Article IS POPE PIUS IX. A FREEMASON? ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Is Pope Pius Ix. A Freemason?
Avhich Mastai Ferretti , in 1826 , was initiated into the Order under the old Scottish Rite . The decree reads as follows : —A man named Mastai Ferretti , who received the baptism of Freemasonry , and solemnly pledged his love and fellowship , and AVIIO afterwards Avas crowned Pope and King , under the title of Pio Nono , has now cursed his former brethren and excommunicated all members of the Order of
Freemasons . Therefore , said Mastai Ferretti is liereAvith , by decree of the Grand Lodge of the Orient , Palermo , expelled from the Order for perjury . The charges against Mastai Ferretti were first preferred in his Lodge at Palermo in 1 SC 5 , and notification and copy thereof sent to RomeAvith a
, request to attend tho Lodge for the purpose of his vindication . To this the Pope made no reply , and for divers reasons the charges Avere not pressed until the Pope urged the clergy of Brazil to aggressive measures against the Freemasons of that country .
Then the charges Avere pressed , and the second and third notifications sent , and after a formal trial , a decree of expulsion Avas entered , and caused to be published . The decree bears the signature of Victor EmmanuelKing of ItalyGrand Master
, , of the Orient of Italy . " In August , 1 SC 8 , Le Monde Maconique ( The Masonic World ) , a monthly , published in Paris . France , contained an article
entitled : Initiation de Pie IX . , Avhich quoted a letter from the Masons of Messina , Sicily , to the Very ReA ' . M . Aglotfci , Vicar of that Diocese . It asserts that Mastai Ferretti , Avhile Gregory XVI . Avas Pope , Avas sent on a mission to North America ; that after it Avas completed he Avent to
Philadelphia , Avhere he remained some time , and Avas made a Mason . The letter proceeds to give his speeches on Masonic occasions , in Avhich ho extols Freemasonry , For example , he is quoted as saying : " I am fully convinced that Masonry is one of
the best associations that is known in the Avorld . " Again : " I shall ever be a warm defender of this sublime Order , whose mission is to moralise the universe , and to relieve and protect suffering humanity . " NOAVso lav as Philadelphia is concerned
, , we are prepared to say that Masted Ferretti Avas never made a Mason in any Lodge in this city ; and Ave are also prepared to say that he Avas never made a Mason in any Lodge Avorking under the Jurisdiction of
the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , Avhether in the State of Pennsylvania , or in any foreign country included in the " Masonic Jurisdiction thereunto belonging . " There is , hoAveA er , a shadoAV of a proof that Pope Pius IX . may haA e been made a Mason in Havana , in a Lodge which at the time Avas Avorking under the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania . We have carefully examined all the Minute Books and Records
of this Grand Lodge , in the Grand Secretary ' s Office in the New Masonic Temple , and know AA'hat we UOAV assert . The " shadow proofs " are these : On March 2 nd , 1818 , the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania warranted Lodge " Les Delieias de la HavanaNo . 157 " Avorking
, , in Havana , Ouba , Avhich Lodge surrendered its Avarrant on June 4 th , 1821 , at Avhich time it came under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Havana . On November 17 th , 1819 , Martin Ferrety Avas raised to the Sublime degree of a M . M . iu this
Lodge . On December 17 th , 1804 , the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania warranted Lodge " LOJ Temple des Vertus Theulogias , No . 103 , " Avhich Lodge surrendered its warrant at the same time and for the same reason ,
as the Lodge last mentioned . Iu Lodge " La Temple" Juan Augustus Ferrety was made a Mason on January IGth , 1815 . He resigned his membership March 21 st , 1817 , and affiliated Avith Lodge " Les Delieias de la Havana , No . 157 , " in AA'hich Lodge lie
was Crafted and Raised . Martin Ferrety and Juan Augustus Ferrety , are the only Ferretys whose names are on the records of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania . Our readers may form their own conclusions as to Avhether either of these
Brethren Avas the present Pope Pius IX . Although one of them may have been , AVC scarcely think either Avas . For ourselves we are not anxious to claim the Pope as a Freemason . A great backslider is no credit to the Fraternity . If Pius is a Brother , how far he has slidden back ! almost
beyond the hope of recovery , wo fear , for he is now ignominiously expelled for persecuting the Brethren Avhom he once swore to love . We shall forward a copyof this Aveek ' s Keystone to His Holiness , Avith the request that he send us at once a cable telegram informing us , and through us the Masonic Avorld , Avhether he eA er , under his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Is Pope Pius Ix. A Freemason?
Avhich Mastai Ferretti , in 1826 , was initiated into the Order under the old Scottish Rite . The decree reads as follows : —A man named Mastai Ferretti , who received the baptism of Freemasonry , and solemnly pledged his love and fellowship , and AVIIO afterwards Avas crowned Pope and King , under the title of Pio Nono , has now cursed his former brethren and excommunicated all members of the Order of
Freemasons . Therefore , said Mastai Ferretti is liereAvith , by decree of the Grand Lodge of the Orient , Palermo , expelled from the Order for perjury . The charges against Mastai Ferretti were first preferred in his Lodge at Palermo in 1 SC 5 , and notification and copy thereof sent to RomeAvith a
, request to attend tho Lodge for the purpose of his vindication . To this the Pope made no reply , and for divers reasons the charges Avere not pressed until the Pope urged the clergy of Brazil to aggressive measures against the Freemasons of that country .
Then the charges Avere pressed , and the second and third notifications sent , and after a formal trial , a decree of expulsion Avas entered , and caused to be published . The decree bears the signature of Victor EmmanuelKing of ItalyGrand Master
, , of the Orient of Italy . " In August , 1 SC 8 , Le Monde Maconique ( The Masonic World ) , a monthly , published in Paris . France , contained an article
entitled : Initiation de Pie IX . , Avhich quoted a letter from the Masons of Messina , Sicily , to the Very ReA ' . M . Aglotfci , Vicar of that Diocese . It asserts that Mastai Ferretti , Avhile Gregory XVI . Avas Pope , Avas sent on a mission to North America ; that after it Avas completed he Avent to
Philadelphia , Avhere he remained some time , and Avas made a Mason . The letter proceeds to give his speeches on Masonic occasions , in Avhich ho extols Freemasonry , For example , he is quoted as saying : " I am fully convinced that Masonry is one of
the best associations that is known in the Avorld . " Again : " I shall ever be a warm defender of this sublime Order , whose mission is to moralise the universe , and to relieve and protect suffering humanity . " NOAVso lav as Philadelphia is concerned
, , we are prepared to say that Masted Ferretti Avas never made a Mason in any Lodge in this city ; and Ave are also prepared to say that he Avas never made a Mason in any Lodge Avorking under the Jurisdiction of
the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , Avhether in the State of Pennsylvania , or in any foreign country included in the " Masonic Jurisdiction thereunto belonging . " There is , hoAveA er , a shadoAV of a proof that Pope Pius IX . may haA e been made a Mason in Havana , in a Lodge which at the time Avas Avorking under the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania . We have carefully examined all the Minute Books and Records
of this Grand Lodge , in the Grand Secretary ' s Office in the New Masonic Temple , and know AA'hat we UOAV assert . The " shadow proofs " are these : On March 2 nd , 1818 , the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania warranted Lodge " Les Delieias de la HavanaNo . 157 " Avorking
, , in Havana , Ouba , Avhich Lodge surrendered its Avarrant on June 4 th , 1821 , at Avhich time it came under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Havana . On November 17 th , 1819 , Martin Ferrety Avas raised to the Sublime degree of a M . M . iu this
Lodge . On December 17 th , 1804 , the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania warranted Lodge " LOJ Temple des Vertus Theulogias , No . 103 , " Avhich Lodge surrendered its warrant at the same time and for the same reason ,
as the Lodge last mentioned . Iu Lodge " La Temple" Juan Augustus Ferrety was made a Mason on January IGth , 1815 . He resigned his membership March 21 st , 1817 , and affiliated Avith Lodge " Les Delieias de la Havana , No . 157 , " in AA'hich Lodge lie
was Crafted and Raised . Martin Ferrety and Juan Augustus Ferrety , are the only Ferretys whose names are on the records of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania . Our readers may form their own conclusions as to Avhether either of these
Brethren Avas the present Pope Pius IX . Although one of them may have been , AVC scarcely think either Avas . For ourselves we are not anxious to claim the Pope as a Freemason . A great backslider is no credit to the Fraternity . If Pius is a Brother , how far he has slidden back ! almost
beyond the hope of recovery , wo fear , for he is now ignominiously expelled for persecuting the Brethren Avhom he once swore to love . We shall forward a copyof this Aveek ' s Keystone to His Holiness , Avith the request that he send us at once a cable telegram informing us , and through us the Masonic Avorld , Avhether he eA er , under his