Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
GIHON LODGE ( No . 57 ) . —This Lodge met for the first time this season , at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge , under the able presidency of Br . Geo . England , W . M . In the course of the evening . Captain Coote , of the Amazon , was duly initiated info the Order , Br . Huffeld passed as a Fellow-craft , and Captain Longden , of the Turkish Contingent , raised to the third degree . The labours of the evening were succeeded by a very elegant banquet—harmony reigning supreme throughout the whole of the proceedings .
ROYAL NAVAL LODGE ( No . 70 ) . —The members of this Lodge met for the first time since the recess , on the 10 th inst . The W . M ., Br . Burden , presided , but the business was merely formal , and the attendance of the brethren very limited . LODGE OF UNITY ( NO . 82 ) . —If a good beginning is an earnest of success , then the first meeting of this Lodge at the London Tavern , on the 1 st October , promises a brilliant season for this ancient and respectable Lodge . We observed among the many brethren presentBrs . J . E . CoxGrand ChaplainJ . Mott ThearleSleih .
, , , , g , Stearns , Pitman , Dunsford , Tickers , Anderson , Webb , J . Robins , from Rotterdam , F . Robins and Porter . In the absence of the WM . Br . A . L . Bellinger , two raisings were most ably performed by Br . Stearns , P . M ., and the Lodge duties were conducted with the correctness for which this Lodge is celebrated . Our wonderment to a certain extent ceases , when we find so excellent a Mason as the Grand Chaplain acting as Secretary , and " all things by turns , " taking the offices of Master Warden , or Inner Guard should occasion require it . At 6 p . m . the brethren adjourned from
labour to refreshment , and proceeded to a banquet furnished in the most recherche style by Br . Bathe . The appearance the table presented when the brethren were seated , was most effective—a massive candelabra with clusters of wax lights—vasesfilled with choice flowers dotting the whole length of the table , ancl last not least , the appearance of the brethren , who from being many of them Provincial Grand Officers , presented an effect in purple and gold most pleasing to the eye . To paraphrase some part of Byron ' s Sennacherib , we may say or sing of the W . M . and his Officers , that they were
" Gleaming in purple and gold , And their Jewels shone bright as the Stars o ' er the Sea When the Blue waves roll nightly o ' er deep Galilee . " The wines were excellent , and the viands varied and choice—illustrating by their plenty , Sidney Smith ' s shrewd reading of " Man wants but little here below
, As Beef , Pork , Venison , Lamb and Mutton shew . " The banquet was presided over by Br . John Mott Thearle , P . M . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed " The Queen and the Craft , "— and eloquently enumerated the varied virtues , public and domestic , which endeared Her Majesty to the people . He coupled with it , "The Craft , "—a Craft in which there was as little guile as would be found in any human institution . The usual toasts of the evening ; to
that of the Earl of Yarborough , Br . J . E . Cox replied , and expressed his deep regret at the illness of the D . G . M ., prayed that it mi ght please the G . A . of the Universe to return our valued D . G . M . to the health so necessary to his own enjoyment of life , and to the large circle- of loving friends and brethren , who , sympathising in the cause ,, so regret his absence from Masonry . The enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced by the excellent signing of many of the brethren—viz ., Brs . Porter , Winsdale , Watts and Thearle . The glee of ' 'All ' s well , " by the two latter , deserves ' . honourable
mention .- " As the small hours came along , the brethren departed , carrying with them another pleasing recollection of the pleasures of Old Unity . VITRUVIAN LODGE ( NO . 103 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , held at the White-Hart Tavern , College Street , Lambeth , on the 10 th October , Messrs . Thos . Oakley ,. Thos . W . Morris , and Wm . Friend , were duly initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Freemasomy . The W . M . Br . N . Maudsley , presided , and it is therefore needless to say , the whole of the ceremonies were most ably performed . TEMPLE LODGE ( NO . 118 ) . —This Lodge met for the first time this season , at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Intelligence.
GIHON LODGE ( No . 57 ) . —This Lodge met for the first time this season , at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge , under the able presidency of Br . Geo . England , W . M . In the course of the evening . Captain Coote , of the Amazon , was duly initiated info the Order , Br . Huffeld passed as a Fellow-craft , and Captain Longden , of the Turkish Contingent , raised to the third degree . The labours of the evening were succeeded by a very elegant banquet—harmony reigning supreme throughout the whole of the proceedings .
ROYAL NAVAL LODGE ( No . 70 ) . —The members of this Lodge met for the first time since the recess , on the 10 th inst . The W . M ., Br . Burden , presided , but the business was merely formal , and the attendance of the brethren very limited . LODGE OF UNITY ( NO . 82 ) . —If a good beginning is an earnest of success , then the first meeting of this Lodge at the London Tavern , on the 1 st October , promises a brilliant season for this ancient and respectable Lodge . We observed among the many brethren presentBrs . J . E . CoxGrand ChaplainJ . Mott ThearleSleih .
, , , , g , Stearns , Pitman , Dunsford , Tickers , Anderson , Webb , J . Robins , from Rotterdam , F . Robins and Porter . In the absence of the WM . Br . A . L . Bellinger , two raisings were most ably performed by Br . Stearns , P . M ., and the Lodge duties were conducted with the correctness for which this Lodge is celebrated . Our wonderment to a certain extent ceases , when we find so excellent a Mason as the Grand Chaplain acting as Secretary , and " all things by turns , " taking the offices of Master Warden , or Inner Guard should occasion require it . At 6 p . m . the brethren adjourned from
labour to refreshment , and proceeded to a banquet furnished in the most recherche style by Br . Bathe . The appearance the table presented when the brethren were seated , was most effective—a massive candelabra with clusters of wax lights—vasesfilled with choice flowers dotting the whole length of the table , ancl last not least , the appearance of the brethren , who from being many of them Provincial Grand Officers , presented an effect in purple and gold most pleasing to the eye . To paraphrase some part of Byron ' s Sennacherib , we may say or sing of the W . M . and his Officers , that they were
" Gleaming in purple and gold , And their Jewels shone bright as the Stars o ' er the Sea When the Blue waves roll nightly o ' er deep Galilee . " The wines were excellent , and the viands varied and choice—illustrating by their plenty , Sidney Smith ' s shrewd reading of " Man wants but little here below
, As Beef , Pork , Venison , Lamb and Mutton shew . " The banquet was presided over by Br . John Mott Thearle , P . M . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed " The Queen and the Craft , "— and eloquently enumerated the varied virtues , public and domestic , which endeared Her Majesty to the people . He coupled with it , "The Craft , "—a Craft in which there was as little guile as would be found in any human institution . The usual toasts of the evening ; to
that of the Earl of Yarborough , Br . J . E . Cox replied , and expressed his deep regret at the illness of the D . G . M ., prayed that it mi ght please the G . A . of the Universe to return our valued D . G . M . to the health so necessary to his own enjoyment of life , and to the large circle- of loving friends and brethren , who , sympathising in the cause ,, so regret his absence from Masonry . The enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced by the excellent signing of many of the brethren—viz ., Brs . Porter , Winsdale , Watts and Thearle . The glee of ' 'All ' s well , " by the two latter , deserves ' . honourable
mention .- " As the small hours came along , the brethren departed , carrying with them another pleasing recollection of the pleasures of Old Unity . VITRUVIAN LODGE ( NO . 103 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , held at the White-Hart Tavern , College Street , Lambeth , on the 10 th October , Messrs . Thos . Oakley ,. Thos . W . Morris , and Wm . Friend , were duly initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Freemasomy . The W . M . Br . N . Maudsley , presided , and it is therefore needless to say , the whole of the ceremonies were most ably performed . TEMPLE LODGE ( NO . 118 ) . —This Lodge met for the first time this season , at