Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 7 of 14 →
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Provincial Lodges.
Superintendent of Works ; Br . John Smith , P . G ., Organist ; Br . Mark Douglas , P . G . B . ; Br . Geo . Brown , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Wm . Martin Laws , P . G . Tyler . A Steward each was also appointed from six of the Lodges , named by the R . W . P . G . M . There was a large attendance from all parts of the county , and Stockton and Hartlepool were , as we are informed , especially well represented . The brethren , to the number of upwards of 100 , afterwards dined together at the
Palatine Lodge-room , Bridge Hotel , the R . W . P . G . M . John Fawcutt in the chair , supported by Br . Henry Feuwick , M . P ., Br . R . T . Wilkinson , Dr . Saville , and others of the staunchest and most honoured members of the Fraternity from different Lodges in the province . It need scarcely be stated that the evening was spent in tho most agreeable manner , the proceedings being marked by that loyalty , warmth of feeling , and mutual respect , which are recognised as the inviolable characteristics of the Craft . The annual ball , which was held at tlie Lodge-room in the evening , was well attended , ancl afforded the members of the Craft , ancl a few others who joined the party , an agreeable opportunity of gratifying their relatives or friends of the fairer sex with an evening ' s amusement of a very choice and well-regulated character .
HAMPSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Grand Lodge of Hampshire held its annual meeting this year at Southampton , and assembled at the Masonic Hall , Bugle-street , on Tuesday , August 25 . The R . W . G . M . of the Province , Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., presided , supported on the right by Br . Thomas Willis Fleming , of Stoneham , P . G . M . of the Isle of Wight ,
and his Deputy Br . Hyde Pullen , ancl Grand Lodge ; and on his left by Br . Charles Ewens Deacon , D . P . G . M ., and the Grand Lodge of Hampshire . The body of the hall was filled with the W . M ' s ., officers , and brethren of the twelve private Lodges of Hants . The usual Masonic business was transacted after an admirable opening address from the G . M ., the petitions for relief heard , and sums varying from £ 1 to £ 5 voted . The town of Portsea was selected for the assembling of the Grand Lodge next year . The Treasurer ' s accounts passedhaving a balance in hand of i £ 197 and
, , the following officers were duly invested for the ensuing year : —Brs . H . M . Emanuel , P . M ., 428 , S . G . W . ; Edwin Low , P . M ., 319 , J . G . W . ; Rev . T . T . Haverfield , P . M ., 555 , G . C . ; Alfred Heather , W . M ., 319 and 387 , G . Treas . ; Jarvis Tibbets , G . Registrar . ; J . Ranking Stebbing , P . M ., 152 and 555 , and Thomas Norcross Firmin , P . M ., 152 , G . Sees . ; J . J . Gait , W . M ., 717 , S . G . D . ; Geo . Martin , W . M ., 555 , J . G . D . ; II . Abraham , S . W ., 152 , Supt . of Works ; Thomas Slade , W . M ., 428 , Dir . of Cer . ; Batchelor , 717 , Assist , ditto ; Stening , 387 , G . Pursuivant ;
Webb , 152 , Standard Bearer ; S . R . Everitt , S . W ., 90 , Sword Bearer ; Hiles , G . Organist ; Pearce , 152 , Woolven , 319 , Swayne , 387 , Geo . Drysdale , 555 , Rake , 717 , Totterdell , 428 , Stewards ; Bannister , P . M ., 428 ; George Lockyer , 152 , G . Tylers . The P . G . L . having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to dinner , which was laid in the audit-room of the corporation , the use of which had been granted by his Worship the Mayor ; about sixty brethren were present .
The cloth having been removed , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts duly honoured , the R . W . P . G . M . gave " The health of their honoured guest , Br . Fleming , R . W . P . G . M . of the Isle of Wight , " who , as the representative of an ancient family so long seated in the county , was well known to them all . He included also in the toast , the Deputy of the Isle , Br . Pullen . Br . Fleming , in acknowledgment , said it afforded him the greatest pleasure to attend the annual meeting of the provincebesidesthat the ' friendshi
; , many years p between himself and Sir Lucius Curtis afforded him additional gratification in being present on this occasion in Southampton . The vast advances in prosperity the town had made were unexampled ; and from its port were transmitted the enormous supplies of men and materiel for the great contest in the Crimea . He concluded by giving , by desire of the P . G . M ., " The Allied Forces in the East . " Br . Pullen said , the kindness with which he had been received , and the intellectual
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Provincial Lodges.
Superintendent of Works ; Br . John Smith , P . G ., Organist ; Br . Mark Douglas , P . G . B . ; Br . Geo . Brown , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Wm . Martin Laws , P . G . Tyler . A Steward each was also appointed from six of the Lodges , named by the R . W . P . G . M . There was a large attendance from all parts of the county , and Stockton and Hartlepool were , as we are informed , especially well represented . The brethren , to the number of upwards of 100 , afterwards dined together at the
Palatine Lodge-room , Bridge Hotel , the R . W . P . G . M . John Fawcutt in the chair , supported by Br . Henry Feuwick , M . P ., Br . R . T . Wilkinson , Dr . Saville , and others of the staunchest and most honoured members of the Fraternity from different Lodges in the province . It need scarcely be stated that the evening was spent in tho most agreeable manner , the proceedings being marked by that loyalty , warmth of feeling , and mutual respect , which are recognised as the inviolable characteristics of the Craft . The annual ball , which was held at tlie Lodge-room in the evening , was well attended , ancl afforded the members of the Craft , ancl a few others who joined the party , an agreeable opportunity of gratifying their relatives or friends of the fairer sex with an evening ' s amusement of a very choice and well-regulated character .
HAMPSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Grand Lodge of Hampshire held its annual meeting this year at Southampton , and assembled at the Masonic Hall , Bugle-street , on Tuesday , August 25 . The R . W . G . M . of the Province , Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., presided , supported on the right by Br . Thomas Willis Fleming , of Stoneham , P . G . M . of the Isle of Wight ,
and his Deputy Br . Hyde Pullen , ancl Grand Lodge ; and on his left by Br . Charles Ewens Deacon , D . P . G . M ., and the Grand Lodge of Hampshire . The body of the hall was filled with the W . M ' s ., officers , and brethren of the twelve private Lodges of Hants . The usual Masonic business was transacted after an admirable opening address from the G . M ., the petitions for relief heard , and sums varying from £ 1 to £ 5 voted . The town of Portsea was selected for the assembling of the Grand Lodge next year . The Treasurer ' s accounts passedhaving a balance in hand of i £ 197 and
, , the following officers were duly invested for the ensuing year : —Brs . H . M . Emanuel , P . M ., 428 , S . G . W . ; Edwin Low , P . M ., 319 , J . G . W . ; Rev . T . T . Haverfield , P . M ., 555 , G . C . ; Alfred Heather , W . M ., 319 and 387 , G . Treas . ; Jarvis Tibbets , G . Registrar . ; J . Ranking Stebbing , P . M ., 152 and 555 , and Thomas Norcross Firmin , P . M ., 152 , G . Sees . ; J . J . Gait , W . M ., 717 , S . G . D . ; Geo . Martin , W . M ., 555 , J . G . D . ; II . Abraham , S . W ., 152 , Supt . of Works ; Thomas Slade , W . M ., 428 , Dir . of Cer . ; Batchelor , 717 , Assist , ditto ; Stening , 387 , G . Pursuivant ;
Webb , 152 , Standard Bearer ; S . R . Everitt , S . W ., 90 , Sword Bearer ; Hiles , G . Organist ; Pearce , 152 , Woolven , 319 , Swayne , 387 , Geo . Drysdale , 555 , Rake , 717 , Totterdell , 428 , Stewards ; Bannister , P . M ., 428 ; George Lockyer , 152 , G . Tylers . The P . G . L . having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to dinner , which was laid in the audit-room of the corporation , the use of which had been granted by his Worship the Mayor ; about sixty brethren were present .
The cloth having been removed , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts duly honoured , the R . W . P . G . M . gave " The health of their honoured guest , Br . Fleming , R . W . P . G . M . of the Isle of Wight , " who , as the representative of an ancient family so long seated in the county , was well known to them all . He included also in the toast , the Deputy of the Isle , Br . Pullen . Br . Fleming , in acknowledgment , said it afforded him the greatest pleasure to attend the annual meeting of the provincebesidesthat the ' friendshi
; , many years p between himself and Sir Lucius Curtis afforded him additional gratification in being present on this occasion in Southampton . The vast advances in prosperity the town had made were unexampled ; and from its port were transmitted the enormous supplies of men and materiel for the great contest in the Crimea . He concluded by giving , by desire of the P . G . M ., " The Allied Forces in the East . " Br . Pullen said , the kindness with which he had been received , and the intellectual