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Eecognizfng as Ave gladly do the intellectual activity at present prevailing in America amongst the MasoMc body large in numbers and elevated in moral Avorth , we trust , that "The National Freemason" may meet Avith Avell deserved support , and Ave echo across the great Atlantic heartil y Brother Morris ' s toucMng Avish to Ms brother editor , "Sis faustus et-felix . "
Light in Masonry . We have received Nos . 1 , 2 and 3 , of "Light in Masonry" a UOAV Magazine published at NCAV York and edited by Bro . Eob . Morris . When that good veteran in the great army of Masonry retired from editorial Avork some years agomany regrets
, Avere expressed at his non-appearance in the intellectual arena . So many had been his services , and so gallant his bearing , that . Ave felt if he chose to claim to be ranked as an " Emeritus" though we might regret Ms retirement from active service , Ave should
give him Ms discharge with the very highest , of testimonials , and the best of good Avishes . Yet here after ten years he appears again an Evergreen , as young , as hale , and as hearty as ever . We congratulate him and we congratulate ourselvesnot
, only on Ms happy re-appearance amongst us , but on the interesting and valuable Masonic serial he , edits so ably , and submits to the notice of the Craft .
We have perused all these numbers Avith great satisfaction , and Ave hojje Avith equal improvement , and Ave feel sure that conducted as it is , the Magazine Avill be of signal help to Masonry and of intellectual credit to the Order . We wish it all success and support , " good trade Avinds , " and a prosperous voyage .
The Voice of Masonry . " The Yoice of Masonry " hails us from Chicago and a very pleasant voice it is . We have turned over its pages most interestedly , and have been both gratified with our search and reAvarded for our industry . . We commend it heartily to all
our readers , and . Ave especially congratulate Bro . J . C . W . Bailey , the editor , not only on its neat appearance and its intellectual qualities , but its thorough MasoMc spirit . We hope—though Ave feel certain that it -will be so—Ave hope , Ave repeat , that " The Voice of Masonry " Avill be heard not only by the Masons in CMcago sympathetically ,
but far and Avide Avherever lodges abound and Masons " most do congregate . " Freemason ' s Repository . We have also received and read No . 2 G of Vol 3 of the " Freemason ' s Eepository , "
published at Providence , U . S ., by Ferrin and Hammond . This Magazine Avhich is UOAV , M its third year of existence , fully merits the support which it has received from the Craft in ¦ its OAVU district and country . ' As tMs is the fourth American MasoMc serial Ave have reviewed to-day , Ave cannot fail to be struck Avith tMs simple and satisfactory proof of Masonic progress
'in the UMted States . We are glad to note it and to cM-onicle it , as we think , that on the Avell known principle of action and ' re-action M natural laAvs and in human life , ' . we may in this country before long participate in that peaceful tide of study and research , Avhich seems somehoAV to find
more generally patrons and fellow-labourers in the United States , than amid our prosperous lodges and sheltered Freemasonry at home . We Avish the proprietors and conductors of the "Freemason ' s Eepository " all possible good Avishes , and a prolonged career of literary activity and success . W .
What Non-Masons Say.Of Us.
MASONRY , ANU WHAT WE KNOW KEGAHUING IT . [ From the "North British Advertiser , " Sept ., 1873 . ] ( Continued from page 203 . J AKTICLE III . In reply to the . questionthenfor
Ma-, , sonic "light , " by the outside Avorld , the answer has been given a little in the spirit of a bartering merchant : — "Were the privileges of Masonry to be indiscriminately dispensed , the purposes of our institution Avould be subvertedand our
, secrets being familiar , like other important matters , Avould lose then- A alue and sink , into disregard . " As additional arguments Avhy the mysteries should be preserved in the Order , it is further advanced : —
" It is a Aveakness in human nature that men are generally more charmed Avith novelty than with the intrinsic value of things . Innumerable testimonies might he
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eecognizfng as Ave gladly do the intellectual activity at present prevailing in America amongst the MasoMc body large in numbers and elevated in moral Avorth , we trust , that "The National Freemason" may meet Avith Avell deserved support , and Ave echo across the great Atlantic heartil y Brother Morris ' s toucMng Avish to Ms brother editor , "Sis faustus et-felix . "
Light in Masonry . We have received Nos . 1 , 2 and 3 , of "Light in Masonry" a UOAV Magazine published at NCAV York and edited by Bro . Eob . Morris . When that good veteran in the great army of Masonry retired from editorial Avork some years agomany regrets
, Avere expressed at his non-appearance in the intellectual arena . So many had been his services , and so gallant his bearing , that . Ave felt if he chose to claim to be ranked as an " Emeritus" though we might regret Ms retirement from active service , Ave should
give him Ms discharge with the very highest , of testimonials , and the best of good Avishes . Yet here after ten years he appears again an Evergreen , as young , as hale , and as hearty as ever . We congratulate him and we congratulate ourselvesnot
, only on Ms happy re-appearance amongst us , but on the interesting and valuable Masonic serial he , edits so ably , and submits to the notice of the Craft .
We have perused all these numbers Avith great satisfaction , and Ave hojje Avith equal improvement , and Ave feel sure that conducted as it is , the Magazine Avill be of signal help to Masonry and of intellectual credit to the Order . We wish it all success and support , " good trade Avinds , " and a prosperous voyage .
The Voice of Masonry . " The Yoice of Masonry " hails us from Chicago and a very pleasant voice it is . We have turned over its pages most interestedly , and have been both gratified with our search and reAvarded for our industry . . We commend it heartily to all
our readers , and . Ave especially congratulate Bro . J . C . W . Bailey , the editor , not only on its neat appearance and its intellectual qualities , but its thorough MasoMc spirit . We hope—though Ave feel certain that it -will be so—Ave hope , Ave repeat , that " The Voice of Masonry " Avill be heard not only by the Masons in CMcago sympathetically ,
but far and Avide Avherever lodges abound and Masons " most do congregate . " Freemason ' s Repository . We have also received and read No . 2 G of Vol 3 of the " Freemason ' s Eepository , "
published at Providence , U . S ., by Ferrin and Hammond . This Magazine Avhich is UOAV , M its third year of existence , fully merits the support which it has received from the Craft in ¦ its OAVU district and country . ' As tMs is the fourth American MasoMc serial Ave have reviewed to-day , Ave cannot fail to be struck Avith tMs simple and satisfactory proof of Masonic progress
'in the UMted States . We are glad to note it and to cM-onicle it , as we think , that on the Avell known principle of action and ' re-action M natural laAvs and in human life , ' . we may in this country before long participate in that peaceful tide of study and research , Avhich seems somehoAV to find
more generally patrons and fellow-labourers in the United States , than amid our prosperous lodges and sheltered Freemasonry at home . We Avish the proprietors and conductors of the "Freemason ' s Eepository " all possible good Avishes , and a prolonged career of literary activity and success . W .
What Non-Masons Say.Of Us.
MASONRY , ANU WHAT WE KNOW KEGAHUING IT . [ From the "North British Advertiser , " Sept ., 1873 . ] ( Continued from page 203 . J AKTICLE III . In reply to the . questionthenfor
Ma-, , sonic "light , " by the outside Avorld , the answer has been given a little in the spirit of a bartering merchant : — "Were the privileges of Masonry to be indiscriminately dispensed , the purposes of our institution Avould be subvertedand our
, secrets being familiar , like other important matters , Avould lose then- A alue and sink , into disregard . " As additional arguments Avhy the mysteries should be preserved in the Order , it is further advanced : —
" It is a Aveakness in human nature that men are generally more charmed Avith novelty than with the intrinsic value of things . Innumerable testimonies might he