Article OUR CHARITIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Our Charities.
IT IS Avith pleasure we observe that a reform in the dress of the children of the Girls' School , which AVC have been advocating—in the pages of this publication , and before its establishment through tbe columns of the JEm newspaper—for the last three years , is at length to be carried into effect . Tbe children are no longer to be decorated with a pauper ' s badge upon the arm , and their dress is to he so modernised , that no one will be
enabled to look upon the children of our brethren and consider them as the mere inmates of a charity school , which , Ave maintain , the Freemasons ' Girls' School has no right to be designated—it being merely and truly the result of the provident habits of the brethren , Avho in their days of prosperity thus provide for the children of themselves or their less fortunate brethrenshould circumstances in after-life require it . We regret
, , however , that the reform is not carried to the extent we should ivish , inasmuch as the children are still to have a distinctive badge in the form of a medal to be ivorn by a ribbon round their neck : and our regret here is not so much founded on our objection to a medal , Avhich can at any time be thrown aside AA'hen the children are away from the school , as to
the fact that we believe it -will have the effect of lowering in the eyes of the children the value of that medal which is UOAV annually presented to one of them for good conduct and proficiency in her studies . Any such lowering of its value must be detrimental to the efficiency of the school , and AVC trust the committee -will reconsider that portion of the arrangement , Avith the view of rather increasing than depreciating the value of a
decoration which should be regarded as one of honour , and not one to be worn as a matter of course to distinguish the children of our school from those of others . We are glad to hear that various economical arrangements are being made in the conduct of the household department of the school , AA'here it would appear , notwithstanding all that has been said of its matrons , the
superintendence of a Soyer is required ; great waste having been allowed lo prevail , both through tlie nature of the joints purchased , and the want M M
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Our Charities.
IT IS Avith pleasure we observe that a reform in the dress of the children of the Girls' School , which AVC have been advocating—in the pages of this publication , and before its establishment through tbe columns of the JEm newspaper—for the last three years , is at length to be carried into effect . Tbe children are no longer to be decorated with a pauper ' s badge upon the arm , and their dress is to he so modernised , that no one will be
enabled to look upon the children of our brethren and consider them as the mere inmates of a charity school , which , Ave maintain , the Freemasons ' Girls' School has no right to be designated—it being merely and truly the result of the provident habits of the brethren , Avho in their days of prosperity thus provide for the children of themselves or their less fortunate brethrenshould circumstances in after-life require it . We regret
, , however , that the reform is not carried to the extent we should ivish , inasmuch as the children are still to have a distinctive badge in the form of a medal to be ivorn by a ribbon round their neck : and our regret here is not so much founded on our objection to a medal , Avhich can at any time be thrown aside AA'hen the children are away from the school , as to
the fact that we believe it -will have the effect of lowering in the eyes of the children the value of that medal which is UOAV annually presented to one of them for good conduct and proficiency in her studies . Any such lowering of its value must be detrimental to the efficiency of the school , and AVC trust the committee -will reconsider that portion of the arrangement , Avith the view of rather increasing than depreciating the value of a
decoration which should be regarded as one of honour , and not one to be worn as a matter of course to distinguish the children of our school from those of others . We are glad to hear that various economical arrangements are being made in the conduct of the household department of the school , AA'here it would appear , notwithstanding all that has been said of its matrons , the
superintendence of a Soyer is required ; great waste having been allowed lo prevail , both through tlie nature of the joints purchased , and the want M M