Article IS POPE PIUS IX. A FREEMASON? ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Is Pope Pius Ix. A Freemason?
under whatever colour it may clothe itself , and Ave assert that the Avords of the selfstyled " prisoner of the Vatican , Pio IX ' ., " under 23 rd March , 1874 , are a tissue of slanders and lies , and will prove it by one of the many incidents in that man ' s life . Every one knows that a Bishop of the
Brazilian empire , Avithin the last feAv months , proceeded against the Masons Avith such virulence that the Brazilian Parliament , having heard the declaration of the minister for Foreign Affairs , the Viscount of Rio BrancoG . M . of the G . 0 .
, of Brazil , Vale of Laumdio , condemned the Bishop and protected the Craft . Pope Mastai , iu the presence of his satelites , in the course of a speech , uttered these Avords :
" Amongst the ministers of that government ( Brazil ) there are Masons in hi gh and exalted positions in the sect ; the just have been persecuted , in order that these sectarians , Avho are poisonous snakes , should be supported . " NayPope Mastai ! You haA'e
forgot-, ten the precepts of Jesus , Avhose "infallible Vicercgent" you style yourself—knowing that you . uttered falsehood , and you arc also convicted thereof . Remember Pope Pius , that Avhen 3 'ou Avere Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretlibeing invested Avith the
, office of Pontifical Nuncio in America , and , precisely , in Philadelphia , you eagerly sought to be initiated in the mysteries of Freemasonry , and when that Avas done , after your solemn oaths iu the Lodge of the "Sons of Hiram , " you enthusiastically
uttered Avords of fidelity to the Craft ! you even assumed the symbolic name of " Scevola , " and replied as follows to the address of the speaker : " T indeed receive from you , W . M ., the true light , Avhereas before I Avas in the densest darkness . I am UOAV fully
con-A'inced that Freemansory is the most important and beneficent association known in the Avorld , and am highly pleased to belong to the Order . " Sneh are the Avords of this man , and it is well to compare them Avith those he uttered
as Pope in the Vatican , in March , 1874 , as AVOII as Avith those he spontaneously uttered in the Temple of "the Sons of Hiram , " Avhen it Avill be evident to all that he iguominiously betrays the oath of fidelity to the Craft . Every one Avith a grain of common sense can see that Freemasonry is
not a sect , nor are its followers sectarians , and of tho truth Pope Pius IX . was convinced ; in fact at a meeting he thus characterized our noble institution : " It is an order whose mission is to improve the morals of the universe , and to raise fallen humanity ! " And full of zeal , he concluded his speech in those Avords : " I will ahvavs be a warm defender of this
very noble Order . " As if his words and oaths wore not sufficient , he so actively laboured by Avriting on behalf of our Order that he Avas deemed worthy to be exalted to the 18 ° R . C . t . The documents produced by our Brethren of Philadelphia prove the truth of
our statement , and may be seen on appllcationby anyone . Exalted to the 18 ° , on returning from America ho frequented many Madrid Lodges , as Brethren from Spain assert . Likewise the Lodge of Sinigagliasituated on the second floor in
, a house on the loft of Via Emilia , in that house , the ground floor of which vas occupied by a chemist . This did Bro . Mastai , then only a Monsignore , and he worked so much for the Craft , that Ave smoothed the way for him to the Throne of
Peterbeliev-, ing that when lie attained the supreme power , he Avould scrupulously adhere to his oaths , and dedicate himself to the welfare of Humanity , alleviate the forsaken , and shed a tear of sympathy for the Avounded and the afflicted .
Mastai Ferretti , K . of E . 0 . t , having become Pope , has forgotten his engagements , perjured himself , and shamefully broken faith . He rebels against the Order Avhich he had sworn Avarmly to uphold , and slanders it . He seeks to vilify it in the face of all peoplehaving stained his
, hands in the blood of so many noble victims of liberty , and giA'en himself over body and soul to the Jesuits , whose infamous tool he he is , nolens nolens . For his purposes he wishes to make the Avorld believe that we
are poisonous snakes , as it does not suit him to state the truth , that Freemasons are supporters of Humanity , believe in the Most High God , and the immortality of the soul ; that they are honest , intelligent and tolerant , seeking to solve the great problem , to issue a law which may satisfy all
Avithout wounding the opinion and faith of any one , and that Masons in their labours Avill haA'e no political or relig ious discussion , but proclaim for all liberty of conscience , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Is Pope Pius Ix. A Freemason?
under whatever colour it may clothe itself , and Ave assert that the Avords of the selfstyled " prisoner of the Vatican , Pio IX ' ., " under 23 rd March , 1874 , are a tissue of slanders and lies , and will prove it by one of the many incidents in that man ' s life . Every one knows that a Bishop of the
Brazilian empire , Avithin the last feAv months , proceeded against the Masons Avith such virulence that the Brazilian Parliament , having heard the declaration of the minister for Foreign Affairs , the Viscount of Rio BrancoG . M . of the G . 0 .
, of Brazil , Vale of Laumdio , condemned the Bishop and protected the Craft . Pope Mastai , iu the presence of his satelites , in the course of a speech , uttered these Avords :
" Amongst the ministers of that government ( Brazil ) there are Masons in hi gh and exalted positions in the sect ; the just have been persecuted , in order that these sectarians , Avho are poisonous snakes , should be supported . " NayPope Mastai ! You haA'e
forgot-, ten the precepts of Jesus , Avhose "infallible Vicercgent" you style yourself—knowing that you . uttered falsehood , and you arc also convicted thereof . Remember Pope Pius , that Avhen 3 'ou Avere Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretlibeing invested Avith the
, office of Pontifical Nuncio in America , and , precisely , in Philadelphia , you eagerly sought to be initiated in the mysteries of Freemasonry , and when that Avas done , after your solemn oaths iu the Lodge of the "Sons of Hiram , " you enthusiastically
uttered Avords of fidelity to the Craft ! you even assumed the symbolic name of " Scevola , " and replied as follows to the address of the speaker : " T indeed receive from you , W . M ., the true light , Avhereas before I Avas in the densest darkness . I am UOAV fully
con-A'inced that Freemansory is the most important and beneficent association known in the Avorld , and am highly pleased to belong to the Order . " Sneh are the Avords of this man , and it is well to compare them Avith those he uttered
as Pope in the Vatican , in March , 1874 , as AVOII as Avith those he spontaneously uttered in the Temple of "the Sons of Hiram , " Avhen it Avill be evident to all that he iguominiously betrays the oath of fidelity to the Craft . Every one Avith a grain of common sense can see that Freemasonry is
not a sect , nor are its followers sectarians , and of tho truth Pope Pius IX . was convinced ; in fact at a meeting he thus characterized our noble institution : " It is an order whose mission is to improve the morals of the universe , and to raise fallen humanity ! " And full of zeal , he concluded his speech in those Avords : " I will ahvavs be a warm defender of this
very noble Order . " As if his words and oaths wore not sufficient , he so actively laboured by Avriting on behalf of our Order that he Avas deemed worthy to be exalted to the 18 ° R . C . t . The documents produced by our Brethren of Philadelphia prove the truth of
our statement , and may be seen on appllcationby anyone . Exalted to the 18 ° , on returning from America ho frequented many Madrid Lodges , as Brethren from Spain assert . Likewise the Lodge of Sinigagliasituated on the second floor in
, a house on the loft of Via Emilia , in that house , the ground floor of which vas occupied by a chemist . This did Bro . Mastai , then only a Monsignore , and he worked so much for the Craft , that Ave smoothed the way for him to the Throne of
Peterbeliev-, ing that when lie attained the supreme power , he Avould scrupulously adhere to his oaths , and dedicate himself to the welfare of Humanity , alleviate the forsaken , and shed a tear of sympathy for the Avounded and the afflicted .
Mastai Ferretti , K . of E . 0 . t , having become Pope , has forgotten his engagements , perjured himself , and shamefully broken faith . He rebels against the Order Avhich he had sworn Avarmly to uphold , and slanders it . He seeks to vilify it in the face of all peoplehaving stained his
, hands in the blood of so many noble victims of liberty , and giA'en himself over body and soul to the Jesuits , whose infamous tool he he is , nolens nolens . For his purposes he wishes to make the Avorld believe that we
are poisonous snakes , as it does not suit him to state the truth , that Freemasons are supporters of Humanity , believe in the Most High God , and the immortality of the soul ; that they are honest , intelligent and tolerant , seeking to solve the great problem , to issue a law which may satisfy all
Avithout wounding the opinion and faith of any one , and that Masons in their labours Avill haA'e no political or relig ious discussion , but proclaim for all liberty of conscience , and