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Godfrey Higgins On Freemasonry.
literally knoAv nothing of the Craftsmen at the period Avhen the warlike Kni ghts Avere in the ascendancy , and certainly after the persecution of the latter , Ave have not apparently any evidence that their secret ceremonies were preserved by
the Freemasons . We give the author ' s vieAV as to the character of that celebrated military order : " In the persecutions of the Knights Templars , Avhich are knoAvn to everybody , a certain mystification and secrecy may be
observed , as if the ivhole of the charges against them Avere not brought publicly out . This arose from various causes . The persecuted were really very religious , and were bound by the most solemn masonic oaths ( and Masonry Avas intimatel
y connected with these matters ) not to divulge the secrets of the Order . This caused them to recant at the stake , when all hope had fled , what they had confessed when on the Avheel ; and by this means they endeavoured to make amends for the
secrets betrayed , and the oaths involuntary broken on the rack . " ( P . C 89 , vol . 1 . ) The author considers also that if the
secret mysteries of the Christian religion " were told by any traitor , so many other false stories Avere told along Avith the true ones , that their secrecy is by this means most effectually secured , . . . probably like those of the Freemasons . " His opinion is "that the cause of the
crusades , in Avhich the Knights Templar took such an active part , was the expectation of the Millenium , the desire to be present at Jerusalem at the grand day Avhen the Son of Man should eome in His glory—the great clay of God Almi ghty .
Here we have the real reason of the crusades . , . . It is very certain that the Ishmalians , or Society of Assassins , is a Mohammedan sect ; that it Avas at once both a military and relig i ous association , like the Templars and Teutonic
Knights ; and that , like the Jesuits , it had its members scattered over extensive countries . ItNvas a link Avhich connected ancient and modern Freemasonry . ( P . 700 , vol . 1 . ) The Templars Avere nothing but one branch of Masons ; perhaps a branch to Avhich the care of some peculiar part of Temples Avas entrusted , and I think that the name of Templars Avas only
another name for Casideans . ... In the very highest orders of Freemasons viz ., the Templars and Rosicrucians , as I imagine them to be , there is no emblem more sacred than the cross . Here I stop . Yerbum sapienti . Mr . Hammer has observed that the identity of the symbols of
the Templars and of the Architectonic ! , by Avhom he means the Freemasons , are demonstrated . ... In this I think he his perfectly correct . The Chaldeans and the Mathematicians , of whom we read in the Augustin age as being the
fortunetellers , or the magicians , or the judicial astrologers of the great men of the day in Rome , Avere , in fact , Freemasons , and of this the emblems above , copied from his Avork , in plate IV ., are a sufficient proof . I need not tell any one , whether Mason or
not , how large a space the history of the building of the Temple of Solomon occupies in the ceremonies of Masonry . " ( P . 712 , vol . 1 . ) Bro , Higgins says : " The Templars had no objection to tho
Jewish Temple , for the same reason that the Mohammedan , the Jew , and the Christian sit down together , as I have with great pleasure experienced at a lodge or chapter of Freemasons . ... If there be anything in their ceremonies to prevent this ( i . e . the Rosicrucians and Templars ) , it is a heresy , and contrary to the spirit o , their orders . Let them remember this '
Avithout JBAV , that is Judmte , there is no Christian ; Avithout both JBAV and Christian there is no Mohammedan . " ( P . 720 , vol . 1 , ) Bro . Higgins refrained from joining the Rosicrucians and Templars , that his tongue might not be tied or his liberty in writing
abridged . He considers that they are the " Culdees " of Iona and the Crypt of York Minster , where the Grand Masonic Lodge of England Avas held . Bro ,- Higg ins also considers Free-Mason is PH-RE-P . H ., the Coptic emphatic article and RE the sun , " Mason ot the Sun . These are peculiar ideas and require a careful examination . He tells us :
" The very essence of Freemasonry Equality . All , let their rank in life to Avhat it may , Avhen in the lodge , are brothers—brethren , Avith the Father at their head . No person can read the Evangelists and not see that this is correctly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Godfrey Higgins On Freemasonry.
literally knoAv nothing of the Craftsmen at the period Avhen the warlike Kni ghts Avere in the ascendancy , and certainly after the persecution of the latter , Ave have not apparently any evidence that their secret ceremonies were preserved by
the Freemasons . We give the author ' s vieAV as to the character of that celebrated military order : " In the persecutions of the Knights Templars , Avhich are knoAvn to everybody , a certain mystification and secrecy may be
observed , as if the ivhole of the charges against them Avere not brought publicly out . This arose from various causes . The persecuted were really very religious , and were bound by the most solemn masonic oaths ( and Masonry Avas intimatel
y connected with these matters ) not to divulge the secrets of the Order . This caused them to recant at the stake , when all hope had fled , what they had confessed when on the Avheel ; and by this means they endeavoured to make amends for the
secrets betrayed , and the oaths involuntary broken on the rack . " ( P . C 89 , vol . 1 . ) The author considers also that if the
secret mysteries of the Christian religion " were told by any traitor , so many other false stories Avere told along Avith the true ones , that their secrecy is by this means most effectually secured , . . . probably like those of the Freemasons . " His opinion is "that the cause of the
crusades , in Avhich the Knights Templar took such an active part , was the expectation of the Millenium , the desire to be present at Jerusalem at the grand day Avhen the Son of Man should eome in His glory—the great clay of God Almi ghty .
Here we have the real reason of the crusades . , . . It is very certain that the Ishmalians , or Society of Assassins , is a Mohammedan sect ; that it Avas at once both a military and relig i ous association , like the Templars and Teutonic
Knights ; and that , like the Jesuits , it had its members scattered over extensive countries . ItNvas a link Avhich connected ancient and modern Freemasonry . ( P . 700 , vol . 1 . ) The Templars Avere nothing but one branch of Masons ; perhaps a branch to Avhich the care of some peculiar part of Temples Avas entrusted , and I think that the name of Templars Avas only
another name for Casideans . ... In the very highest orders of Freemasons viz ., the Templars and Rosicrucians , as I imagine them to be , there is no emblem more sacred than the cross . Here I stop . Yerbum sapienti . Mr . Hammer has observed that the identity of the symbols of
the Templars and of the Architectonic ! , by Avhom he means the Freemasons , are demonstrated . ... In this I think he his perfectly correct . The Chaldeans and the Mathematicians , of whom we read in the Augustin age as being the
fortunetellers , or the magicians , or the judicial astrologers of the great men of the day in Rome , Avere , in fact , Freemasons , and of this the emblems above , copied from his Avork , in plate IV ., are a sufficient proof . I need not tell any one , whether Mason or
not , how large a space the history of the building of the Temple of Solomon occupies in the ceremonies of Masonry . " ( P . 712 , vol . 1 . ) Bro , Higgins says : " The Templars had no objection to tho
Jewish Temple , for the same reason that the Mohammedan , the Jew , and the Christian sit down together , as I have with great pleasure experienced at a lodge or chapter of Freemasons . ... If there be anything in their ceremonies to prevent this ( i . e . the Rosicrucians and Templars ) , it is a heresy , and contrary to the spirit o , their orders . Let them remember this '
Avithout JBAV , that is Judmte , there is no Christian ; Avithout both JBAV and Christian there is no Mohammedan . " ( P . 720 , vol . 1 , ) Bro . Higgins refrained from joining the Rosicrucians and Templars , that his tongue might not be tied or his liberty in writing
abridged . He considers that they are the " Culdees " of Iona and the Crypt of York Minster , where the Grand Masonic Lodge of England Avas held . Bro ,- Higg ins also considers Free-Mason is PH-RE-P . H ., the Coptic emphatic article and RE the sun , " Mason ot the Sun . These are peculiar ideas and require a careful examination . He tells us :
" The very essence of Freemasonry Equality . All , let their rank in life to Avhat it may , Avhen in the lodge , are brothers—brethren , Avith the Father at their head . No person can read the Evangelists and not see that this is correctly