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The Legend Of The "Quatuor Coronati."
Dioclitiano Augusto . Tunc Dioclitianus Augustus artem eorum considerans , precepit Lampadio tribuno dicens ; Aniodo si non sacrificaverint et consenserint cleo soli , verberibus scorpionum eos afflige . Si autem
consenserint , deduc eos ad mansuetudinem nostram . Post dies vero quinque iterum sedit in eodem loco ante templum solis , et jussit eos sub voce precona introduci . Et ostendit eis terrores et genera
tormentornm . Quibus ita locutus est Lampadius tribunus dicens : Audite me et evadite tormenta , et estote cari et amici nobilium , principum , et sacrificate deo soli . Nam jam loqui non est apud vos sermonibus blandis .
Respondit Claudius unaoum sociis , cum magna fiducia , dicens : Nos non pavescimus terrores , nee blanditiis frangimur , seel timemus tormenta eterna . Nam sciat Dioclitianus Augustus nos Christianos esse , et nunquam discedere ab ejus cultura .
Irakis Lampadius tribunus , jussit eos spoliari , et scorpionibus mactari sub voce precona dicens ; precepta principum contemnere nolite . In eadem hora arreptus est Lampadius tribumis a demonio , et
cliscerpens se expiravit sedens in tribunal ! suo ' . Hec auctions uxor ejus et familia cucurrit ad philosophos cum mugitu magno , ut clivulgaretur Dioclitiano Augusto . Hoc cum auclisset Dioclitianus Augustus , iratus est vehementer , et nimio furore dixit : Fiant' loculi plumbei et vivi in eos recludantur et proiciantur in fluvium .
Tunc Nicetius quidam thogatus qui assidebat Lampadio fecit preceptum Dioclitiani August ! et fecit loculos plumbeos et vivos omnes in eis clausit , et precipitari jussit in fluvium . Sanctus autem Quirillus Episcopus
hoc audiens in carcere , afflixit se vehementer et transivit ad dominum , lui omnes passi sunt sub die sexto Idus Novembris . I psis diebus ambulavit Dioclitianus
to Diocletian Augustus . Then Diocletian Augustus , considering their art , ordered Lampadius the tribune , saying : Henceforth , if they have not sacrificed ancl consented to worshi p the Sun Godafflict them with stripes
, of scorpions . But if they consent , lead them to our grace . But after five clays he again sat in the same place in front of the temple of the Sun , and ordered them to be led in by voice of the herald . Ancl he
showed them the terrors and various kinds of the tortures . To whom Lampadius spoke thus , saying : Listen to me , ancl escape the tortures ancl . be clear to and friends of the nobles and
princes , ancl sacrifice to the Sun God . For it is not now for me to speak to you in gentle words . Claudius replied , with his companions , with great- confidence : We fear not terrors , nor is our purpose broken by soft words , but we fear everlasting torments . For let
Diocletian Augustus know that we are Christians , ancl will never depart from His worship . Lampadius the tribune , enraged , ' commanded them to be stripped ancl beaten with scorpionsby proclamation
, of the herald , saying : Despise not the commands of our princes . In that same hour Lampadius the tribune was seized by an evil spirit , and tearing himself , expired sitting in his judgment seat . When his wife
ancl family heard this they ran to the philosophers with great wailing that it might be made known to Diocletian Augustus . When Diocletian Augustus heard this he was violently enraged , and said with excessive fury : Let coflins of lead be made , ancl let them be shut up alive therein , ancl cast into the river .
Then Nicetius , a certain citizen , who sat by Lampadius , performed the order of Diocletian Augustus , ancl made coffins of lead , and shut them all alive in them , ancl ordered them to be cast into the river . But the holy
Quirillus , the Bishop , when he heard of it in his prison , was deeply grieved , and passed to the Lord , all of whom suffered on the sixth clay of the Ides of November . In those same clays Diocletian Au-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Legend Of The "Quatuor Coronati."
Dioclitiano Augusto . Tunc Dioclitianus Augustus artem eorum considerans , precepit Lampadio tribuno dicens ; Aniodo si non sacrificaverint et consenserint cleo soli , verberibus scorpionum eos afflige . Si autem
consenserint , deduc eos ad mansuetudinem nostram . Post dies vero quinque iterum sedit in eodem loco ante templum solis , et jussit eos sub voce precona introduci . Et ostendit eis terrores et genera
tormentornm . Quibus ita locutus est Lampadius tribunus dicens : Audite me et evadite tormenta , et estote cari et amici nobilium , principum , et sacrificate deo soli . Nam jam loqui non est apud vos sermonibus blandis .
Respondit Claudius unaoum sociis , cum magna fiducia , dicens : Nos non pavescimus terrores , nee blanditiis frangimur , seel timemus tormenta eterna . Nam sciat Dioclitianus Augustus nos Christianos esse , et nunquam discedere ab ejus cultura .
Irakis Lampadius tribunus , jussit eos spoliari , et scorpionibus mactari sub voce precona dicens ; precepta principum contemnere nolite . In eadem hora arreptus est Lampadius tribumis a demonio , et
cliscerpens se expiravit sedens in tribunal ! suo ' . Hec auctions uxor ejus et familia cucurrit ad philosophos cum mugitu magno , ut clivulgaretur Dioclitiano Augusto . Hoc cum auclisset Dioclitianus Augustus , iratus est vehementer , et nimio furore dixit : Fiant' loculi plumbei et vivi in eos recludantur et proiciantur in fluvium .
Tunc Nicetius quidam thogatus qui assidebat Lampadio fecit preceptum Dioclitiani August ! et fecit loculos plumbeos et vivos omnes in eis clausit , et precipitari jussit in fluvium . Sanctus autem Quirillus Episcopus
hoc audiens in carcere , afflixit se vehementer et transivit ad dominum , lui omnes passi sunt sub die sexto Idus Novembris . I psis diebus ambulavit Dioclitianus
to Diocletian Augustus . Then Diocletian Augustus , considering their art , ordered Lampadius the tribune , saying : Henceforth , if they have not sacrificed ancl consented to worshi p the Sun Godafflict them with stripes
, of scorpions . But if they consent , lead them to our grace . But after five clays he again sat in the same place in front of the temple of the Sun , and ordered them to be led in by voice of the herald . Ancl he
showed them the terrors and various kinds of the tortures . To whom Lampadius spoke thus , saying : Listen to me , ancl escape the tortures ancl . be clear to and friends of the nobles and
princes , ancl sacrifice to the Sun God . For it is not now for me to speak to you in gentle words . Claudius replied , with his companions , with great- confidence : We fear not terrors , nor is our purpose broken by soft words , but we fear everlasting torments . For let
Diocletian Augustus know that we are Christians , ancl will never depart from His worship . Lampadius the tribune , enraged , ' commanded them to be stripped ancl beaten with scorpionsby proclamation
, of the herald , saying : Despise not the commands of our princes . In that same hour Lampadius the tribune was seized by an evil spirit , and tearing himself , expired sitting in his judgment seat . When his wife
ancl family heard this they ran to the philosophers with great wailing that it might be made known to Diocletian Augustus . When Diocletian Augustus heard this he was violently enraged , and said with excessive fury : Let coflins of lead be made , ancl let them be shut up alive therein , ancl cast into the river .
Then Nicetius , a certain citizen , who sat by Lampadius , performed the order of Diocletian Augustus , ancl made coffins of lead , and shut them all alive in them , ancl ordered them to be cast into the river . But the holy
Quirillus , the Bishop , when he heard of it in his prison , was deeply grieved , and passed to the Lord , all of whom suffered on the sixth clay of the Ides of November . In those same clays Diocletian Au-