Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
forming the installations and who was ever ready to render his assistance when called upon , and Comp . Matthews , P . G . and S . E ., of this Chapter whose many services to it , and the Lodge , were too well known to need comment . Comp . Matthews in return expressed his surprise at being called upin to return thanks for the Grand Officers when so do distinguished a member of that body as Comp . Biggs was present and whose many virtues as a man and a Mason were acknowledged . For himself he must say that he felt very much the honour of the appointment he had received , and trusted that he
should long be spared to enjoy the pleasure of coming amongst them . The M . E . Z . then proposed the health of the visitors , Comp . Biggs , of the Supreme G . C . ; Dearsley , and Thackleton , No . 3 ; Jones , 9 ; Potter , 13 ; Binckes , 49 , and Kain , 51 ; thanking them for their attendance and hoping that the hospitality afforded was to their satisfaction , and also that he should again have the pleasure of seeing them . After several suitable speeches from the visitors , Comp . Binckes in returning thanks expressed the happiness he felt at meeting so many old and respected faces of friends
with whom lie was and had been connected in the Mother Lodge by the strongest ties of brotherhood and affection , and trusted that he should some day have the pleasure of joining them as a member instead of a visitor . Comp . R . Williams , P . Z . then proposed the health of the M . E . Z . and said that on the present occa . ion the government of the . Chapter had been intrusted to efficient hands , and he made no doubt that at the end of his year of office tlie M . E . Z . would resign his trust as pure ancl unsullied as he had received it . The M . E . Z . expressed his thanks and at the same time Ms
determination to do all in his power to further the interests of the Chapter , in the working of which he counted much on the assistance of Comp Williams and other Past Principals and Companions . He then proposed the health of the Past Principals and thanked them for the zeal and ability they had ever displayed in furthering the
interests of the Chapter ; and in proposing the health of his officers the M . E . Z . said that as a ship could not be expected to make a prosperous voyage unless it was well commanded , neither could any other undertaking , but he felt certain that the course of the Enoch Chapter could not be otherwise than prosperous under the guidance of such able and experienced members of the Order . ROBERT BURNS CHAPTER ( No . 25 ) . —At the quarterly convocation of this Chapter held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 22 nd inst ., three brothers viz . Todd , Goodyear ,
and AV . Harrison were most ably exalted in the sublime degree of the Royal Arch—Comp . Newton M . E . Z ., presiding . The Companies to the number of upwards of 30 , afterwards supped together and spent a very pleasant evening . OLD KING ' ARMS CHAPTER ( NO . 30 ) . —The 1 st meeting of the season was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Mimday , the 1 st inst . Comp . James Linton , M . E . Z . presiding , but the business was purel y formal . The election of officers will take place at the next meeting , in January .
MOUNT SINAI CHAPTER ( NO . 49 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter was holden at the Gun Tavern , Pimiico , on the lOlh ult . Br . Anderson P . Z . in the absence of the M . AA ' . Z . presiding . Br . Blackburn was introduced and most ably exalted into the Royal Arch , The other business having been properly disposed of , the Comps . adjourned from labour to refreshment . DOMATIC CHAPTER ( NO . 206 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter met on Thursday evening , the 25 th Oct ., at Comp . Ireland's Masonic Hall , Fetter-laneComp . Clark
, Z ., Comp . Buss H ., Comp . T . A . Adams J . The business of the evening consisted of a very long discussion upon the private affairs of the Chapter , after which the Companions retired to a banquet prepared for their enjoyment in Comp . Ireland ' s excellent style , the usual toasts having been disposed of , and some excellent songs sung , the Companions , retired shortly before 12 o ' clock , much pleased with their
evening . JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 218 ) . —This Chapter commenced its meetings for the season on Tuesday evening , the 9 th ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Soufhwark , under the able presidency of Comp . Scambler , Z . There being no proposition before the meeting , the business was merely of a formal nature ; but several members were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting of this flourishing Chapter . POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER ( NO . 778)—The seventh annual convocation of this
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Royal Arch.
forming the installations and who was ever ready to render his assistance when called upon , and Comp . Matthews , P . G . and S . E ., of this Chapter whose many services to it , and the Lodge , were too well known to need comment . Comp . Matthews in return expressed his surprise at being called upin to return thanks for the Grand Officers when so do distinguished a member of that body as Comp . Biggs was present and whose many virtues as a man and a Mason were acknowledged . For himself he must say that he felt very much the honour of the appointment he had received , and trusted that he
should long be spared to enjoy the pleasure of coming amongst them . The M . E . Z . then proposed the health of the visitors , Comp . Biggs , of the Supreme G . C . ; Dearsley , and Thackleton , No . 3 ; Jones , 9 ; Potter , 13 ; Binckes , 49 , and Kain , 51 ; thanking them for their attendance and hoping that the hospitality afforded was to their satisfaction , and also that he should again have the pleasure of seeing them . After several suitable speeches from the visitors , Comp . Binckes in returning thanks expressed the happiness he felt at meeting so many old and respected faces of friends
with whom lie was and had been connected in the Mother Lodge by the strongest ties of brotherhood and affection , and trusted that he should some day have the pleasure of joining them as a member instead of a visitor . Comp . R . Williams , P . Z . then proposed the health of the M . E . Z . and said that on the present occa . ion the government of the . Chapter had been intrusted to efficient hands , and he made no doubt that at the end of his year of office tlie M . E . Z . would resign his trust as pure ancl unsullied as he had received it . The M . E . Z . expressed his thanks and at the same time Ms
determination to do all in his power to further the interests of the Chapter , in the working of which he counted much on the assistance of Comp Williams and other Past Principals and Companions . He then proposed the health of the Past Principals and thanked them for the zeal and ability they had ever displayed in furthering the
interests of the Chapter ; and in proposing the health of his officers the M . E . Z . said that as a ship could not be expected to make a prosperous voyage unless it was well commanded , neither could any other undertaking , but he felt certain that the course of the Enoch Chapter could not be otherwise than prosperous under the guidance of such able and experienced members of the Order . ROBERT BURNS CHAPTER ( No . 25 ) . —At the quarterly convocation of this Chapter held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 22 nd inst ., three brothers viz . Todd , Goodyear ,
and AV . Harrison were most ably exalted in the sublime degree of the Royal Arch—Comp . Newton M . E . Z ., presiding . The Companies to the number of upwards of 30 , afterwards supped together and spent a very pleasant evening . OLD KING ' ARMS CHAPTER ( NO . 30 ) . —The 1 st meeting of the season was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Mimday , the 1 st inst . Comp . James Linton , M . E . Z . presiding , but the business was purel y formal . The election of officers will take place at the next meeting , in January .
MOUNT SINAI CHAPTER ( NO . 49 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter was holden at the Gun Tavern , Pimiico , on the lOlh ult . Br . Anderson P . Z . in the absence of the M . AA ' . Z . presiding . Br . Blackburn was introduced and most ably exalted into the Royal Arch , The other business having been properly disposed of , the Comps . adjourned from labour to refreshment . DOMATIC CHAPTER ( NO . 206 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter met on Thursday evening , the 25 th Oct ., at Comp . Ireland's Masonic Hall , Fetter-laneComp . Clark
, Z ., Comp . Buss H ., Comp . T . A . Adams J . The business of the evening consisted of a very long discussion upon the private affairs of the Chapter , after which the Companions retired to a banquet prepared for their enjoyment in Comp . Ireland ' s excellent style , the usual toasts having been disposed of , and some excellent songs sung , the Companions , retired shortly before 12 o ' clock , much pleased with their
evening . JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 218 ) . —This Chapter commenced its meetings for the season on Tuesday evening , the 9 th ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Soufhwark , under the able presidency of Comp . Scambler , Z . There being no proposition before the meeting , the business was merely of a formal nature ; but several members were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting of this flourishing Chapter . POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER ( NO . 778)—The seventh annual convocation of this