Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 12 of 14 →
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Provincial Lodges.
opened in due form , ancl the business of the Province disposed of . The following brethren were the P . G . officers appointed for the ensuing year : —Brs . Eyton , A- . AV . P . G . S . Warden ; AVood , A . W . P . G . J . Warden ; Rev . — Bently , V . AV . P . G Chaplain ; Rev . — Guise , A . AV . P . G . Chaplain ; White , V . AV . P . G . Treasurer ; Bloxham , V . AV . P . G . Registrar ; Wigan , V . AV . P . G . Secretary ; Burr , AV . P . G . S . Deacon ; Emerson , AA . P . G . J . Deacon ; Patchott , W . P . G . Superintendent of AA * orks ; Evett , W . P . G . Director of Cer . ; Randall , AV . A . P . Director of Cer . ; Anslow , AV . P . G .
Standard Bearer ; Hayden , W . P . G . Organist ; Beeche , AV . P . G . Pursuivant ; H . H . Bayley , John Francis , R . Maddock Williams , Aronson , W . Thomas , R . Pritchard , Holyhead , P . G . Stewards ; AV . Mallard , P . G . Tyler ; J . Cureton , P . G . Assist .-Tyler . The R . AV . P . G . Master intimated his intention to hold the next P . G . Lodge , about this time twelvemonth , at Holyhead . The Loclge having been closed , the brethren , in number about seventy , sat down to an excellent banquetfurnished by Br . Purcelland consisting of turtlevenison
, , , , and all the delicacies of the season , pines , melons , grapes , and other fruits , in abundance , and wines of the choicest vintage . Grace was said by the Rev . Br . Jellicorse . The musical department , which was most efficient , was under the direction of Br . George Hay , of Shrewsbury . The vocalists were Brs . Roberts ancl party , from Liverpool . The cloth being drawn , and " Non Nohis Domino" sung ,
The R . AV . P . G . Master said , as all Masons were loyal , true , and religious , he need only mention tho first toast , "The Queen , " whose rule was most glorious , and whosedomestic character was an example for ail to follow . " The Queen , " drank with great enthusiasm , followed by the National Anthem . The R . AV . P . G . Master tlien gave " Prince Albert , Albert Prince of Wales , and . the rest of the Royal Family , " observing that he had little doubt that when the-Prince of AVales came of age he would join the Royal Craft , as his grandfather and all his family had done , to their own infinite satisfaction . ( Cheers ) .
" The Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . Master of England . " ( Masonic honours ) . Br . Marriot , R . AV . P . G . Registrar of England , proposed " The Earl of Yarborough , M . AV . D . G . Master of England" ( Masonic honours ) . TheR / W . D . P . G . Master proposed , "The health of the R . AV . P . G . Master , " as a worthy , indefatigable , and liberal promoter of Masonry—a good landlord , an admirable sportsman , an honourable descendant of one of the most ancient families in the Principality , and closely allied with the best of those in Shropshire . ( Masonic honours ) ..
Br . Sir Watkin replied , expressing his great admiration for the principles of the Order , urging the brethren to carry them out to the utmost extent , and to perfect their practice , and avowing the pleasure which it would always give him to meet ancl assist them . ( Cheers ) . The R . W . P . G . Master then proposed "Br . the Right Hon . Lord Viscount Combermere , R . AA . P . G . M . for Cheshire , and the neighbouring P . G . Masters . " This toast was responded to bBr . MasefieldV . W . G . Treasurer for Staffordshire
y , , and Br . Martin , V . W . P . P . J . G . Warden for West Lancashire . Br . Marriott , R . W . P . G . Registrar of England , gave "The health of Br . the Rev .. C . Dymock , R . W . D . G . Master for North Wales and Shropshire . " ( Masonic honours ) .. Br . Dymock returned thanks . " The Provincial Grand Wardens , and other Grand officers . " ( Masonic honours ) . Responded to by Br . Rowlands , R . W ' . P . P . G . S . AVarden . Br . Martin , at the request of the R . AV . P . G . Master , proposed "The Army and
Navy , " observing that the toast had been familiar to them from their earliest years , but especially under existing circumstances would it give them great pleasure todrink it . The glorious deeds of the army and navy in other wars were brobabl y within the recollection of all present , and they had fully maintained their character in the war now carrying on in the Crimea . Masons were men of peace , but one of their leading principles was loyalty ancl love of country . They never mixed themselves up in plots or conspiracies against Government , but were obedient to the laws of the country in which they resided , or which afforded them protection—never forgetting
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Provincial Lodges.
opened in due form , ancl the business of the Province disposed of . The following brethren were the P . G . officers appointed for the ensuing year : —Brs . Eyton , A- . AV . P . G . S . Warden ; AVood , A . W . P . G . J . Warden ; Rev . — Bently , V . AV . P . G Chaplain ; Rev . — Guise , A . AV . P . G . Chaplain ; White , V . AV . P . G . Treasurer ; Bloxham , V . AV . P . G . Registrar ; Wigan , V . AV . P . G . Secretary ; Burr , AV . P . G . S . Deacon ; Emerson , AA . P . G . J . Deacon ; Patchott , W . P . G . Superintendent of AA * orks ; Evett , W . P . G . Director of Cer . ; Randall , AV . A . P . Director of Cer . ; Anslow , AV . P . G .
Standard Bearer ; Hayden , W . P . G . Organist ; Beeche , AV . P . G . Pursuivant ; H . H . Bayley , John Francis , R . Maddock Williams , Aronson , W . Thomas , R . Pritchard , Holyhead , P . G . Stewards ; AV . Mallard , P . G . Tyler ; J . Cureton , P . G . Assist .-Tyler . The R . AV . P . G . Master intimated his intention to hold the next P . G . Lodge , about this time twelvemonth , at Holyhead . The Loclge having been closed , the brethren , in number about seventy , sat down to an excellent banquetfurnished by Br . Purcelland consisting of turtlevenison
, , , , and all the delicacies of the season , pines , melons , grapes , and other fruits , in abundance , and wines of the choicest vintage . Grace was said by the Rev . Br . Jellicorse . The musical department , which was most efficient , was under the direction of Br . George Hay , of Shrewsbury . The vocalists were Brs . Roberts ancl party , from Liverpool . The cloth being drawn , and " Non Nohis Domino" sung ,
The R . AV . P . G . Master said , as all Masons were loyal , true , and religious , he need only mention tho first toast , "The Queen , " whose rule was most glorious , and whosedomestic character was an example for ail to follow . " The Queen , " drank with great enthusiasm , followed by the National Anthem . The R . AV . P . G . Master tlien gave " Prince Albert , Albert Prince of Wales , and . the rest of the Royal Family , " observing that he had little doubt that when the-Prince of AVales came of age he would join the Royal Craft , as his grandfather and all his family had done , to their own infinite satisfaction . ( Cheers ) .
" The Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . Master of England . " ( Masonic honours ) . Br . Marriot , R . AV . P . G . Registrar of England , proposed " The Earl of Yarborough , M . AV . D . G . Master of England" ( Masonic honours ) . TheR / W . D . P . G . Master proposed , "The health of the R . AV . P . G . Master , " as a worthy , indefatigable , and liberal promoter of Masonry—a good landlord , an admirable sportsman , an honourable descendant of one of the most ancient families in the Principality , and closely allied with the best of those in Shropshire . ( Masonic honours ) ..
Br . Sir Watkin replied , expressing his great admiration for the principles of the Order , urging the brethren to carry them out to the utmost extent , and to perfect their practice , and avowing the pleasure which it would always give him to meet ancl assist them . ( Cheers ) . The R . W . P . G . Master then proposed "Br . the Right Hon . Lord Viscount Combermere , R . AA . P . G . M . for Cheshire , and the neighbouring P . G . Masters . " This toast was responded to bBr . MasefieldV . W . G . Treasurer for Staffordshire
y , , and Br . Martin , V . W . P . P . J . G . Warden for West Lancashire . Br . Marriott , R . W . P . G . Registrar of England , gave "The health of Br . the Rev .. C . Dymock , R . W . D . G . Master for North Wales and Shropshire . " ( Masonic honours ) .. Br . Dymock returned thanks . " The Provincial Grand Wardens , and other Grand officers . " ( Masonic honours ) . Responded to by Br . Rowlands , R . W ' . P . P . G . S . AVarden . Br . Martin , at the request of the R . AV . P . G . Master , proposed "The Army and
Navy , " observing that the toast had been familiar to them from their earliest years , but especially under existing circumstances would it give them great pleasure todrink it . The glorious deeds of the army and navy in other wars were brobabl y within the recollection of all present , and they had fully maintained their character in the war now carrying on in the Crimea . Masons were men of peace , but one of their leading principles was loyalty ancl love of country . They never mixed themselves up in plots or conspiracies against Government , but were obedient to the laws of the country in which they resided , or which afforded them protection—never forgetting