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The Old Charges Of The British Freemasons.
gathered them together , so that he hacl fourscore thousand of workers of ston & were all named massons ancl he chuse out of them 4000 that wer ordained to be Masters of his work . Ancl furthermore there was a King of another Land called HIRAM , he loved King Solomon , and gave him Timber for his work , ancl he had a son that was Master of Geometrie , ancl he was cheuse M of all ye Massons , and he was M ' of all carving ancl he was Master of all
manner of Massonrie , that belonged to the Tempell and this is witnessed in the Byble I Kings 5 th Chapter and this same Solomon confirmed both Charges ancl manners that his father hacl given to massons , ancl thus that worthie SCIENCE of Masonrie is confirmed in ye country of Hiram , ancl in . many other Contreyes , ancl these craftsmen w alked about in Divers Contreyes some by use of learning mor knowledge , and some to teach them that had but litell , and it befell that y was a curious masson called NAMIOS that hacl been at ye building of SOLOMON ' TEMPLE , and come into Franc & there he taught ye science of Massonrie to french men , ancl there was of regallvne of france that height
CHARLES MARTELL he was a man y' loved weill such a science and he drew to this Namois Greitius abovesaid , and learned ye scienc ancl laid upon him ye charge ancl ye manners ancl afterwards by ye grace of God was elected to be KING of FRANC , and when he was in this state he tooke massons and maid massons that wer non and sett them in worke and gave them both the charge , manners , ancl good pay , as he hacl learned of other massons and confirmed them a Charter from year to yeare and should assemble when they wouldhe cherished
, much and so came this science of MASSONRIE into FRANC and Ingland , in all this time there was no charge of Massonrie knowin in England till saint Allbons tyme , and in his tyme ye King of Ingland was a pagan and he did wall ye towre that is called Saint Albons . And Saint Albons was a worthie Knight and Stewart of ye Kings House and had goverance of all ye Realm & also of ve building of ye tower walls and loved weill the massons and Cherished
much and made y ' pay right good for he gave them ii vi in the weike ancl to others that were none he gave iij ' in ye weike and befor that time tyme throughout all ye land , a mason had but a penny a clay and his meat untill Saint Albons amended it , and got them a CHARTER from the kings general connsall to assemble together ancl was y ' himself , ancl maid masons and gave them y charge as yon shall heirafter heare . Right affter the decease of Saint Albons , there came into England , Divers Warrs of Divers Countreys for that cause
the Rule of Massonrie was detested unto ye tyme of KING Athelstons dayes that was a worthie King of Ingland and brought this Land in rest ancl peace , and buildit many great works of Saint Albons town , ancl many other buildings and loved masons weill , and he hacl a son named EDWINE and he loved masons much more that his father , He was a great practiser in Geometrie and gave himself to talk much w' masons , and has maid massons himself ancl for the love he bad to science , and to the masons , he gatt of his father ye King a Charter or Commission y' they should assemble every vear where thev would
within the Realm of Ingland to correct such tresspases as was committed in ye science . Ancl he did hold his assembly at Tork ancl there he maid masons ancl gave charge and taught them ye manners , and commanded that order to be keipt ancl maid an ordinance that they should be ruled by ye King , & when ye assemblie was gathered together he made proclamation , That all masons old or young y' had any writings or understanding of the charge or the manners , that were made in the land , or any other that they should show them
forth and when it was provided , there was some in French , some in Greek some in English , and some in other languages , and ye intent of them was found all on , ancl he did make a book thereof , and how ye science w as found and he conimandid that should be read when any mason was made , and to give them his charge and from that time to this present , ye manners of masons to be keipit in that form , as men might keip and govern . Ancl furthermor all certain assemblies there hath been ordained certain charges by the best advice
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The Old Charges Of The British Freemasons.
gathered them together , so that he hacl fourscore thousand of workers of ston & were all named massons ancl he chuse out of them 4000 that wer ordained to be Masters of his work . Ancl furthermore there was a King of another Land called HIRAM , he loved King Solomon , and gave him Timber for his work , ancl he had a son that was Master of Geometrie , ancl he was cheuse M of all ye Massons , and he was M ' of all carving ancl he was Master of all
manner of Massonrie , that belonged to the Tempell and this is witnessed in the Byble I Kings 5 th Chapter and this same Solomon confirmed both Charges ancl manners that his father hacl given to massons , ancl thus that worthie SCIENCE of Masonrie is confirmed in ye country of Hiram , ancl in . many other Contreyes , ancl these craftsmen w alked about in Divers Contreyes some by use of learning mor knowledge , and some to teach them that had but litell , and it befell that y was a curious masson called NAMIOS that hacl been at ye building of SOLOMON ' TEMPLE , and come into Franc & there he taught ye science of Massonrie to french men , ancl there was of regallvne of france that height
CHARLES MARTELL he was a man y' loved weill such a science and he drew to this Namois Greitius abovesaid , and learned ye scienc ancl laid upon him ye charge ancl ye manners ancl afterwards by ye grace of God was elected to be KING of FRANC , and when he was in this state he tooke massons and maid massons that wer non and sett them in worke and gave them both the charge , manners , ancl good pay , as he hacl learned of other massons and confirmed them a Charter from year to yeare and should assemble when they wouldhe cherished
, much and so came this science of MASSONRIE into FRANC and Ingland , in all this time there was no charge of Massonrie knowin in England till saint Allbons tyme , and in his tyme ye King of Ingland was a pagan and he did wall ye towre that is called Saint Albons . And Saint Albons was a worthie Knight and Stewart of ye Kings House and had goverance of all ye Realm & also of ve building of ye tower walls and loved weill the massons and Cherished
much and made y ' pay right good for he gave them ii vi in the weike ancl to others that were none he gave iij ' in ye weike and befor that time tyme throughout all ye land , a mason had but a penny a clay and his meat untill Saint Albons amended it , and got them a CHARTER from the kings general connsall to assemble together ancl was y ' himself , ancl maid masons and gave them y charge as yon shall heirafter heare . Right affter the decease of Saint Albons , there came into England , Divers Warrs of Divers Countreys for that cause
the Rule of Massonrie was detested unto ye tyme of KING Athelstons dayes that was a worthie King of Ingland and brought this Land in rest ancl peace , and buildit many great works of Saint Albons town , ancl many other buildings and loved masons weill , and he hacl a son named EDWINE and he loved masons much more that his father , He was a great practiser in Geometrie and gave himself to talk much w' masons , and has maid massons himself ancl for the love he bad to science , and to the masons , he gatt of his father ye King a Charter or Commission y' they should assemble every vear where thev would
within the Realm of Ingland to correct such tresspases as was committed in ye science . Ancl he did hold his assembly at Tork ancl there he maid masons ancl gave charge and taught them ye manners , and commanded that order to be keipt ancl maid an ordinance that they should be ruled by ye King , & when ye assemblie was gathered together he made proclamation , That all masons old or young y' had any writings or understanding of the charge or the manners , that were made in the land , or any other that they should show them
forth and when it was provided , there was some in French , some in Greek some in English , and some in other languages , and ye intent of them was found all on , ancl he did make a book thereof , and how ye science w as found and he conimandid that should be read when any mason was made , and to give them his charge and from that time to this present , ye manners of masons to be keipit in that form , as men might keip and govern . Ancl furthermor all certain assemblies there hath been ordained certain charges by the best advice