Article WHAT OUR LODGES DO FOR THE CHARITIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Our Archaeological Corner. Page 1 of 2 →
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What Our Lodges Do For The Charities.
various charities , of Avhich the Boy ' s School for instance stands in great need , and in the next place a much more o-eneral support of the charities Avill be diffused throughout tire Craft . The rrreat objection to the present system is ,
that the " givers " keep giving , and that the " non-givers " abstain from giving , while a large proportion of our lodges give nothing as lodges to the charities . It is true , that in some lodges , a small annual subscription of 5 s . per member
is raised , to make up a voting paper representing a certain number of votes , more or less , for the Benevolent Annuity Fund , but this , at the best and most , is a precarious and petty offering of Masonic benevolence .
We never shall do our duty to the charities until every lodge in the Order has a life-governorship in each charity ; and we can really feel and say that our Freemasonry is as co-extensive in the support of our great charities , as it is in
its cosmopolitan character . I am Avithin the mark Avhen I say . that about 800 lodges do not contribute as lodges at all to the charities , though some of our lodges " per contra" as I well knoware not content with
quali-, fying the W . M . of the lodge , but have also qualified the two Warden's chairs ; and not a few , even the Secretary and Treasurer also . So with this new year of 1874 , let us as it were recommence
our work , and a better or happier work we cannot be engaged in . Let this fresh year of Masonic labour ivitness our united and zealous efforts , for the support and extension of these goodly charities of our Order , in this
Metropolis of ours , which seem to embody in their active manifestation the best and chief characteristics of a Freemason ' s heart , —charity . I cannot close this article , Avhich has been penned in all fraternal goodAvill to
the lodges and brethren of our benevolent Order , Avithout Avishing them one and all , " ex imo corde , " a prosperous and a Happy New Year , both of lodge work , and of fraternal harmony , unity and progress . MENTOR .
Our Archaeological Corner.
Our Archaeological Corner .
From MUNIMENTA A GADEMICA ; or , Documents Illlustrative of Academical Life , and Studies at Oxford . Part II .-p . 595 . By Rev . Henry Austey , M . A . y 1868 . .- ¦ : > . : ' ; ¦ . : ¦¦ . ¦ .: ¦
Li Dei nomine , Amen . ' ' . ' A . W 77 ' ' - Vieesimo nono diemensis ' Sept ; 29 , 1449 ; Septembris , anno Domini mille ' simo ' qiiad ^ ringentesimo quadragesirno nono ,-regnique regis Henrici sexti post eonquestum . vices ! - mo octavoEgoThomas Elkyhs de . Oxonia
, , , " Freemason , " cqndo testmnentum meum in : hunc , niodum ; " In primis " do . et lego , ani * ¦ - mam nieam . Deo omnipotent ! , b ' eatissimee Virgid Marias matreEj us , et omnibus Sanctis ,. , corpusrpie meum ad sepeliendum in Ee ' clesia ' conventual ! fratrum * Augustinensium ' "
; Item , legofabricseecelesiaj matricis' Lin- ' colniaequatuordenarios . ¦ ' - . ¦ :-:. .. ; . Item , lego prasdicto conventui pro ' sepul- ' tura mea , et pro laboribus sms in divinisservitiis , sex solidos octo denarios : ¦ ¦¦ - '; .-. ¦' : ; ' ;¦' : Itemlego Eidem conventuiad yEoruirr
, , pietantiam , ut ipsi prent pro anima'inea / tres . ; solidos quatuor denarios . ...-.,- IA . ^ . I Item , lego fabricaa Ecclesis 3 _ S .. Fetri . in OrienteVirgintidenarios . . .. . '¦ : . ! .
Item , lego' ad reparationem communis viae in parochia S . Marias Magdalenae Extra portam borealem Viginti denarios . ;" Item , lego Wilhelmo apprenticio mep meam secundam blodiam togam , togam meam stragulatam , meliorem diploidem meamet alia instruments cum pecimiis '
, , sicut fit mentio in indentura suse appren- ' ticietatis . ¦ ' . . 'i - - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ Item , volo quod tenementum meum cuin omnibus terris et pertinentiis : ] suis .-. in ; Beryntone in comitate . GlocestriensiEYea ? , dentur per meos Executores , . et . quod fratres .
Hospitalis S . Mariae Magdalente inhundred ^ de Dodestone prope Glocestriam Epercipiant , inde de pecunia recepta , ad fabricam Ec- ' elesise corum , quadraginta solidos ; et quod Katerina uxor mea percipiat residuum quodcunque dictaa pecuniae ad usum suum Et filii . nostri . Item , do et lego reversionem tenement ! mei in vico de "Oatstrete , " situati ' ' inter '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
What Our Lodges Do For The Charities.
various charities , of Avhich the Boy ' s School for instance stands in great need , and in the next place a much more o-eneral support of the charities Avill be diffused throughout tire Craft . The rrreat objection to the present system is ,
that the " givers " keep giving , and that the " non-givers " abstain from giving , while a large proportion of our lodges give nothing as lodges to the charities . It is true , that in some lodges , a small annual subscription of 5 s . per member
is raised , to make up a voting paper representing a certain number of votes , more or less , for the Benevolent Annuity Fund , but this , at the best and most , is a precarious and petty offering of Masonic benevolence .
We never shall do our duty to the charities until every lodge in the Order has a life-governorship in each charity ; and we can really feel and say that our Freemasonry is as co-extensive in the support of our great charities , as it is in
its cosmopolitan character . I am Avithin the mark Avhen I say . that about 800 lodges do not contribute as lodges at all to the charities , though some of our lodges " per contra" as I well knoware not content with
quali-, fying the W . M . of the lodge , but have also qualified the two Warden's chairs ; and not a few , even the Secretary and Treasurer also . So with this new year of 1874 , let us as it were recommence
our work , and a better or happier work we cannot be engaged in . Let this fresh year of Masonic labour ivitness our united and zealous efforts , for the support and extension of these goodly charities of our Order , in this
Metropolis of ours , which seem to embody in their active manifestation the best and chief characteristics of a Freemason ' s heart , —charity . I cannot close this article , Avhich has been penned in all fraternal goodAvill to
the lodges and brethren of our benevolent Order , Avithout Avishing them one and all , " ex imo corde , " a prosperous and a Happy New Year , both of lodge work , and of fraternal harmony , unity and progress . MENTOR .
Our Archaeological Corner.
Our Archaeological Corner .
From MUNIMENTA A GADEMICA ; or , Documents Illlustrative of Academical Life , and Studies at Oxford . Part II .-p . 595 . By Rev . Henry Austey , M . A . y 1868 . .- ¦ : > . : ' ; ¦ . : ¦¦ . ¦ .: ¦
Li Dei nomine , Amen . ' ' . ' A . W 77 ' ' - Vieesimo nono diemensis ' Sept ; 29 , 1449 ; Septembris , anno Domini mille ' simo ' qiiad ^ ringentesimo quadragesirno nono ,-regnique regis Henrici sexti post eonquestum . vices ! - mo octavoEgoThomas Elkyhs de . Oxonia
, , , " Freemason , " cqndo testmnentum meum in : hunc , niodum ; " In primis " do . et lego , ani * ¦ - mam nieam . Deo omnipotent ! , b ' eatissimee Virgid Marias matreEj us , et omnibus Sanctis ,. , corpusrpie meum ad sepeliendum in Ee ' clesia ' conventual ! fratrum * Augustinensium ' "
; Item , legofabricseecelesiaj matricis' Lin- ' colniaequatuordenarios . ¦ ' - . ¦ :-:. .. ; . Item , lego prasdicto conventui pro ' sepul- ' tura mea , et pro laboribus sms in divinisservitiis , sex solidos octo denarios : ¦ ¦¦ - '; .-. ¦' : ; ' ;¦' : Itemlego Eidem conventuiad yEoruirr
, , pietantiam , ut ipsi prent pro anima'inea / tres . ; solidos quatuor denarios . ...-.,- IA . ^ . I Item , lego fabricaa Ecclesis 3 _ S .. Fetri . in OrienteVirgintidenarios . . .. . '¦ : . ! .
Item , lego' ad reparationem communis viae in parochia S . Marias Magdalenae Extra portam borealem Viginti denarios . ;" Item , lego Wilhelmo apprenticio mep meam secundam blodiam togam , togam meam stragulatam , meliorem diploidem meamet alia instruments cum pecimiis '
, , sicut fit mentio in indentura suse appren- ' ticietatis . ¦ ' . . 'i - - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ Item , volo quod tenementum meum cuin omnibus terris et pertinentiis : ] suis .-. in ; Beryntone in comitate . GlocestriensiEYea ? , dentur per meos Executores , . et . quod fratres .
Hospitalis S . Mariae Magdalente inhundred ^ de Dodestone prope Glocestriam Epercipiant , inde de pecunia recepta , ad fabricam Ec- ' elesise corum , quadraginta solidos ; et quod Katerina uxor mea percipiat residuum quodcunque dictaa pecuniae ad usum suum Et filii . nostri . Item , do et lego reversionem tenement ! mei in vico de "Oatstrete , " situati ' ' inter '