Article THE BIRTH OF THE ROSE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BIRTH OF THE ROSE. Page 1 of 1 Article BY THE "SAD SEA WAVES." Page 1 of 2 →
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The Birth Of The Rose.
AN IDYLL OF EPIPHANY . BY BRO . REV . AVILLIAM TEBBS . THE seventh eve draws on apace in Eden , for the Almighty ' s Avork is done . The rays of the setting sun are changing fast
from gold to ruby red , when a beauteous Kosebud unfolds its petals as it overhangs a loA'ely Lily blooming in purest white . As the rays of the departing sun just kiss the virgin blossom of the Lily , a crimson flush , reflected from the Rose ,
steals over it and rests for a moment ' s space in its snoAvy bosom . Just at this momeut Adam ' s awakening gaze rests on It aud he starts , for at the self-same instant of departing day , beneath the Lily and the Rose , he espies a form beauteous
beyond all he ever saAV or pictured to himself . It is the Almighty ' s latest work of all , man ' s help-meet , Mother Eve . Whilst Adam enraptured at the sight bends over her , and her opening eyes behold her future Lord , as o ' er the Lily reflected from the Rose mantles the blush of crimson , so in the heart of Eve springs up for Adam the neAvly-awakened passion , heaven-born ,
heaven-sent , Love . Ere many days have passed the scene has changed , no longer all is bright in Eden , for sin has entered there , and entering in expels the former happy pair from Paradise . One moment ' s g lance before the
gate is closed for ever by the guardian Cherubs , one pause of silent sorrow , and they see the happy spot where lately blossomed both the Lily and the Rose . Droops the Lily noAV , but the Rose , Avaxing la groAvth as the Lily fades , bends over
her , and our first parents gather aneAv heart-strength , for by this sign they knoAV that as man ' s frailty makes him droop and fail , so over him bends the Almighty One , and in his hour of sorest need does man find grown to greatest poAver The
Universal Father's Love . Adown the stream of Time slowly the years roll on , and sadly too , for the whole * orld is heartsick , as all love , human and olivine , seems well-nigh lost and dead , bri ghtl y shine the stare watching o ' er the 'one shepherds Avho tend their flocks amid the wolf-scour'd plains of Bethlehem .
The Birth Of The Rose.
Suddenly in the distant East there springs a light which , as it grows , glows with everincreasing brilliancy , until surpassing in its splendour the glare of mid-day sun , to the shepherds' astonished gaze reveal themselves the Heavenly Host , who in Seraphic
choir , show forth the opening of Eden ' s portals which long years ago Cherubic hands had barred , and in proclamation SAveet tell forth the tale of human harmony and Heavenly Love . Angel-sent the shepherds go to the holy
place , whilst star-led , too , the Wisdom of the East proceeds to find its Light of Life j and there , within a stable , lowly kneel both seer and simple , rich and poor , before their Lord , who is the Maker of them all . There throned in loAvly state blooms the
virgin Lily and on her breast reclines the promised Rose . A feAV more years roll by , and now it is the Rose must die . Uplifted high on the
Cross of Shame Hehangs , Avhust on the pale and drooping Lily lowly bowed in sorrow at his feet , pours down the mingled stream of Water Baptismal and Eucharistic Blood , meet channels twain of Purity and Love . But three days' space , and changed is
that cross—of deepest sorrow then—of richest glory now ; changed , too , man ' s heritage from sordid dross of earth to richest wealth of heaven . Years still roll on , and man still lives and diesbut dying lives againand lives
, , for evermore . And ever and anon amidst this Avild Avorld' s weary sojourning its pilgrims find a rest ; for with their brows imprinted with the mark of sorroAV , and their breasts adorned Avith the guerdon of sympathfraternalthey gaze upon the
y , Rosy-Cross , and knoAV that this world ' s wilderness of hate once passed , they enter Paradise , their Rose ' s everlasting home of rest and Heavenly Love .
By The "Sad Sea Waves."
BY E . P . C . 0 , LEAVE the heedless , laughing throng , Aud spend one little hour Avith me Beneath the moon's sad tender light—The last that I shall pass with thee *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Birth Of The Rose.
AN IDYLL OF EPIPHANY . BY BRO . REV . AVILLIAM TEBBS . THE seventh eve draws on apace in Eden , for the Almighty ' s Avork is done . The rays of the setting sun are changing fast
from gold to ruby red , when a beauteous Kosebud unfolds its petals as it overhangs a loA'ely Lily blooming in purest white . As the rays of the departing sun just kiss the virgin blossom of the Lily , a crimson flush , reflected from the Rose ,
steals over it and rests for a moment ' s space in its snoAvy bosom . Just at this momeut Adam ' s awakening gaze rests on It aud he starts , for at the self-same instant of departing day , beneath the Lily and the Rose , he espies a form beauteous
beyond all he ever saAV or pictured to himself . It is the Almighty ' s latest work of all , man ' s help-meet , Mother Eve . Whilst Adam enraptured at the sight bends over her , and her opening eyes behold her future Lord , as o ' er the Lily reflected from the Rose mantles the blush of crimson , so in the heart of Eve springs up for Adam the neAvly-awakened passion , heaven-born ,
heaven-sent , Love . Ere many days have passed the scene has changed , no longer all is bright in Eden , for sin has entered there , and entering in expels the former happy pair from Paradise . One moment ' s g lance before the
gate is closed for ever by the guardian Cherubs , one pause of silent sorrow , and they see the happy spot where lately blossomed both the Lily and the Rose . Droops the Lily noAV , but the Rose , Avaxing la groAvth as the Lily fades , bends over
her , and our first parents gather aneAv heart-strength , for by this sign they knoAV that as man ' s frailty makes him droop and fail , so over him bends the Almighty One , and in his hour of sorest need does man find grown to greatest poAver The
Universal Father's Love . Adown the stream of Time slowly the years roll on , and sadly too , for the whole * orld is heartsick , as all love , human and olivine , seems well-nigh lost and dead , bri ghtl y shine the stare watching o ' er the 'one shepherds Avho tend their flocks amid the wolf-scour'd plains of Bethlehem .
The Birth Of The Rose.
Suddenly in the distant East there springs a light which , as it grows , glows with everincreasing brilliancy , until surpassing in its splendour the glare of mid-day sun , to the shepherds' astonished gaze reveal themselves the Heavenly Host , who in Seraphic
choir , show forth the opening of Eden ' s portals which long years ago Cherubic hands had barred , and in proclamation SAveet tell forth the tale of human harmony and Heavenly Love . Angel-sent the shepherds go to the holy
place , whilst star-led , too , the Wisdom of the East proceeds to find its Light of Life j and there , within a stable , lowly kneel both seer and simple , rich and poor , before their Lord , who is the Maker of them all . There throned in loAvly state blooms the
virgin Lily and on her breast reclines the promised Rose . A feAV more years roll by , and now it is the Rose must die . Uplifted high on the
Cross of Shame Hehangs , Avhust on the pale and drooping Lily lowly bowed in sorrow at his feet , pours down the mingled stream of Water Baptismal and Eucharistic Blood , meet channels twain of Purity and Love . But three days' space , and changed is
that cross—of deepest sorrow then—of richest glory now ; changed , too , man ' s heritage from sordid dross of earth to richest wealth of heaven . Years still roll on , and man still lives and diesbut dying lives againand lives
, , for evermore . And ever and anon amidst this Avild Avorld' s weary sojourning its pilgrims find a rest ; for with their brows imprinted with the mark of sorroAV , and their breasts adorned Avith the guerdon of sympathfraternalthey gaze upon the
y , Rosy-Cross , and knoAV that this world ' s wilderness of hate once passed , they enter Paradise , their Rose ' s everlasting home of rest and Heavenly Love .
By The "Sad Sea Waves."
BY E . P . C . 0 , LEAVE the heedless , laughing throng , Aud spend one little hour Avith me Beneath the moon's sad tender light—The last that I shall pass with thee *