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The Site Of Solomon's Temple Discovered.
" The hill was v . ailed all round and in compass four fourlongs ( or 1 , 000 cubits ) , each angle containing in length a furlong ( or 400 cubits ) . "— " Antiq . " xv . 11 , 5 . This estimate merely includes the wall built up to the edge of the platform or
Court , and does not include the Aviclth of space for the range of steps forming the ascent , Avhich added another 50 cubits on each side , making the total Avidth 500 cubits from eastern outer wall of inclosure to Avestern outer wall . The actual centre
of this Area was at the middle of the little gateAvay in front of the steps leading to the Grand Porch of the Temple , or between the fore front of the two brazen pillars , Jachin and Boaz . The distance from this position to the outer inclosure Avail on any
side Avas 250 cubits = 369-26122 ft ., or half the diameter of the Temple Area . NOAV , Avhen Mr . BesAvick measured the distance of the Apex of the Sakhra , as now found in the Mosque of Omar , from the Avestern Avail of the Haram as a base of
verification , he found it exactly 250 cubits = 369 ft . 3 . 13 inches , Avhich is the identical distance given in the Bible , of the central spot in the Temple Area from its western side . This is the leading test and the simplestbecause it admits of direct
, verification by any one Avho will take the trouble . And it is only one out of a hundred tests , all emending iqion the same base of verification , and placed beyond dispute by making it purely a numerical proof independent of all theory .
THE LEADING TEST OF THIS DISCOVERY . Mr . Beswick's leading test is the distance of the Old Rook as a central station from the Avest Avail of the Haram as a base line of Aerification . The gate to the Porch of Solomon ' s Temple Avas 250 cubits = 269 - a 6
feet from the Avestern Avail ; and this Avas the Central Spot in the Old Temple Area . Mr . BesAvick measured the distance of the Sakhra from the Avestern Avail to see how far it could be identified Avith " the top of the mountain" where Ezekiel
( chap , xliii . 12 ) said the Temple and its Area were placed , and Avhich is given as the LaAV of the House as to its site . The principal entrance to the Kubbat as Sakhra is on . the west side through a deserted Bazaar . He measured the distance from the gate-Avay , Bab el Katinin , to the steps \ ji the platform , and found it 102 cubits =
150-658 ft , ; from bottom of steps to outer side of Bab al Gharby Gate , 78 cubits = 115 . 21 ft . ; from thence to outer side of the Mosque wall , or to the side-post of doorway , 6 cubits = 8 . 86227 ft . ; thicknes ' s of wall 4 cubits = 5 . 9 ft . ; inside face of
Avail to the Avestern vertical edge of the Sakhra , 45 cubits = 66 . 467 ft . ; thence to the proper front of the rock , 15 cubits = 22 . 1557 ft . ; total distance from the Gate-Avay of the Bath , or western Avail , to the proper vertex or apex of the Sakhra 250
, cubits = 369-26 ft . This is exactly the distance of the central spot in . the Old Solomonic Temple Area from the Avestern Avail , and from any one of the four sides of the court of Israel in the days of King Solomon . And this leading test proves
that the top of the mountain in Solomon ' s day , and the modern Sakhra IIOAV in the Dome of the Rock of Jerusalem occupied the same identical position as a central station , and are at the same distance from the Avestern Avail—the measurement being absolutely identical , 250 cubits = 469 ' 26 ffc .
MEASUREJIEENTS OF OOUETS IN SOLOMON ' S TEMPLE . Stations . Cubits . Feet . G ' 85 = 125-54881 H 135 ,, 199-40105 1 185 ,, 273-95330 K" 235 347-10554
„ „ F 15 „ 22-15567 A 45 „ 06-46702 B 115 „ 169-86016 C 165 ,, 243-71240 D . 215 „ 317-56465 E 265 ,, 391-41689
FP 100 „ 147-70449 PR 50 „ 73-85324 ES 50 „ 73-85324 ST 50 „ 73-85324 FL „ 100 ,, 147-70449 LM 50 „ 73-85324 MN 50 „ 73-85324 NO 50 „ 73-85324
TO . „ 500 „ 738-5324 PL „ ... 200 „ 295-40897 Ba 200 „ 225-40897 SN 400 ,, 590-81795 DI 400 ,, 590-81795 TO 500 ,, 738-5324 EK .... 500 738-5324
„ „ PE 250 „ 369-26122 FK 250 „ 369-2 o \ t 22 MR ..... . 300 ,, 443-11436 VW 300 ,, 443-11436 HJ _ 300 ,, 443-11436 IIV 500 ,, 738-5324 III 500 ,, 738-5324
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Site Of Solomon's Temple Discovered.
" The hill was v . ailed all round and in compass four fourlongs ( or 1 , 000 cubits ) , each angle containing in length a furlong ( or 400 cubits ) . "— " Antiq . " xv . 11 , 5 . This estimate merely includes the wall built up to the edge of the platform or
Court , and does not include the Aviclth of space for the range of steps forming the ascent , Avhich added another 50 cubits on each side , making the total Avidth 500 cubits from eastern outer wall of inclosure to Avestern outer wall . The actual centre
of this Area was at the middle of the little gateAvay in front of the steps leading to the Grand Porch of the Temple , or between the fore front of the two brazen pillars , Jachin and Boaz . The distance from this position to the outer inclosure Avail on any
side Avas 250 cubits = 369-26122 ft ., or half the diameter of the Temple Area . NOAV , Avhen Mr . BesAvick measured the distance of the Apex of the Sakhra , as now found in the Mosque of Omar , from the Avestern Avail of the Haram as a base of
verification , he found it exactly 250 cubits = 369 ft . 3 . 13 inches , Avhich is the identical distance given in the Bible , of the central spot in the Temple Area from its western side . This is the leading test and the simplestbecause it admits of direct
, verification by any one Avho will take the trouble . And it is only one out of a hundred tests , all emending iqion the same base of verification , and placed beyond dispute by making it purely a numerical proof independent of all theory .
THE LEADING TEST OF THIS DISCOVERY . Mr . Beswick's leading test is the distance of the Old Rook as a central station from the Avest Avail of the Haram as a base line of Aerification . The gate to the Porch of Solomon ' s Temple Avas 250 cubits = 269 - a 6
feet from the Avestern Avail ; and this Avas the Central Spot in the Old Temple Area . Mr . BesAvick measured the distance of the Sakhra from the Avestern Avail to see how far it could be identified Avith " the top of the mountain" where Ezekiel
( chap , xliii . 12 ) said the Temple and its Area were placed , and Avhich is given as the LaAV of the House as to its site . The principal entrance to the Kubbat as Sakhra is on . the west side through a deserted Bazaar . He measured the distance from the gate-Avay , Bab el Katinin , to the steps \ ji the platform , and found it 102 cubits =
150-658 ft , ; from bottom of steps to outer side of Bab al Gharby Gate , 78 cubits = 115 . 21 ft . ; from thence to outer side of the Mosque wall , or to the side-post of doorway , 6 cubits = 8 . 86227 ft . ; thicknes ' s of wall 4 cubits = 5 . 9 ft . ; inside face of
Avail to the Avestern vertical edge of the Sakhra , 45 cubits = 66 . 467 ft . ; thence to the proper front of the rock , 15 cubits = 22 . 1557 ft . ; total distance from the Gate-Avay of the Bath , or western Avail , to the proper vertex or apex of the Sakhra 250
, cubits = 369-26 ft . This is exactly the distance of the central spot in . the Old Solomonic Temple Area from the Avestern Avail , and from any one of the four sides of the court of Israel in the days of King Solomon . And this leading test proves
that the top of the mountain in Solomon ' s day , and the modern Sakhra IIOAV in the Dome of the Rock of Jerusalem occupied the same identical position as a central station , and are at the same distance from the Avestern Avail—the measurement being absolutely identical , 250 cubits = 469 ' 26 ffc .
MEASUREJIEENTS OF OOUETS IN SOLOMON ' S TEMPLE . Stations . Cubits . Feet . G ' 85 = 125-54881 H 135 ,, 199-40105 1 185 ,, 273-95330 K" 235 347-10554
„ „ F 15 „ 22-15567 A 45 „ 06-46702 B 115 „ 169-86016 C 165 ,, 243-71240 D . 215 „ 317-56465 E 265 ,, 391-41689
FP 100 „ 147-70449 PR 50 „ 73-85324 ES 50 „ 73-85324 ST 50 „ 73-85324 FL „ 100 ,, 147-70449 LM 50 „ 73-85324 MN 50 „ 73-85324 NO 50 „ 73-85324
TO . „ 500 „ 738-5324 PL „ ... 200 „ 295-40897 Ba 200 „ 225-40897 SN 400 ,, 590-81795 DI 400 ,, 590-81795 TO 500 ,, 738-5324 EK .... 500 738-5324
„ „ PE 250 „ 369-26122 FK 250 „ 369-2 o \ t 22 MR ..... . 300 ,, 443-11436 VW 300 ,, 443-11436 HJ _ 300 ,, 443-11436 IIV 500 ,, 738-5324 III 500 ,, 738-5324