Office , from Wellington St . to No . 2 , Red Lion Court , Fleet St ., the communication of our Blackburn Correspondent , and perhaps those of others also , lias gone astray . R . S . is too personal . We cannot publish Libels for the gratification of private spleen . We do not know where you can get a list of Knight Templar ' Encampments , but will make inquiry on the subject .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO THE TRADE . The trade are requested to notice , that in future the " Masonic Mirror" will be published at No . 2 , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street . TO CORRESPONDENTS .
Our correspondents are earnestly requested to address their future communications to the editor , to No . 2 , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street . Bv . Barton will continue to receive advertisements at his office , 2 , Upper Wellington-street , Strand , as usual . We are requested to state that Br . the Rev . J . E . Cox , the G . Chaplain , has no connection with the " Freemason ' s Monthly Magazine , " and that he has not had any
conneetinn with it . since March last . O . P . —Edmund Kean . the tragedian , was a Freemason , and teas initialed in St . Mark ' s Lo'lge , Glasgow , in 1817 , B . J . S . —We should say not . H . ' !' . —Let us see the paper . A . B . C ., York . —Foi . are eligible to sit in G . Lodge . Br . F ., No . 389 , Carlisle . — . 4 Provincial G . Lolge is held in the first degree . The Provincial Grand Officers hold their offices until their successors are appointedand the
, P . G . M . or his Deputy , does not de his duty if he does not hold a G . Lodge , and appoint : new officers annually . We should think thai the P . G . L . of Cumberland must he on the eve of being hrtd . The G . M . of the Province , Sir James Graham , has not done his duly for years ; and , were strict justice done , he would have been Itm * since removed . One Br ., whom we believe to be a sincere Mason , was deprived of his office of P . G . M . for being too zealous , and we could wish that the principle was carried ct hull further , and those P . G . M's . dismissed who do not attend to their dutiesCumberland and Sussex would thenere long
; , , have new G . M's . So soon as iue see this system put in operation , we will readily assist the G . M . by pointing out ufew more who never attend to the duties they have undertaken . B . B ., Dorsetshire , asfe whether equal justice is meted out to all the brethren , and whether , if Br . Tucker ions properly deprived of his office of P . G . M . fur advocating Knight Templarism , Lord Leigh can be permitted to hold the office of G . M . for Warwickshire , he
being the Master of an illegal Lodge of Mark Masons not even holding a Charter from the body they profess to xcork under—the G . Chapter of Scot / and . ADOLPIIUS . —YOU are too young . Ko person is admitted into the Order in England until he is Iwenty-one years of age , excepting by spwial dispensation , which we do not see any reason , for being granted in your case . Were you about to proceed abroad in the service of your country , and wished to be made a Mason before leaving , there would he good ground for a dispensation being applied for , and- it would , no doubt , be readily granted . R . S . S . should explain , himself al greater length . We do not understand the question .
A YOUNO MASON . —The book to which you allude is a vile imposture . EDWARD L , MANCHESTER . — Preston ' s Illustrations of Freemasonry may be obtained of Br . Spencer , High Holborn . In our opinion , it would be a great improvement if every Lodge had a Masonic Library attached to it . AN OLD P . M . will have no reason to complain in the coming season . The Freemasons ' Tavern is undergoing repairs , and being most elegantly decorated throughout the whole of the rooms . JAMES R . —Where aud ivhen were you initiated ?
Through accident the last portion of the letter of Comp . Gaylor in last month ' s " Mirror , " was put to press without being corrected . Amongst other errors apparent to the reader , the name of Brother Massey Dawson teas rendered Br . Brassey Dawson . Absence from England prevented our exercising our usual supervision on the occasion . BLACKBURN . —7 K consequence of the change in our Publishing Office , from Wellington St . to No . 2 , Red Lion Court , Fleet St ., the communication of our Blackburn Correspondent , and perhaps those of others also , lias gone astray . R . S . is too personal . We cannot publish Libels for the gratification of private spleen . We do not know where you can get a list of Knight Templar ' Encampments , but will make inquiry on the subject .