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The Site Of Solomon's Temple Discovered.
is certain and complete . And such is the actual fact . Mr . BesAvick has tested every measurement on the spot ; evidences of the pavements having extended to given distances from the Sakhra are to be found on all four sides of the Haram . His
leading test is therefore comjilete . The Temple Area in Solomon ' s clay was a quadrangle , Avhose four sides were each 500 cubits in length , outside measure ; but the pavement or court Avithout the ascending steps Avas only 400 cubits in width . The Sakhra was the central core of the Avhole
Temple Area , of the upper quadrangular pavement , and of every other quadrangular pavement beneath it . It was 100 cubits from each of the four sides of the upper pavement , 200 cubits from the sides of the lower pavement , and 250 cubits from the
Inclosure Wall . And all these measures accord with the levels , scarpings , and contour plan of the Avhole rocky surface as it is UOAV seen in the Haram . If all the platforms and courts of the Temple could be taken together and laced upon the rock
p y surface of the Haram as one entire whole , it would fit upon that rocky surface as upon a mold . The rocky contour is simply the bare outline or foundation plan of the Temple pavements or courts .
SAKHKA COT TO THE LEVELS OP THE TEMPLE COURTS . The surface of the Sacred Rook Moriah bears the marks of rough chiselling , and of having been cut doAvn to suit a given level Avhich has once covered it Avith either Avood or stone . Captain Wilsonof
, the Royal Ordnance Survey , says of the Sakhra : " The surface of the rock bears the marks of hard treatment and rough chiselling . On the Avestern side it is cut doAvn in three steps , and on the northern side in an irregular shapethe object of
, Avhich could not be discovered . " The first vertical cutting is 1-8463 ft ., then a sudden slope of 1 ' 969 ft ., and another vertical cutting of 5-4158 ft . The step formed by this last cutting forms the basement of rock upon Avhich the mosaic floor of the
mosque rests . This slope and cutting are equal to 1 -9694 + 5-4158 = 7 ' 3852 ft . The first level of 2 , 423 ' 38 ft . ( above the Mediterranean ) , on Avhich tho mosque platform rests , Avas the leA'el of that grand ascent of steps ontside of the Courts of Solomon ' s Temple , Avhich the . Queen of
Sheba so much admired . It was the entrance level to the Court of Israel . The second level on which the marble pavement of the mosque itself rests ( 2 , 430-647 ft . ) , Avas the level of the pavement or uppermost level of the Court of Israel ; and the third levelor highest vertical step on the
, apex of the Sakhra ( 2 , 438 T 535 ft . ) below the sloped cutting of 1 ' 9694 ft ., Avas the level of the upper pavement or Court of Priests in Solomon's Temple . The marble pavement of the mosque , according to Mr . BesAvick ' s measurementis 4-8 ft . loiver
, than the apex of the rook , Avith a level of 2 , 435-1996 ft . above the Mediterranean Sea . The rock \ mderneath has a level of 2 , 430 ' 7683 ft ., and the marble pavement Avas found by measurement to he 3 cubits ( 4 * 4311 ft . ) deep . The vertical cutting of
the rock is about one foot ( 0-9847 ft . ) greater than the depth of pavement , so that the slope and cutting are 7 " 3852 . ft . The sheik of the mosque said that the Moslems have a tradition that the Sakhra hangs in the air 7 ft . above the general level of the Sanctuary ; so the Moslem fanatics turn the fact to good account , that the rocky level under the mosque
pavement is exactly 7-3 852 ft . higher than the general level of the Haram near the platform . The top of the Sakhra has a level of 2 , 440 ft . Its Avestern side has evidently been cut down into three steps at the successsve depths of 1-S 4637-3852 and
, , 22-1556 ft . ; or to the three successive levels 2 , 408-612 , 2 , 430768 , and 2 , 438-1535 ft ., corresponding Avith the levels of the three courts or platforms . The first stepping Avas the genera ! level of the Temple Area outside of the courtsAvhich
after-, Avards became the level of the Gentile Court . The second stepping Avas the level of the Court of Israel . The third and highest stepping Avas the level of the Court of Priests , on Avhich the Temple itself stood . The three vertical cuttings of this apex of
the Old Rock correspond to the successive heights of these three courts or platforms , the total hei ght being PS 46 + 7 . 385 + 22-155 = 31-388 ft ., Avhich is the height of the apex above the general level of the rock around tne outer sides of the Haram
Inclosure ( or 2 , 440 + 2 , 408-612 = 31 ' 388 feet ) . This remarkable fact cannot be mere coincidence . In short , the rock all around is cut and scarped and sloped doAvn as if
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Site Of Solomon's Temple Discovered.
is certain and complete . And such is the actual fact . Mr . BesAvick has tested every measurement on the spot ; evidences of the pavements having extended to given distances from the Sakhra are to be found on all four sides of the Haram . His
leading test is therefore comjilete . The Temple Area in Solomon ' s clay was a quadrangle , Avhose four sides were each 500 cubits in length , outside measure ; but the pavement or court Avithout the ascending steps Avas only 400 cubits in width . The Sakhra was the central core of the Avhole
Temple Area , of the upper quadrangular pavement , and of every other quadrangular pavement beneath it . It was 100 cubits from each of the four sides of the upper pavement , 200 cubits from the sides of the lower pavement , and 250 cubits from the
Inclosure Wall . And all these measures accord with the levels , scarpings , and contour plan of the Avhole rocky surface as it is UOAV seen in the Haram . If all the platforms and courts of the Temple could be taken together and laced upon the rock
p y surface of the Haram as one entire whole , it would fit upon that rocky surface as upon a mold . The rocky contour is simply the bare outline or foundation plan of the Temple pavements or courts .
SAKHKA COT TO THE LEVELS OP THE TEMPLE COURTS . The surface of the Sacred Rook Moriah bears the marks of rough chiselling , and of having been cut doAvn to suit a given level Avhich has once covered it Avith either Avood or stone . Captain Wilsonof
, the Royal Ordnance Survey , says of the Sakhra : " The surface of the rock bears the marks of hard treatment and rough chiselling . On the Avestern side it is cut doAvn in three steps , and on the northern side in an irregular shapethe object of
, Avhich could not be discovered . " The first vertical cutting is 1-8463 ft ., then a sudden slope of 1 ' 969 ft ., and another vertical cutting of 5-4158 ft . The step formed by this last cutting forms the basement of rock upon Avhich the mosaic floor of the
mosque rests . This slope and cutting are equal to 1 -9694 + 5-4158 = 7 ' 3852 ft . The first level of 2 , 423 ' 38 ft . ( above the Mediterranean ) , on Avhich tho mosque platform rests , Avas the leA'el of that grand ascent of steps ontside of the Courts of Solomon ' s Temple , Avhich the . Queen of
Sheba so much admired . It was the entrance level to the Court of Israel . The second level on which the marble pavement of the mosque itself rests ( 2 , 430-647 ft . ) , Avas the level of the pavement or uppermost level of the Court of Israel ; and the third levelor highest vertical step on the
, apex of the Sakhra ( 2 , 438 T 535 ft . ) below the sloped cutting of 1 ' 9694 ft ., Avas the level of the upper pavement or Court of Priests in Solomon's Temple . The marble pavement of the mosque , according to Mr . BesAvick ' s measurementis 4-8 ft . loiver
, than the apex of the rook , Avith a level of 2 , 435-1996 ft . above the Mediterranean Sea . The rock \ mderneath has a level of 2 , 430 ' 7683 ft ., and the marble pavement Avas found by measurement to he 3 cubits ( 4 * 4311 ft . ) deep . The vertical cutting of
the rock is about one foot ( 0-9847 ft . ) greater than the depth of pavement , so that the slope and cutting are 7 " 3852 . ft . The sheik of the mosque said that the Moslems have a tradition that the Sakhra hangs in the air 7 ft . above the general level of the Sanctuary ; so the Moslem fanatics turn the fact to good account , that the rocky level under the mosque
pavement is exactly 7-3 852 ft . higher than the general level of the Haram near the platform . The top of the Sakhra has a level of 2 , 440 ft . Its Avestern side has evidently been cut down into three steps at the successsve depths of 1-S 4637-3852 and
, , 22-1556 ft . ; or to the three successive levels 2 , 408-612 , 2 , 430768 , and 2 , 438-1535 ft ., corresponding Avith the levels of the three courts or platforms . The first stepping Avas the genera ! level of the Temple Area outside of the courtsAvhich
after-, Avards became the level of the Gentile Court . The second stepping Avas the level of the Court of Israel . The third and highest stepping Avas the level of the Court of Priests , on Avhich the Temple itself stood . The three vertical cuttings of this apex of
the Old Rock correspond to the successive heights of these three courts or platforms , the total hei ght being PS 46 + 7 . 385 + 22-155 = 31-388 ft ., Avhich is the height of the apex above the general level of the rock around tne outer sides of the Haram
Inclosure ( or 2 , 440 + 2 , 408-612 = 31 ' 388 feet ) . This remarkable fact cannot be mere coincidence . In short , the rock all around is cut and scarped and sloped doAvn as if