Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 9 of 14 →
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Provincial Lodges.
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . POMFRET LODGE , NORTHAMPTON ( No . 403 . )—Tlie brethren of this flourishing Loclge , held at the George Hotel , re-assembled after tho summer recess , on Thursday , the 4 th ult ., Br . John Whiteman , W . M ., presiding , when Mr . F . W . Bowman , of the Northamptonshire Militia , and Mr . W . Lenaan ' of Weedon , were nominated as fit and proper persons to become members of this ancient Order , ancl their names will bo submitted to the ballot at the next meeting of the Lodge , to be held on the second Thursday in the present month , and not on the first Thursday , as usual .
NORTHUMBERLAND . FUNERAL OF THE LATE CAPTAIN FKNWICK . —On Monday , the 17 th September , were interred in Jesmond Cemetery , Newcastle-on-Tyne , the last mortal remains of Br . Geo . Fenwick , P . P . G ., Sword Bearer for Northumberland . A large number of tlie Masonic body , including the D . P . G . M ., paid a last mournful tribute to the memory of their departed and beloved brother by walking in procession to the grave . LODGEDE OGLEMORPETH ( NO 919 )—On Thursdaythe 13 th September
, , . . , , the brethren of this Lodge assembled in their Lodge-room at Mr . Pringles , the Black Bull Hotel , for the installation of Br . V . C . V . Surtees , the W . M . elect for the ensuing year . The interesting and impressive ceremony of installation was performed by Br . Wm . Dalziel , P . G . D . C for Northumberland , with his usual ability . Tlie installation ceremony concluded , the W . M . proceeded to appoint and invest the following brethren as officers , viz . : —Brs . Robert Shute , P . M . ; 'I . M . Henderson , S . W . ; Edward Stamford , J . W . ; R . Shute , Treasurer ; Robert King , Secretary ;
John Hutchinson , S . D . ; W . E . Franklin , J . D . ; Robert Tardy , S . S . ; Andrew Rutherford , J . S , ; John Orel , I . G . ; John Harrison , Tyler . Afterwards Br . Lieut . Henry Mitford , of Mitford Hall , who had been initiated in the Loclge Tolerance ( 784 ) received his second or Fellow -craft degree . The Lodge was then closed , when the brethren sat down to a sumptuous dinner , prepared for them by Mr . Pringle . The dessert comprised every delicacy , and the wines were of recherche ' quality . The W . M . presided on the occasion , supported on his right by Brs . Rich . Metcalf , D . P . G . M . for the province ; Wm . Dalziel , P . P . G . S . W . and P . G . D . C ; and Geo . Weatherheacl , P . P . G . J . W . ; and on his left by Brs . Robert Shute , P . G . J . D ., and P . M . DeOgle , 919 3 Wm . Berkley , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . S . Challoner , P . P . G . J . W ., and Wm . Johnson ,
P . P . G . J . W . The vice-chairs were ably filled by the S . W . and the J . AV . Amongst the brethren present were observed , Brs . John L , Donald , W . M ., 793 ; Lieut . Henry Mitford , H . M . 19 th Light Infantry ; W . E . Franklin , J . W . 56 ; Thos . Andrews , J . D . 50 ; Robert King , Secretary , 919 ; Robert Vardy , S . S . 919 ; and Robert Fisher , S . D . 70 G . The brethren did full justice to the ample spread , and , thanks having been returned , the cloth was removed , when the W . M . rising , said , he felt they were all loyal subjects . He begged to give "The health of Her
most gracious Majesty The Queen . " ( Cheers ) . The health of the Emperor of the French was then given by the W . M ., and warmly responded to . The W . M . again rose and sai'd , it gave him great pleasure to propose " The Army and Navy . " It was with peculiarly sympathetic feelings that he gave the toast on this occasion , for they had _ that day the honour of having among them a young officer , Br . Lieut . Henry Mitford , who had taken part in the adventurous campaign in the Crimea—( cheers)—who was just now recovering from wounds received at the battle of
Inkermann , and whose intention it was shortly to join again his brave comrades in the field—( cheers)—where they all , he was sure , wished that Providence might shield him from all dangers . He would give them the Army and Navy , coupling with the toast the health of Br . Lieut . Henry Mitford . ( Prolonged cheers . ) Br . Lieut . Mitford , on rising to reply , was greeted with enthusiastic cheers . He said he wished the task of returning thanks on behalf of the army and navy had devolved on one better qualified than he was . No doubt the army and navy had many claims on the country ' s gratitude , but that gratitude was freely given , and only those who had experienced it , knew how much the gratitude of those at home encouraged the soldier amid the cold and cheerless labor of the trenches . ( Hear , hear . ) He begged most
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Provincial Lodges.
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . POMFRET LODGE , NORTHAMPTON ( No . 403 . )—Tlie brethren of this flourishing Loclge , held at the George Hotel , re-assembled after tho summer recess , on Thursday , the 4 th ult ., Br . John Whiteman , W . M ., presiding , when Mr . F . W . Bowman , of the Northamptonshire Militia , and Mr . W . Lenaan ' of Weedon , were nominated as fit and proper persons to become members of this ancient Order , ancl their names will bo submitted to the ballot at the next meeting of the Lodge , to be held on the second Thursday in the present month , and not on the first Thursday , as usual .
NORTHUMBERLAND . FUNERAL OF THE LATE CAPTAIN FKNWICK . —On Monday , the 17 th September , were interred in Jesmond Cemetery , Newcastle-on-Tyne , the last mortal remains of Br . Geo . Fenwick , P . P . G ., Sword Bearer for Northumberland . A large number of tlie Masonic body , including the D . P . G . M ., paid a last mournful tribute to the memory of their departed and beloved brother by walking in procession to the grave . LODGEDE OGLEMORPETH ( NO 919 )—On Thursdaythe 13 th September
, , . . , , the brethren of this Lodge assembled in their Lodge-room at Mr . Pringles , the Black Bull Hotel , for the installation of Br . V . C . V . Surtees , the W . M . elect for the ensuing year . The interesting and impressive ceremony of installation was performed by Br . Wm . Dalziel , P . G . D . C for Northumberland , with his usual ability . Tlie installation ceremony concluded , the W . M . proceeded to appoint and invest the following brethren as officers , viz . : —Brs . Robert Shute , P . M . ; 'I . M . Henderson , S . W . ; Edward Stamford , J . W . ; R . Shute , Treasurer ; Robert King , Secretary ;
John Hutchinson , S . D . ; W . E . Franklin , J . D . ; Robert Tardy , S . S . ; Andrew Rutherford , J . S , ; John Orel , I . G . ; John Harrison , Tyler . Afterwards Br . Lieut . Henry Mitford , of Mitford Hall , who had been initiated in the Loclge Tolerance ( 784 ) received his second or Fellow -craft degree . The Lodge was then closed , when the brethren sat down to a sumptuous dinner , prepared for them by Mr . Pringle . The dessert comprised every delicacy , and the wines were of recherche ' quality . The W . M . presided on the occasion , supported on his right by Brs . Rich . Metcalf , D . P . G . M . for the province ; Wm . Dalziel , P . P . G . S . W . and P . G . D . C ; and Geo . Weatherheacl , P . P . G . J . W . ; and on his left by Brs . Robert Shute , P . G . J . D ., and P . M . DeOgle , 919 3 Wm . Berkley , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . S . Challoner , P . P . G . J . W ., and Wm . Johnson ,
P . P . G . J . W . The vice-chairs were ably filled by the S . W . and the J . AV . Amongst the brethren present were observed , Brs . John L , Donald , W . M ., 793 ; Lieut . Henry Mitford , H . M . 19 th Light Infantry ; W . E . Franklin , J . W . 56 ; Thos . Andrews , J . D . 50 ; Robert King , Secretary , 919 ; Robert Vardy , S . S . 919 ; and Robert Fisher , S . D . 70 G . The brethren did full justice to the ample spread , and , thanks having been returned , the cloth was removed , when the W . M . rising , said , he felt they were all loyal subjects . He begged to give "The health of Her
most gracious Majesty The Queen . " ( Cheers ) . The health of the Emperor of the French was then given by the W . M ., and warmly responded to . The W . M . again rose and sai'd , it gave him great pleasure to propose " The Army and Navy . " It was with peculiarly sympathetic feelings that he gave the toast on this occasion , for they had _ that day the honour of having among them a young officer , Br . Lieut . Henry Mitford , who had taken part in the adventurous campaign in the Crimea—( cheers)—who was just now recovering from wounds received at the battle of
Inkermann , and whose intention it was shortly to join again his brave comrades in the field—( cheers)—where they all , he was sure , wished that Providence might shield him from all dangers . He would give them the Army and Navy , coupling with the toast the health of Br . Lieut . Henry Mitford . ( Prolonged cheers . ) Br . Lieut . Mitford , on rising to reply , was greeted with enthusiastic cheers . He said he wished the task of returning thanks on behalf of the army and navy had devolved on one better qualified than he was . No doubt the army and navy had many claims on the country ' s gratitude , but that gratitude was freely given , and only those who had experienced it , knew how much the gratitude of those at home encouraged the soldier amid the cold and cheerless labor of the trenches . ( Hear , hear . ) He begged most