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The Sprig Of Acacia.
SOITOAV fills the monarch s heart at Hiram ' s disappearance ; felloAvs and craftsmen seek him far and Avide , and , at last , the Acacia points out Avhere lies the beloved dead , soon to be raised by the Grand Master ' s hand .
Then is done of honour all that remains by mortal hands , and Avithiu the Temple , p lanned by his OAVU right hand , the selferected monument of his OAVU transcendant genius , is laid in hallowed rest the earthy frame of Hiram , the Avidow's son of Tyre .
Sad circumstance of death , yet not Avithout its fruits ; for , as the fragrance of the last-falling bloom pervades the eA'ening air , my thoughts revert to my own eventide of life , Avhen I can behold my mourning brethren casting into my last resting-place
of earth such sprigs of Acacia as I hold Avithin my hand ; and I recognise that as Hiram ' s light has illuminated this SOITOAVful passage of my soul , so may mine , feeble and dim though it may be noAV , serve to light home over the dark road of lifeand
, through the dark valley of the shadow of death , some weaker brother ; and thus , even as I pale and sicken and fall , my fragrance , waning as to earth , may go up as incense to my Father ' s throne on high , and whilst my brethren peacefully commit my
body to its resting-place in God's acre , in His own good time my Omnipotent and Omniscient Grand Master will raise it to abide for ever in His presence in the Temple above , not made Avith hands , eternal in the heavens .
The Site Of Solomon's Temple Discovered.
{ Continued from page 295 ) . WIDTH OF TEMPLE AKEA—BIBLE MEASUBES . THE outline structure of the Area was as folloAvs . It consisted of tivo main platforms , or courts , and tAvo ranges of steps or ascents . The first platform Avas the
Court of Israel , and the second Avas the Court of Priests . In reality , the uppermost platform was divided into tAvo equal halves . On the Avestern half Avas placed the Temple itself and surroundings , and the eastern half in front Avas strictly called the Court of Priests , Avith the Altar of burnt-offering in the centre . The first
range of seven steps led up to the Court of Israel , and the second range of eight steps led up to the Court of Priests . Each range of steps Avas 50 cubits from top to bottom , and the level platform between the tAvo ranges was also 50 cubits Avide all round the area . The tAvo ranges , of steps , also , Avent round the whole of the four sides of the quadrangular-Courts . —Ezekiel xl .
East Porch of steps 50 cubits , v . 15 . North „ „ 50 „ v . 21 . South „ „ ; . 50 „ v . 21 . Inner and upper range of steps : South Porch of steps 50 cubits , A ' . 29 . East „ „ 50 „ v . 33 . North „ „ 50 „ v . 36 .
Outer gate to inner gate : Eastern enhance 100 cubits , v . 19 . Northern ,, 100 „ v . 23 . Southern „ 100 „ v . 27 . From these measures it is evident that from the outer Avail to the edge of the
uppermost platform or court there was a distance of 50 + 50 + 50 = 150 cubits all around the Temple Area , on every side : the intervening platform , or level between the two ranges of steps , being only 50 cubitsforming the Court of Israel . The
, upper pavement Avas 200 cubits Avide , and the Avestern half of 100 cubits Avas covered by the House or Temple and its surroundings .
" So he measured the court ( of the House or Temple ) 100 cubits long and 100 cubits broad , four square : and the altar that was before the house . "Ezek , xl . 47 ; see also sli , 13 , li . The breadth of the House Avas 100 cubits , or half the width of the pavement or platform . On either side of the House were chambers , each storey being 50 cubits Avide in front . —Ezek . xliii .
The breadth Avas 50 cubits , v , 2 . The forefront -was 50 cubits , v . 7 . The breadth Avas 50 cubits , v , 8 , South side like the north , v . , Thus , the Avidth of the upper platform was 50 + 100 + 50 = 200 cubits . We can noAV obtain the total width of the Temple
Area : 150 + 200 + 150 = 500 cubits , from outer Avail to outer Avail . But , if the platform or Court of Israel be taken as the limit—not including the steps or ascent its width Avould be 100 + 200 + 100 = 400 cubits only . This is what Josephus means Avhen he says : z
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Sprig Of Acacia.
SOITOAV fills the monarch s heart at Hiram ' s disappearance ; felloAvs and craftsmen seek him far and Avide , and , at last , the Acacia points out Avhere lies the beloved dead , soon to be raised by the Grand Master ' s hand .
Then is done of honour all that remains by mortal hands , and Avithiu the Temple , p lanned by his OAVU right hand , the selferected monument of his OAVU transcendant genius , is laid in hallowed rest the earthy frame of Hiram , the Avidow's son of Tyre .
Sad circumstance of death , yet not Avithout its fruits ; for , as the fragrance of the last-falling bloom pervades the eA'ening air , my thoughts revert to my own eventide of life , Avhen I can behold my mourning brethren casting into my last resting-place
of earth such sprigs of Acacia as I hold Avithin my hand ; and I recognise that as Hiram ' s light has illuminated this SOITOAVful passage of my soul , so may mine , feeble and dim though it may be noAV , serve to light home over the dark road of lifeand
, through the dark valley of the shadow of death , some weaker brother ; and thus , even as I pale and sicken and fall , my fragrance , waning as to earth , may go up as incense to my Father ' s throne on high , and whilst my brethren peacefully commit my
body to its resting-place in God's acre , in His own good time my Omnipotent and Omniscient Grand Master will raise it to abide for ever in His presence in the Temple above , not made Avith hands , eternal in the heavens .
The Site Of Solomon's Temple Discovered.
{ Continued from page 295 ) . WIDTH OF TEMPLE AKEA—BIBLE MEASUBES . THE outline structure of the Area was as folloAvs . It consisted of tivo main platforms , or courts , and tAvo ranges of steps or ascents . The first platform Avas the
Court of Israel , and the second Avas the Court of Priests . In reality , the uppermost platform was divided into tAvo equal halves . On the Avestern half Avas placed the Temple itself and surroundings , and the eastern half in front Avas strictly called the Court of Priests , Avith the Altar of burnt-offering in the centre . The first
range of seven steps led up to the Court of Israel , and the second range of eight steps led up to the Court of Priests . Each range of steps Avas 50 cubits from top to bottom , and the level platform between the tAvo ranges was also 50 cubits Avide all round the area . The tAvo ranges , of steps , also , Avent round the whole of the four sides of the quadrangular-Courts . —Ezekiel xl .
East Porch of steps 50 cubits , v . 15 . North „ „ 50 „ v . 21 . South „ „ ; . 50 „ v . 21 . Inner and upper range of steps : South Porch of steps 50 cubits , A ' . 29 . East „ „ 50 „ v . 33 . North „ „ 50 „ v . 36 .
Outer gate to inner gate : Eastern enhance 100 cubits , v . 19 . Northern ,, 100 „ v . 23 . Southern „ 100 „ v . 27 . From these measures it is evident that from the outer Avail to the edge of the
uppermost platform or court there was a distance of 50 + 50 + 50 = 150 cubits all around the Temple Area , on every side : the intervening platform , or level between the two ranges of steps , being only 50 cubitsforming the Court of Israel . The
, upper pavement Avas 200 cubits Avide , and the Avestern half of 100 cubits Avas covered by the House or Temple and its surroundings .
" So he measured the court ( of the House or Temple ) 100 cubits long and 100 cubits broad , four square : and the altar that was before the house . "Ezek , xl . 47 ; see also sli , 13 , li . The breadth of the House Avas 100 cubits , or half the width of the pavement or platform . On either side of the House were chambers , each storey being 50 cubits Avide in front . —Ezek . xliii .
The breadth Avas 50 cubits , v , 2 . The forefront -was 50 cubits , v . 7 . The breadth Avas 50 cubits , v , 8 , South side like the north , v . , Thus , the Avidth of the upper platform was 50 + 100 + 50 = 200 cubits . We can noAV obtain the total width of the Temple
Area : 150 + 200 + 150 = 500 cubits , from outer Avail to outer Avail . But , if the platform or Court of Israel be taken as the limit—not including the steps or ascent its width Avould be 100 + 200 + 100 = 400 cubits only . This is what Josephus means Avhen he says : z