Article THE ENCHANTED ISLE OF THE SEA. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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The Enchanted Isle Of The Sea.
ii Advance . ! " ten thousand voices cried , « The Sea-Queen ' s Coiu-t behold !" And loud and long , vibratingly , The sounding echoes rolled . The maid , entranced , all Avond ' ring stood , For ne ' er had mortal yet
Beheld such glories as she saAV Since Eden ' s Star had set . 'Xwas like Aurora ' s ruddy light At rosy-fingered daAvn , And glory of meridian sun , Voluptuously Avarm ;
An atmosphere of joy and love ; On earth unfelt , unknown , ¦ Within this palace of delight Surrounded every one . One Star Avith twinkling glitter shone Its meteoric gloAV , And shimmering light empyreal Made thoughts fantastic HOAV .
The earthly paradise of old , Where birds and fairest flowers Delighted our first parents then In nature ' s sunny boAvers , Was not more beautiful and bright Than Avhat the maiden saAV In the Enchanted . Hall of Light , Stamped by perfection ' s laAV .
From right to left the much astonished child Beheld unnumbered nymphs of ev ' ry guild Approach , in gauze of gayest green attired , With roses wreathed and decked , to be admired .
"Hail , chosen mortal ! they in chorus sung , And through the sea the Avords and echoes rimg . The voices , gifted Avith ethereal notes , Gave forth the sounds from fairy
many throats . ¦ To Avelcome thus the stranger of the day , Announced , received in this auspicious Avay . Ihe chanting nymphs the child now croAvded round
, 'Twas then Queen ' s wish she should be fairy croAvned . Across the Hall the spell-bounnd child Avas led
And Thetis there adorned the darling ' s head . Then songs of joy the Oceanides simg , Accompanied by iEolian harps just hung ,
And Nereides Avhirled about to SIIOAV The gay delight UOAV felt by them beloAV . he Se . i-Queen rose , and silence , quick as thought , At once supremolyreigned throughout the Court , Then she , in accents mild that softly broke The stillness of the air , thus SAveetly spoke
" Ambassadress , dear sylphs , and every naiad , We have success to-day , and this dear maid From Mother Earth Avas captivated by Our Adeona ' s luring minstrelsy .
Our King , old Neptune , ahvays brave and true , This day ' s expected here , whate ' er ye do , Deal gently Avith his Sons ; they too Avill bring Their yearly gift and princely offering .
See that the regal train are entertained , Call up my sprites and let them be arraigned , The Banquet Hall adorn Avith floAvers of light , And make our largest gems perplex the
sight . Let cheer and kindness to our guest be shoAvn , And , dearest fays , pray leave her not alone .
Fair nymphs attend ; music ' s soft strains I hear . The Sea-God comes—his cortege must bo near ! Go , Aveleome him and all his retinue , With dignity your loyal homage sheAV . "
The happy Naiads , Avith tripping feet ran on , And filled the Hall of Amphitrite anon . The heralds marched before the King in state , The trailing train then came with hearts elate .
A . fanfare on the brazen trumpets played , Bespoke attention , Avhich Avas duly paid . The nymphs a graceful guard of honour formed , Their loyal hearts loAvards their monarch warmed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Enchanted Isle Of The Sea.
ii Advance . ! " ten thousand voices cried , « The Sea-Queen ' s Coiu-t behold !" And loud and long , vibratingly , The sounding echoes rolled . The maid , entranced , all Avond ' ring stood , For ne ' er had mortal yet
Beheld such glories as she saAV Since Eden ' s Star had set . 'Xwas like Aurora ' s ruddy light At rosy-fingered daAvn , And glory of meridian sun , Voluptuously Avarm ;
An atmosphere of joy and love ; On earth unfelt , unknown , ¦ Within this palace of delight Surrounded every one . One Star Avith twinkling glitter shone Its meteoric gloAV , And shimmering light empyreal Made thoughts fantastic HOAV .
The earthly paradise of old , Where birds and fairest flowers Delighted our first parents then In nature ' s sunny boAvers , Was not more beautiful and bright Than Avhat the maiden saAV In the Enchanted . Hall of Light , Stamped by perfection ' s laAV .
From right to left the much astonished child Beheld unnumbered nymphs of ev ' ry guild Approach , in gauze of gayest green attired , With roses wreathed and decked , to be admired .
"Hail , chosen mortal ! they in chorus sung , And through the sea the Avords and echoes rimg . The voices , gifted Avith ethereal notes , Gave forth the sounds from fairy
many throats . ¦ To Avelcome thus the stranger of the day , Announced , received in this auspicious Avay . Ihe chanting nymphs the child now croAvded round
, 'Twas then Queen ' s wish she should be fairy croAvned . Across the Hall the spell-bounnd child Avas led
And Thetis there adorned the darling ' s head . Then songs of joy the Oceanides simg , Accompanied by iEolian harps just hung ,
And Nereides Avhirled about to SIIOAV The gay delight UOAV felt by them beloAV . he Se . i-Queen rose , and silence , quick as thought , At once supremolyreigned throughout the Court , Then she , in accents mild that softly broke The stillness of the air , thus SAveetly spoke
" Ambassadress , dear sylphs , and every naiad , We have success to-day , and this dear maid From Mother Earth Avas captivated by Our Adeona ' s luring minstrelsy .
Our King , old Neptune , ahvays brave and true , This day ' s expected here , whate ' er ye do , Deal gently Avith his Sons ; they too Avill bring Their yearly gift and princely offering .
See that the regal train are entertained , Call up my sprites and let them be arraigned , The Banquet Hall adorn Avith floAvers of light , And make our largest gems perplex the
sight . Let cheer and kindness to our guest be shoAvn , And , dearest fays , pray leave her not alone .
Fair nymphs attend ; music ' s soft strains I hear . The Sea-God comes—his cortege must bo near ! Go , Aveleome him and all his retinue , With dignity your loyal homage sheAV . "
The happy Naiads , Avith tripping feet ran on , And filled the Hall of Amphitrite anon . The heralds marched before the King in state , The trailing train then came with hearts elate .
A . fanfare on the brazen trumpets played , Bespoke attention , Avhich Avas duly paid . The nymphs a graceful guard of honour formed , Their loyal hearts loAvards their monarch warmed .