Article ANTIQUITY OF MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Antiquity Of Masonry.
BY AV . S . HOOPER , There is ahvays a positiA'e and a negative way to treat a subject , and , in many cases , a point may be established by either of these modes of arguments . When the entire line of facts in connection Avith a
subject can be given , it is an easy matter to prove anything . But Avhen facts are given of which but feAv persons are aAvare , they are often denied by the general reader , and Avhen thus denied by one Avho puts forth no proof to substantiate the denial , it is A'ain to undertake to convince him . The
endeavour to satisfy anyone Avho denies facts that are placed upon historic records or the page of personal experience , is useless . AVe may argue points and giA'e facts from a strictly historical standard , and yet , because they do not suit the readerthey
, may meet an absolute discredit , but this result does not invalidate nor refute them . When the argument is from the positive stand-point , it is not ahvays necessary to be confined to the facts in the written histories upon the subject treated
ofbe-, cause there may be very important facts connected with it of which the historian Avas not cognizant , or AA'hich transpired after the history was Avritten .
In the research for the establishment of any peculiar truth about Avhich there is doubt , it is a credit to no one to be confined to the Avritings of any particular author because there is no research , but merely an acceptance of what he has Avritten . True research goes into the field of
literature trodden by few or none . Had Columbus been content Avith the history of the Avorld furnished by the historian of his day , or with the geographical knowledge of his time , there would haA'e been no discovery of America by him . Being
dissatisfied Avith both , and seeing , by existing evidences , there Avere lands of Avhich the ! people would not believe , he launched out ! on an untravelied and untrammelled field , ' and brought great knowledge and value to the world .
Thus every advance of science and literature is brought about . Many times , by proA'oking discussion , AVO awaken slumbering truth and establish former Avell-knoAvn facts on a more substantial basis . Because ! AVO cannot at once accejrt a theory , we must ' .
not discard it . Because Ave do not like to believe , and are unable to refute it , Ave should not denounce it , for truth , however unpalatable , remains the same . By accepting history as far as it goes , and exploring new fields , Ave many times develop a
AVOIIknoAvn theory into a j'ositive fact , Avhich in time AA'eaves itself into undeniable history . hi the negative argument it is proper to admit things or facts to exist betause the contrary cannot be proven , and to apply evidences which generally are supposed not
to have any connection Avith the matter in question . In this kind of argument it matters very little Avhether there be any corroborative history or not . For instance , Masonic history gives no record of the existence of Masonry among the Japanese ,
but that for hundreds of years their government has been so exclusive as to permit no communication between its subjects and those of enlightened governments , and to give no opportunity to introduce Masonry there . Nowif there Avere no antiquity of
, Masonry , any casual observer Avould at once say it would be impossible to find Masons iu that land . If we acknowledge the historic fact of the lockinsr of that
semibarbarous nation against all the civilized races , and find they have AVOTCIS expressing the name of God A'ery differently from any civilized race , and no ivord expressive of the same in the manner of an Oriental
language , Ave have two more facts of theii history . If we further find no civilized race has any word expressive of the ont word , or idea , in the language of an Oriental race , Ave have another fact in the history of civilization . Now , these are commonly accepted factsand to apply
, them in regard to the " Master ' s Word , " Ave find that the Japanese , English and French have no such word in their language . Second , AVO have tho fact of the locking of the poits of Japan against other nations . Thirdthe fact that these ports
, have been opened during the last few years to civilized races . Now , if the natives of these islands come together and find that on the points of the Masonic signs , grips and this one word they are a unit , there is one fact firmly establishedviz . that
Ma-, , sonry existed iu Japan at some time prior to the locking of her ports against the civilized races . AVhat time that Avas depends on two other facts , First , at Avhat age in the world the ports were thus locked ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Antiquity Of Masonry.
BY AV . S . HOOPER , There is ahvays a positiA'e and a negative way to treat a subject , and , in many cases , a point may be established by either of these modes of arguments . When the entire line of facts in connection Avith a
subject can be given , it is an easy matter to prove anything . But Avhen facts are given of which but feAv persons are aAvare , they are often denied by the general reader , and Avhen thus denied by one Avho puts forth no proof to substantiate the denial , it is A'ain to undertake to convince him . The
endeavour to satisfy anyone Avho denies facts that are placed upon historic records or the page of personal experience , is useless . AVe may argue points and giA'e facts from a strictly historical standard , and yet , because they do not suit the readerthey
, may meet an absolute discredit , but this result does not invalidate nor refute them . When the argument is from the positive stand-point , it is not ahvays necessary to be confined to the facts in the written histories upon the subject treated
ofbe-, cause there may be very important facts connected with it of which the historian Avas not cognizant , or AA'hich transpired after the history was Avritten .
In the research for the establishment of any peculiar truth about Avhich there is doubt , it is a credit to no one to be confined to the Avritings of any particular author because there is no research , but merely an acceptance of what he has Avritten . True research goes into the field of
literature trodden by few or none . Had Columbus been content Avith the history of the Avorld furnished by the historian of his day , or with the geographical knowledge of his time , there would haA'e been no discovery of America by him . Being
dissatisfied Avith both , and seeing , by existing evidences , there Avere lands of Avhich the ! people would not believe , he launched out ! on an untravelied and untrammelled field , ' and brought great knowledge and value to the world .
Thus every advance of science and literature is brought about . Many times , by proA'oking discussion , AVO awaken slumbering truth and establish former Avell-knoAvn facts on a more substantial basis . Because ! AVO cannot at once accejrt a theory , we must ' .
not discard it . Because Ave do not like to believe , and are unable to refute it , Ave should not denounce it , for truth , however unpalatable , remains the same . By accepting history as far as it goes , and exploring new fields , Ave many times develop a
AVOIIknoAvn theory into a j'ositive fact , Avhich in time AA'eaves itself into undeniable history . hi the negative argument it is proper to admit things or facts to exist betause the contrary cannot be proven , and to apply evidences which generally are supposed not
to have any connection Avith the matter in question . In this kind of argument it matters very little Avhether there be any corroborative history or not . For instance , Masonic history gives no record of the existence of Masonry among the Japanese ,
but that for hundreds of years their government has been so exclusive as to permit no communication between its subjects and those of enlightened governments , and to give no opportunity to introduce Masonry there . Nowif there Avere no antiquity of
, Masonry , any casual observer Avould at once say it would be impossible to find Masons iu that land . If we acknowledge the historic fact of the lockinsr of that
semibarbarous nation against all the civilized races , and find they have AVOTCIS expressing the name of God A'ery differently from any civilized race , and no ivord expressive of the same in the manner of an Oriental
language , Ave have two more facts of theii history . If we further find no civilized race has any word expressive of the ont word , or idea , in the language of an Oriental race , Ave have another fact in the history of civilization . Now , these are commonly accepted factsand to apply
, them in regard to the " Master ' s Word , " Ave find that the Japanese , English and French have no such word in their language . Second , AVO have tho fact of the locking of the poits of Japan against other nations . Thirdthe fact that these ports
, have been opened during the last few years to civilized races . Now , if the natives of these islands come together and find that on the points of the Masonic signs , grips and this one word they are a unit , there is one fact firmly establishedviz . that
Ma-, , sonry existed iu Japan at some time prior to the locking of her ports against the civilized races . AVhat time that Avas depends on two other facts , First , at Avhat age in the world the ports were thus locked ,