Article THE ENCHANTED ISLE OF THE SEA. ← Page 3 of 3
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The Enchanted Isle Of The Sea.
The King , majestic , in such form received , Smiled graciously , -with love his bosom heaved , And to the throne with cheerful steps he Avent , Whilst poaans of joy rung through the
firmament . The Queen enthroned received her Royal Guest , Entreated him to share her seat and rest ; With grace the King approached and kissed her hand . To the unknoAvn and blushing child from land
He bowed , and fondly Avould have her embraced , But she upon the Queen ' s loft hand Avas placed . NOAV side by side the Sea-God ' s progeny Of the male line , in IAA ' the Queen filed
* y . Preceding all AA'as Triton Avith his shell , A Avreathed horn he bloAV and sounded Avell .
Then from the Throne , Avith accents soft and round , The King thus spoke Avith reverence profound : — "Illustrious Queen , Fables , and mortal child
, I greet ye Avith great joy ; 'Tis twelve full months since Ave Avere here , Our tributes to deploy . My Sons and I our offerings bring To lay them at your feet ; The Ocean ' s depths have ransacked been
For gifts Ave ' ve thought most meet . My Sons and Sprites at sundry times Have made rude Avinds to MOAV , Tlie sea to run as mountains high , Though felt not here beloAv .
When these prevaued the ships at sea , Gem-laden , Avere o'er rolled ; And thus they foimdered in the gale , To scatter from the hold The freight , and many costly gems Brought far from bright Brazil , Whilst India's wealth and handiwork Were garnered Avith goodwill .
The goodly spoil to this fair Court My votaries onAvard bear As yearly presents , and , dear Queen , They hither now repair .
The smiling Queen , with ready words , Then thanked her Royal Guest , And bade that happiness and love Pervade each beating breast . To sound of drums and thunder ' s . wakening noise
The cortege comes , brought up by beamish boys , Whose braAvny build gave them the Nerian stamp , And agile step bespoke the deep sea ramp .
These Mejian youths , Avell modelled in each limb , Apollo-like , Avere clothed unique and trim , Tho King ' s fair favours to the throne were borne , Aloft , around , to sound of Triton ' s horn :
The tram approached , stood still , and then Avheoled round . And Avith their burdens made a royal rout . The guard , a Prince , saluted King and Queen , Tho tout ensemble was a lovely scene .
Then Amphitrite the noble gifts surveyed , And to the Court with thrilling accents said : — " On this auspicious day all joy ! Let Love by Mirth be led ; We'll hasten to the Ballet Hall
, Our fancy must be fed . Our present acquisitions are Great and exceeding fair , The Avealth of nations noAV Ave have In gems most choice and rare .
The priceless ingots Avith the rest Would make a Crcesus crave And Avish that he might share Avith us Our life beneath the Avave . Like happy fairies , as we are , We'll to the Hall repair , Each other ' s company enjoy And love ' s delight to share .
Sprites attend , and promptly noAV Your willing duty shoAV ; It is my Avish that all of ye With fim and mirth o ' erflow . Now fairies , guests , I lead the way , And Neptune you'll attend ; The silent maiden bring with us , Your hand to her now lend . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Enchanted Isle Of The Sea.
The King , majestic , in such form received , Smiled graciously , -with love his bosom heaved , And to the throne with cheerful steps he Avent , Whilst poaans of joy rung through the
firmament . The Queen enthroned received her Royal Guest , Entreated him to share her seat and rest ; With grace the King approached and kissed her hand . To the unknoAvn and blushing child from land
He bowed , and fondly Avould have her embraced , But she upon the Queen ' s loft hand Avas placed . NOAV side by side the Sea-God ' s progeny Of the male line , in IAA ' the Queen filed
* y . Preceding all AA'as Triton Avith his shell , A Avreathed horn he bloAV and sounded Avell .
Then from the Throne , Avith accents soft and round , The King thus spoke Avith reverence profound : — "Illustrious Queen , Fables , and mortal child
, I greet ye Avith great joy ; 'Tis twelve full months since Ave Avere here , Our tributes to deploy . My Sons and I our offerings bring To lay them at your feet ; The Ocean ' s depths have ransacked been
For gifts Ave ' ve thought most meet . My Sons and Sprites at sundry times Have made rude Avinds to MOAV , Tlie sea to run as mountains high , Though felt not here beloAv .
When these prevaued the ships at sea , Gem-laden , Avere o'er rolled ; And thus they foimdered in the gale , To scatter from the hold The freight , and many costly gems Brought far from bright Brazil , Whilst India's wealth and handiwork Were garnered Avith goodwill .
The goodly spoil to this fair Court My votaries onAvard bear As yearly presents , and , dear Queen , They hither now repair .
The smiling Queen , with ready words , Then thanked her Royal Guest , And bade that happiness and love Pervade each beating breast . To sound of drums and thunder ' s . wakening noise
The cortege comes , brought up by beamish boys , Whose braAvny build gave them the Nerian stamp , And agile step bespoke the deep sea ramp .
These Mejian youths , Avell modelled in each limb , Apollo-like , Avere clothed unique and trim , Tho King ' s fair favours to the throne were borne , Aloft , around , to sound of Triton ' s horn :
The tram approached , stood still , and then Avheoled round . And Avith their burdens made a royal rout . The guard , a Prince , saluted King and Queen , Tho tout ensemble was a lovely scene .
Then Amphitrite the noble gifts surveyed , And to the Court with thrilling accents said : — " On this auspicious day all joy ! Let Love by Mirth be led ; We'll hasten to the Ballet Hall
, Our fancy must be fed . Our present acquisitions are Great and exceeding fair , The Avealth of nations noAV Ave have In gems most choice and rare .
The priceless ingots Avith the rest Would make a Crcesus crave And Avish that he might share Avith us Our life beneath the Avave . Like happy fairies , as we are , We'll to the Hall repair , Each other ' s company enjoy And love ' s delight to share .
Sprites attend , and promptly noAV Your willing duty shoAV ; It is my Avish that all of ye With fim and mirth o ' erflow . Now fairies , guests , I lead the way , And Neptune you'll attend ; The silent maiden bring with us , Your hand to her now lend . "