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Our Archaeological Corner.
Hence nothing can he fairly inferred from the use of the word " fratribus , " or brethren , especially in a Masonic sense . What the real relation of the Templars is to Freemasonry now is yet an unproven point .
In the year 1152 , MatthoAv IL , Count of Beaumont , then invested Avith the insignia of Lord Chamberlain to his majesty Louis Vllth of Franco , in order that a perpetual memorial might exist of his esteem for the military order of the Temple , caused the
following document to bo draAvn up , which he signed and sealed with his official seal . This act or register of a donation made to the Templars Avithin forty years from the period of their institution by BaldAvin II , in Jerusalemwho assigned them quarters
, in the supposed Temple of Solomon — Avhence their name of Templars ; this grant , AVC say , has a specific value , independent of its venerable age . It attests Avith unequivocal certainty the custom at that distant epoch of a regularly organized
corporation calling themselves " Brothers of Solomon ' s Temple , " and so recognized in an official document of the age , and is perhaps the most positive recognition extant of a
fraternity based upon Solomon ' s Temple . It is unnecessary to pursue the outline , as the point of connection will certainly suggest itself to the mind Craftsman . In nomine Sancte et individue Trinitatis . Notum sit omnibus Dei fidelibus , et
insuper Sancte Matris ecclesie prelatis , tarn presentibus quam futuris , epiod Matheus , comes Bellimontis , dedit Deo etfralribur templi Solomonis , pro redemptione anime sue et patris , sui et matris sue et antecessorum suorumfurnuin queni ante
Portam-, Parisius habebat , et omnia ad furnuin pertinentia , in perpetuum , libere et quiete , possidondum ; et preter hoc XL . I . den , minus quos en Terra de Ruili censuales habebat ; et insuper XVII . sext , avene unam niinain et galinas , que sibi , per singulos
annos , ex eodem terra , reddebantur . Dedit quoque domimi Frogerii Asinarii , ante Barms sitam , et onmom prsfatao domusjusticiaui que sua libera erat , et portum eidem donmi adjacentem , Ut hoc autem furmum et inviolabile in perpetuum maneathuic
, donacioni testes affuerunt : eleriei , Hubertus , dechanus , Reinaldus , precentor Compendii , et Nicholaus , comitis notarius ; miletes : Petrus de Runcheroles , Willelmus
de Mennilis , Petrus de Borrengo ; fanm ] j ; Petrus , major Cambliaci , Odo de Guviz ' Et de fratribus Templi ; fr . G . de Dxusencurt , fr . Walerannus . Actum itaque hoc incarnati verhi M . C . L . II . anno annuente rege L . de cujus
, feudo erant , annuente quoque Mathildi comitessa , uxore Mathei comitis , cum liberis suis . Which is translated as follows :
In the name of the Holy and indiA'isible Trinity , Be it known to all the faithful of God , and especially to the prelates of Saint Mary ' s Church , both UOAV and hereafter , that MattheAv , Count of Beaumont has granted unto God and the brethren of
Solomon ' s Temple , for the salvation of his OAVII soul , ancl for his mother aud father and their ancestors , an oven which he possessed in front of the entrance to Paris , and all the appurtenances of said oven , to have and possess the same freely and
quietly for ever , and in addition to this XL . I . Solidi , etc ., which as rents he possessed in the territory of Reuillys ; and moreover XVII . measures , etc ., of oats , Avith the pullets AA'hich each and every year Avere rendered unto him from the said ground . He has also granted the house of Geoffrey Lasnier , situate in front of
Bewras , and all and singular the right of justice unto said house appertaining , Avhich he possessed , and also the gate adjacent to the aforesaid house . In order that this gift may remain firm and inviolable for ever , these Avitnesses have assisted at the donation : —Clerics : HubertdeaconReynold
, , , precentor of ( the ) Compendium , and Nicholas , the Count ' s notary ; Knig hts : Peter de Ronquerolles , William de Mesnil , Peter de Boran ; domestics : Peter , mayor of Chambli , and Odo de Gouvieux . And for the brethren of the Temple : Bro . G . do
Drusencourt , Bro . Waleran . Done in the year M . C . L . II , of the incarnation of the Word , by the permission of Kmg LeAvis , whose fief they Avere , ancl by the permission of Matilda , countess and Avife of Count MattheAv and their children .
The foregoing charter may be found , inedited , in " Recherches Hist , et Critic / , sur les Anciens Comtes de Beamnont-Sur-Oise , " published in the IVth vol . of the Society of Antiquaries of Picardie .
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Our Archaeological Corner.
Hence nothing can he fairly inferred from the use of the word " fratribus , " or brethren , especially in a Masonic sense . What the real relation of the Templars is to Freemasonry now is yet an unproven point .
In the year 1152 , MatthoAv IL , Count of Beaumont , then invested Avith the insignia of Lord Chamberlain to his majesty Louis Vllth of Franco , in order that a perpetual memorial might exist of his esteem for the military order of the Temple , caused the
following document to bo draAvn up , which he signed and sealed with his official seal . This act or register of a donation made to the Templars Avithin forty years from the period of their institution by BaldAvin II , in Jerusalemwho assigned them quarters
, in the supposed Temple of Solomon — Avhence their name of Templars ; this grant , AVC say , has a specific value , independent of its venerable age . It attests Avith unequivocal certainty the custom at that distant epoch of a regularly organized
corporation calling themselves " Brothers of Solomon ' s Temple , " and so recognized in an official document of the age , and is perhaps the most positive recognition extant of a
fraternity based upon Solomon ' s Temple . It is unnecessary to pursue the outline , as the point of connection will certainly suggest itself to the mind Craftsman . In nomine Sancte et individue Trinitatis . Notum sit omnibus Dei fidelibus , et
insuper Sancte Matris ecclesie prelatis , tarn presentibus quam futuris , epiod Matheus , comes Bellimontis , dedit Deo etfralribur templi Solomonis , pro redemptione anime sue et patris , sui et matris sue et antecessorum suorumfurnuin queni ante
Portam-, Parisius habebat , et omnia ad furnuin pertinentia , in perpetuum , libere et quiete , possidondum ; et preter hoc XL . I . den , minus quos en Terra de Ruili censuales habebat ; et insuper XVII . sext , avene unam niinain et galinas , que sibi , per singulos
annos , ex eodem terra , reddebantur . Dedit quoque domimi Frogerii Asinarii , ante Barms sitam , et onmom prsfatao domusjusticiaui que sua libera erat , et portum eidem donmi adjacentem , Ut hoc autem furmum et inviolabile in perpetuum maneathuic
, donacioni testes affuerunt : eleriei , Hubertus , dechanus , Reinaldus , precentor Compendii , et Nicholaus , comitis notarius ; miletes : Petrus de Runcheroles , Willelmus
de Mennilis , Petrus de Borrengo ; fanm ] j ; Petrus , major Cambliaci , Odo de Guviz ' Et de fratribus Templi ; fr . G . de Dxusencurt , fr . Walerannus . Actum itaque hoc incarnati verhi M . C . L . II . anno annuente rege L . de cujus
, feudo erant , annuente quoque Mathildi comitessa , uxore Mathei comitis , cum liberis suis . Which is translated as follows :
In the name of the Holy and indiA'isible Trinity , Be it known to all the faithful of God , and especially to the prelates of Saint Mary ' s Church , both UOAV and hereafter , that MattheAv , Count of Beaumont has granted unto God and the brethren of
Solomon ' s Temple , for the salvation of his OAVII soul , ancl for his mother aud father and their ancestors , an oven which he possessed in front of the entrance to Paris , and all the appurtenances of said oven , to have and possess the same freely and
quietly for ever , and in addition to this XL . I . Solidi , etc ., which as rents he possessed in the territory of Reuillys ; and moreover XVII . measures , etc ., of oats , Avith the pullets AA'hich each and every year Avere rendered unto him from the said ground . He has also granted the house of Geoffrey Lasnier , situate in front of
Bewras , and all and singular the right of justice unto said house appertaining , Avhich he possessed , and also the gate adjacent to the aforesaid house . In order that this gift may remain firm and inviolable for ever , these Avitnesses have assisted at the donation : —Clerics : HubertdeaconReynold
, , , precentor of ( the ) Compendium , and Nicholas , the Count ' s notary ; Knig hts : Peter de Ronquerolles , William de Mesnil , Peter de Boran ; domestics : Peter , mayor of Chambli , and Odo de Gouvieux . And for the brethren of the Temple : Bro . G . do
Drusencourt , Bro . Waleran . Done in the year M . C . L . II , of the incarnation of the Word , by the permission of Kmg LeAvis , whose fief they Avere , ancl by the permission of Matilda , countess and Avife of Count MattheAv and their children .
The foregoing charter may be found , inedited , in " Recherches Hist , et Critic / , sur les Anciens Comtes de Beamnont-Sur-Oise , " published in the IVth vol . of the Society of Antiquaries of Picardie .