Article INFLUENCE OF MASONRY. ← Page 3 of 3 Article HAIL! Page 1 of 1 Article HAIL! Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1
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Influence Of Masonry.
us , ordering us to heave to , which Avas obeyed , and then from the side of the pirate craft a boat was loAvered , filled with armed men , and started towards us , I watched that boat Avith the feelings that a doomed man watches the approach to the scaffold . Nearer and nearer it came .
There Avere no prayers now , no sobs . On our ship all was still and silent , and even ' eye was fixed upon the approaching boat , when suddenly Capt . Roberts , Avho Avas standing apart from the men , gaA'e a shout , and then burst into a hysteric laugh . I
thought , as the men did , that his mind had left him . But no ! Raising himself , he spoke Avith a voice and look I shall never forget . " - ' We are saved \ We are saved ! That
captain m the boat is a Mason . ' "And so it proved true . The boat came alongside ; only one man—the pirate captain—came on deck , and he unarmed . He shook hands with Capt . Roberts , spoke a feAV Avords in Spanish to him , and together they went into the cabin . AVhat
passed between those men I never kneAV , but Avhen they came on deck again , both Avere in tears . The pirate captain again shook hands with our old captain , sprang over the side of the vessel into his boat , and Avas rowed back to his craft . I Avafcched her as she bore steadily away—Avatched her until darkness closed around
her ; but the last thing I saAv was the black flag at the masthead . " I often think of that event in my life , and Avonder Avhat power there is in Masonry that will still keep a man true to it , when he has cast aside every other obligationboth human and divineand
, , abandoned a virtuous for a sinful life . But , whatever it is , there , on that silent sea , the influence of Masonry , and the memories that cluster round it , once moved the heart of even a 2 'irate , and saved my life , "—Racine ( Wis . ) Journal .
Hail to the star of Masonry ! whose pure and radiant light Resplendent shines o ' er land and sea , by day as well as night ;
How great its charm there ' s none can tell but those who kuoAV its power—Its nrystic , magic-Avorking spell , to cheei life ' s darkest hour . Hail to the gem . True Charity ! 0 may it
e'er be Avorn By every Mason , just and free , the Order to adorn ! Hail to the three grand principles on which Freemasons rest—Fraternal Love , Relief , and Truth , enshrined within each breast .
Hail to the Craft ! Avhose secret arts and hidden mysteries hold A Avondrous poAver o'er all the hearts of Masons , young and old ; And Avhile that poAver retains its sway Avith undiminished might
, AVith fervent zeal and freedom pay glad homage to the Light . Hail to the Craft ! to which belongs a groat and mighty baud Of brethren famed in art , in song the
noblest in the land ; Princes and Dukes its ranks still seek ; Avhere ' er its flag may wave , Hails the just , the free , the meek , but ne ' er admits the slave . —Masonic Rev ' v : r .
To the Editor of ihe " Masonic Magazine . " Dear Sir and Bro ., —I have a copy of the Poem " Trust in God and do the Plight , " Avhich is said to have been composed by the late [ lev . Norman McLeod , D . D ., and I have understood that eminent Divine
Avas the author of the lines . In the " Masonic Magazine" for January you insert the Poem , and credit it to the American Freemason . Is it not worth Avhile to dissever which is correct .
Yours obediently , W . J . HUGHAN . Truro , 2 nd January , 1 > 75 .
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Influence Of Masonry.
us , ordering us to heave to , which Avas obeyed , and then from the side of the pirate craft a boat was loAvered , filled with armed men , and started towards us , I watched that boat Avith the feelings that a doomed man watches the approach to the scaffold . Nearer and nearer it came .
There Avere no prayers now , no sobs . On our ship all was still and silent , and even ' eye was fixed upon the approaching boat , when suddenly Capt . Roberts , Avho Avas standing apart from the men , gaA'e a shout , and then burst into a hysteric laugh . I
thought , as the men did , that his mind had left him . But no ! Raising himself , he spoke Avith a voice and look I shall never forget . " - ' We are saved \ We are saved ! That
captain m the boat is a Mason . ' "And so it proved true . The boat came alongside ; only one man—the pirate captain—came on deck , and he unarmed . He shook hands with Capt . Roberts , spoke a feAV Avords in Spanish to him , and together they went into the cabin . AVhat
passed between those men I never kneAV , but Avhen they came on deck again , both Avere in tears . The pirate captain again shook hands with our old captain , sprang over the side of the vessel into his boat , and Avas rowed back to his craft . I Avafcched her as she bore steadily away—Avatched her until darkness closed around
her ; but the last thing I saAv was the black flag at the masthead . " I often think of that event in my life , and Avonder Avhat power there is in Masonry that will still keep a man true to it , when he has cast aside every other obligationboth human and divineand
, , abandoned a virtuous for a sinful life . But , whatever it is , there , on that silent sea , the influence of Masonry , and the memories that cluster round it , once moved the heart of even a 2 'irate , and saved my life , "—Racine ( Wis . ) Journal .
Hail to the star of Masonry ! whose pure and radiant light Resplendent shines o ' er land and sea , by day as well as night ;
How great its charm there ' s none can tell but those who kuoAV its power—Its nrystic , magic-Avorking spell , to cheei life ' s darkest hour . Hail to the gem . True Charity ! 0 may it
e'er be Avorn By every Mason , just and free , the Order to adorn ! Hail to the three grand principles on which Freemasons rest—Fraternal Love , Relief , and Truth , enshrined within each breast .
Hail to the Craft ! Avhose secret arts and hidden mysteries hold A Avondrous poAver o'er all the hearts of Masons , young and old ; And Avhile that poAver retains its sway Avith undiminished might
, AVith fervent zeal and freedom pay glad homage to the Light . Hail to the Craft ! to which belongs a groat and mighty baud Of brethren famed in art , in song the
noblest in the land ; Princes and Dukes its ranks still seek ; Avhere ' er its flag may wave , Hails the just , the free , the meek , but ne ' er admits the slave . —Masonic Rev ' v : r .
To the Editor of ihe " Masonic Magazine . " Dear Sir and Bro ., —I have a copy of the Poem " Trust in God and do the Plight , " Avhich is said to have been composed by the late [ lev . Norman McLeod , D . D ., and I have understood that eminent Divine
Avas the author of the lines . In the " Masonic Magazine" for January you insert the Poem , and credit it to the American Freemason . Is it not worth Avhile to dissever which is correct .
Yours obediently , W . J . HUGHAN . Truro , 2 nd January , 1 > 75 .