Article Monthly Masonic Summary. Page 1 of 1
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Monthly Masonic Summary.
Monthly Masonic Summary .
The principal event of the last month has been the Installation of that justly popular nobleman , the Duke of Abercorn , Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland , as Grand Master of Irish Freemasonry . The attendance was very largethe appearance
, of Grand Lodge most imposing , and the speeches of Bro . Shekleton and of the new Grand Master Avere most admirable and most Masonic . We congratulate the Irish Grand Lodge once more on their AVISO and opportune choice ; Ave congratulate our
Irish brethren on having so efficient and genial a ruler , to replace the venerable " Geraldine . " May all of prosperity Avait on Irish Freemasons , and Irish Freemasonry . The question of the Pope ' s Masonic membership seems to be pretty decidedly
settled by the able article of the Philadelphia Keystone , Avhich we have thought Avell to print in this month ' s Magazine , and Avhich , Ave believe , is from the pen of its accomplished editor , our kind confrere and correspondent , Bro . Clifford P . McCalla . Our opinion entirely coincides Avith his .
There is clearly so far no evidence that can he relied on of the Pope ' s affiliation . The statement of the Sicilian Lodge that the Pope was made a Mason at Philadelphia , in a lodge called " Li Figli de Hiram , " is disproved by the simple fact that no such
lodge ever existed . If the " local habitation and name " of such a lodge could have been substantiated , another question Avould have arisen , Avas it , " a priori , " likely that a Papal Nuncio Avould attend an illegal assembl y , ( illegal to him as a Pontifical representative ) , Avhether at Philadel phia , and above all Madrid 1 Such an assertion
must be a great trial on our belief , at any rate Ave Avho know the " ' customs of Avar in like cases , " the habits of diplomats , the Allies and regulations of the Eoman Curia . One should , however , like really to kwysv whence the Italian Freemasons got their
ahfigeu Masonic- speeches of the . Pope iV-r . ss . / Srijiii . - ' . vLai rocorihl Fran ) -v ]; : n . ; niuut- '\ ---7 The name of ; : Seoroici " . su ^ esr . * a Spanish ori gin to the " canard . " In H-Uy w ? do not belieA'e that they give symbolical names . An Italian Bro . tells us so , but
they still do in Spain , in fact the onl y available evidence of the Pope ' s initiation is the Havannah story of "Martin Ferretti . " So here the matter must stop , as we feel bound to say Ave do not believe the fact , not that it matters much either Avay . We
trust that Ave shall hear no more of 'these ill-timedmanifestoes and sentences of expulsion from Italy , as they onl y tend to throw ridicule on true Freemasons . A Defence of Masonry , published by Bro . Kenning , has recently appeared , which deals with the recent attacks on our Order , and the actual position and true
teaching of Freemasonry . The price , 2 s . Gd ., places the little Avork Avithin the reach of our Order generally , and Pro . Kenning ' s endeavours to promote the cause of Masonic Literature deserves recognition and support at the hands of the Craft .
Bro . Constable has also put forth a very interesting and Avell-Avritten Lodge History , namely , that of the well-known Tranquillity , Avhich Ave commend to the studious notice of all our Brethren . We hope sincerely that it Avill be largely patronized by our
Brethren , as such histories are very important aids to Masonic Archaeology , and form the materials on Avhich the true Masonic Student builds up his painstaking Avork . The work Avill well repay perusal , and Bro . W . J . Hughan ' s able preface Avill commend it to the notice of many of our readers .
We do not think that there is much more Masonic intelligence worth noting , either at home or abroad . Our Lodges Avill soon noAv resume their active working . May all good go Avith them , and pleasant reunions and prosperous gatherings be their ' s , alike in the Metropolis , and in the Provinces . P
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Masonic Summary.
Monthly Masonic Summary .
The principal event of the last month has been the Installation of that justly popular nobleman , the Duke of Abercorn , Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland , as Grand Master of Irish Freemasonry . The attendance was very largethe appearance
, of Grand Lodge most imposing , and the speeches of Bro . Shekleton and of the new Grand Master Avere most admirable and most Masonic . We congratulate the Irish Grand Lodge once more on their AVISO and opportune choice ; Ave congratulate our
Irish brethren on having so efficient and genial a ruler , to replace the venerable " Geraldine . " May all of prosperity Avait on Irish Freemasons , and Irish Freemasonry . The question of the Pope ' s Masonic membership seems to be pretty decidedly
settled by the able article of the Philadelphia Keystone , Avhich we have thought Avell to print in this month ' s Magazine , and Avhich , Ave believe , is from the pen of its accomplished editor , our kind confrere and correspondent , Bro . Clifford P . McCalla . Our opinion entirely coincides Avith his .
There is clearly so far no evidence that can he relied on of the Pope ' s affiliation . The statement of the Sicilian Lodge that the Pope was made a Mason at Philadelphia , in a lodge called " Li Figli de Hiram , " is disproved by the simple fact that no such
lodge ever existed . If the " local habitation and name " of such a lodge could have been substantiated , another question Avould have arisen , Avas it , " a priori , " likely that a Papal Nuncio Avould attend an illegal assembl y , ( illegal to him as a Pontifical representative ) , Avhether at Philadel phia , and above all Madrid 1 Such an assertion
must be a great trial on our belief , at any rate Ave Avho know the " ' customs of Avar in like cases , " the habits of diplomats , the Allies and regulations of the Eoman Curia . One should , however , like really to kwysv whence the Italian Freemasons got their
ahfigeu Masonic- speeches of the . Pope iV-r . ss . / Srijiii . - ' . vLai rocorihl Fran ) -v ]; : n . ; niuut- '\ ---7 The name of ; : Seoroici " . su ^ esr . * a Spanish ori gin to the " canard . " In H-Uy w ? do not belieA'e that they give symbolical names . An Italian Bro . tells us so , but
they still do in Spain , in fact the onl y available evidence of the Pope ' s initiation is the Havannah story of "Martin Ferretti . " So here the matter must stop , as we feel bound to say Ave do not believe the fact , not that it matters much either Avay . We
trust that Ave shall hear no more of 'these ill-timedmanifestoes and sentences of expulsion from Italy , as they onl y tend to throw ridicule on true Freemasons . A Defence of Masonry , published by Bro . Kenning , has recently appeared , which deals with the recent attacks on our Order , and the actual position and true
teaching of Freemasonry . The price , 2 s . Gd ., places the little Avork Avithin the reach of our Order generally , and Pro . Kenning ' s endeavours to promote the cause of Masonic Literature deserves recognition and support at the hands of the Craft .
Bro . Constable has also put forth a very interesting and Avell-Avritten Lodge History , namely , that of the well-known Tranquillity , Avhich Ave commend to the studious notice of all our Brethren . We hope sincerely that it Avill be largely patronized by our
Brethren , as such histories are very important aids to Masonic Archaeology , and form the materials on Avhich the true Masonic Student builds up his painstaking Avork . The work Avill well repay perusal , and Bro . W . J . Hughan ' s able preface Avill commend it to the notice of many of our readers .
We do not think that there is much more Masonic intelligence worth noting , either at home or abroad . Our Lodges Avill soon noAv resume their active working . May all good go Avith them , and pleasant reunions and prosperous gatherings be their ' s , alike in the Metropolis , and in the Provinces . P