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NOAV shorn by cutting blasts of Avinter drear . Meantime , all hail—all hail to thee , NBAV Year : I Avish to thy young reign all happiness ; And to our ancient Craft tho same no
less—May both to glory and to joyance steer ; As Noah safely steer'd his ark of yore , When Nature rose transform'd — neAV heavens , HBAV
earth—And ho more floods of violence—no more sea To overflow each desolated shore ; And Avhen , as by a UCAV and second birth , Tho Avorld , as 'twere , began again to be . BRO . REV . M . GORDON .
The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
BY REV . GEO . OLIVER , D . D . ( Continued from page 309 . )
CHAPTER XIII . THE REFERENCE TO THE DELIVERANCE OF NOAH FROM THE ARK . " Stately the Ark on watery billows rode , Till Ararat became her fixed abode .
Benignant masonry did then unahroud Her beaming visage . In a lambent cloud Resplendent shone ; the variegated Bow Shed genial influence on the world below . Now hovering round the globe with radiant wing , The choir celestial joyful praises sing . " FROM AN UNPDBLISHED M . S . OF THE REV . S . OLIVER , B KCTOB OB LAMBLET .
THE . revival and subsequent enli ghtenment of the candidate , or representative of the deity , symbolized by the Scarabteus , was hoAvever only a dramatic ceremony which embodied the deliverance of Noah from
the Ark Avhen the waters of , the delude had subsided ; for in the E gyptian mysteries the supreme degree of initiation Avas represented by red ancl blue baptismal Avaters in reference to that aAvful event . '' The aspirant Avas subjected to all tho
horrors of mind , and even pain of bod y Avhich an exposure to the elements could occasion , before he Avas admitted to initiation . He Avas then gradually instructed in the doctrines Avliich they taught , of the creation of the Avorld , and the nature
of the soul ; but he Avas not admitted to tho highest degree of knoAvledge until ho had figuratively suffered a temporary death , ancl been laid , as it were , in the chambers of the grave . This last remarkable circumstance AA'as , in one form or another , a chief part of the mystical ceremonies in
every system of the Avorld ; varying in degrees of horror ancl duration , according to tho spirit of the nations to Avhich each belonged , and represented as figurative of the loss of some eminent person in every case , but all really relating to the entomb inent of the Great Father of the post
diluvian Avorld in the Ark , and pointing out to the aspirant the certainty of a future life beyond the grave . " * We Avill therefore take a brief vieAV of the deluge and its consequences , for the purpose of ascertaining hoAV far the
traditions of all nations have embodied it in their mysteries ; which Avill constitute an undeniable proof of the accuracy of the Mosaic Avritings , of the tendency of the Hermesian mysteries , and of their correspondence Avith those of other ancient
nations . - It is singular that although from the protracted continuance of life in theso primitive times , there had been so feAV generations upon the earth , that Lamech , the father of Noah , lived 60 years Avith the first man , and died only 5 years before le
the flood , so that Noah , and all . the peop of that generation , received instruction , as it Avere , from Adam himself , all flesh could be so universally corrupt ; as to induce God to repent that he had created man , and to make him resolve on regenerating the earth by a total destruction . ^ Banians had a tradition very much to the same effect—every day presenting neAV
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOAV shorn by cutting blasts of Avinter drear . Meantime , all hail—all hail to thee , NBAV Year : I Avish to thy young reign all happiness ; And to our ancient Craft tho same no
less—May both to glory and to joyance steer ; As Noah safely steer'd his ark of yore , When Nature rose transform'd — neAV heavens , HBAV
earth—And ho more floods of violence—no more sea To overflow each desolated shore ; And Avhen , as by a UCAV and second birth , Tho Avorld , as 'twere , began again to be . BRO . REV . M . GORDON .
The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
BY REV . GEO . OLIVER , D . D . ( Continued from page 309 . )
CHAPTER XIII . THE REFERENCE TO THE DELIVERANCE OF NOAH FROM THE ARK . " Stately the Ark on watery billows rode , Till Ararat became her fixed abode .
Benignant masonry did then unahroud Her beaming visage . In a lambent cloud Resplendent shone ; the variegated Bow Shed genial influence on the world below . Now hovering round the globe with radiant wing , The choir celestial joyful praises sing . " FROM AN UNPDBLISHED M . S . OF THE REV . S . OLIVER , B KCTOB OB LAMBLET .
THE . revival and subsequent enli ghtenment of the candidate , or representative of the deity , symbolized by the Scarabteus , was hoAvever only a dramatic ceremony which embodied the deliverance of Noah from
the Ark Avhen the waters of , the delude had subsided ; for in the E gyptian mysteries the supreme degree of initiation Avas represented by red ancl blue baptismal Avaters in reference to that aAvful event . '' The aspirant Avas subjected to all tho
horrors of mind , and even pain of bod y Avhich an exposure to the elements could occasion , before he Avas admitted to initiation . He Avas then gradually instructed in the doctrines Avliich they taught , of the creation of the Avorld , and the nature
of the soul ; but he Avas not admitted to tho highest degree of knoAvledge until ho had figuratively suffered a temporary death , ancl been laid , as it were , in the chambers of the grave . This last remarkable circumstance AA'as , in one form or another , a chief part of the mystical ceremonies in
every system of the Avorld ; varying in degrees of horror ancl duration , according to tho spirit of the nations to Avhich each belonged , and represented as figurative of the loss of some eminent person in every case , but all really relating to the entomb inent of the Great Father of the post
diluvian Avorld in the Ark , and pointing out to the aspirant the certainty of a future life beyond the grave . " * We Avill therefore take a brief vieAV of the deluge and its consequences , for the purpose of ascertaining hoAV far the
traditions of all nations have embodied it in their mysteries ; which Avill constitute an undeniable proof of the accuracy of the Mosaic Avritings , of the tendency of the Hermesian mysteries , and of their correspondence Avith those of other ancient
nations . - It is singular that although from the protracted continuance of life in theso primitive times , there had been so feAV generations upon the earth , that Lamech , the father of Noah , lived 60 years Avith the first man , and died only 5 years before le
the flood , so that Noah , and all . the peop of that generation , received instruction , as it Avere , from Adam himself , all flesh could be so universally corrupt ; as to induce God to repent that he had created man , and to make him resolve on regenerating the earth by a total destruction . ^ Banians had a tradition very much to the same effect—every day presenting neAV