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May Chepworth: A Cleveland Sketch.
Her father often said he did not think he could have survived her mother ' s death but for his darling girl ; and if ever she left them , he Avas sure they Avould lose the brightest month out of their calendar altogether . And she would laughingly
reply" I have not gone yet , clear father ! I love you all too Avell to leave you . Besides , Avho do you think Avould take me ?" " Well , Avell , my girl , " he- would say , " Ave shall see , Ave shall see . " Time wore onand dealt very gently
, with May and all the family , till she Avas twenty years of age . During the summer of that year , May Avent on a visit to some relations , AVIIO resided at a pleasant little village on the coast . And a delightful change it was to her , to Avander by the
sea , and to rest from her houshold cares . During some of these rambles , she Avas attended by a young tradesman of the village , who Avas a great friend of the family she was visiting : and doubly pleasant Avere the walks to her Avhen Erank Heatherston Avas her companion . He was a brave , noble-hearted , young fellow , and his attention to May had been
very marked ever since her arrival . But this gave no uneasiness to her friends ; for they thought him a man , in all respects , calculated to make her a good husband , if it should , come to that at last . Ancl they said , they Avere sure that May would bring sunshine into anybody ' s house .
But all days , whether pleasant or gloomy ones , must come to an end ; ancl a letter to May , from her father , fixed the time for her return . The night before her departure , Erauk and May extended their walk further than
usual , for they Avere very loath to lose each other ' s company . And there , by the sea shore , with the moon shining serenely above them , they exchanged their vows of love . They promised to Avrite frequently to each otherand May Avas to disclose her
, secret to her father on the first convenient opiportunity . There Avas great joy at home on the day she returned . The best parlour AVHS bedecked Avith flowers ; and father and sisters went out to meet herlittle
think-, ing that a rival to them had taken possession of her heart . Cheerfully she resumed her post as mistress of the household ; ancl all Avere
glad to have her amongst them once more in reueAved health and spirits . She soon received the promised letter from Prank , in Avhich he said he would very much like to go over to her home , and have a ramble Avith her on the Cleveland Hillsas he had often heard of their
, great beauty , but had never been near to them in his life . Would she ask her father if he might be allowed to visit them , and have his wish gratified ? May carefully considered it over all day , ancl at nightAvhen Iter father took his
, accustomed seat in the chimney corner before retiring to rest , she timidly said she had a favour to ask him . " Ask away , my girl ! " said he , *' and , if I can grant it , you may be sure I will . "
So she told him that a young man , whom she had met with at her cousin ' s during her late visit , had Avritten to ask if he might be alloAved to visit at their house , so that he might climb the Cleveland Hills , for he had often heard of their great beauty .
She thought it best to tell him this , for she knew IIOAV very proud he" was of his native hills , Avhich are , indeed , most beautiful .
The old man paused for a feAV minutes , ancl then said" Are you sure , my girl , that it is only the hills he wishes to see 1 " The roses deepened on her cheeks as she replied" Dear fatherI will tell you tho truth .
, It is not the hills alone that Frank Heatherston Avishes to see , but me as well . He is my accepted lover , ancl one Avhom , I am sure , 'you will approve of . " " Bravely and honestly spoken ! " said he . " Let the young man come if ycu Avish it . "
The invitation was sent at once . Prank Avas not long in putting in an appearance at the farm , and , by his kind and genial manners , he soon won the hearts of all the household . His visits soon became very frequent , and it was the
custom of May and her sisters to walk two or three miles across the moor to meet him , when they were apprised of his coming . A year soon seemed to pass aAvay in great happiness to the tAvo lovers . Together they climbed to the top of the mountains , and rambled about among the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
May Chepworth: A Cleveland Sketch.
Her father often said he did not think he could have survived her mother ' s death but for his darling girl ; and if ever she left them , he Avas sure they Avould lose the brightest month out of their calendar altogether . And she would laughingly
reply" I have not gone yet , clear father ! I love you all too Avell to leave you . Besides , Avho do you think Avould take me ?" " Well , Avell , my girl , " he- would say , " Ave shall see , Ave shall see . " Time wore onand dealt very gently
, with May and all the family , till she Avas twenty years of age . During the summer of that year , May Avent on a visit to some relations , AVIIO resided at a pleasant little village on the coast . And a delightful change it was to her , to Avander by the
sea , and to rest from her houshold cares . During some of these rambles , she Avas attended by a young tradesman of the village , who Avas a great friend of the family she was visiting : and doubly pleasant Avere the walks to her Avhen Erank Heatherston Avas her companion . He was a brave , noble-hearted , young fellow , and his attention to May had been
very marked ever since her arrival . But this gave no uneasiness to her friends ; for they thought him a man , in all respects , calculated to make her a good husband , if it should , come to that at last . Ancl they said , they Avere sure that May would bring sunshine into anybody ' s house .
But all days , whether pleasant or gloomy ones , must come to an end ; ancl a letter to May , from her father , fixed the time for her return . The night before her departure , Erauk and May extended their walk further than
usual , for they Avere very loath to lose each other ' s company . And there , by the sea shore , with the moon shining serenely above them , they exchanged their vows of love . They promised to Avrite frequently to each otherand May Avas to disclose her
, secret to her father on the first convenient opiportunity . There Avas great joy at home on the day she returned . The best parlour AVHS bedecked Avith flowers ; and father and sisters went out to meet herlittle
think-, ing that a rival to them had taken possession of her heart . Cheerfully she resumed her post as mistress of the household ; ancl all Avere
glad to have her amongst them once more in reueAved health and spirits . She soon received the promised letter from Prank , in Avhich he said he would very much like to go over to her home , and have a ramble Avith her on the Cleveland Hillsas he had often heard of their
, great beauty , but had never been near to them in his life . Would she ask her father if he might be allowed to visit them , and have his wish gratified ? May carefully considered it over all day , ancl at nightAvhen Iter father took his
, accustomed seat in the chimney corner before retiring to rest , she timidly said she had a favour to ask him . " Ask away , my girl ! " said he , *' and , if I can grant it , you may be sure I will . "
So she told him that a young man , whom she had met with at her cousin ' s during her late visit , had Avritten to ask if he might be alloAved to visit at their house , so that he might climb the Cleveland Hills , for he had often heard of their great beauty .
She thought it best to tell him this , for she knew IIOAV very proud he" was of his native hills , Avhich are , indeed , most beautiful .
The old man paused for a feAV minutes , ancl then said" Are you sure , my girl , that it is only the hills he wishes to see 1 " The roses deepened on her cheeks as she replied" Dear fatherI will tell you tho truth .
, It is not the hills alone that Frank Heatherston Avishes to see , but me as well . He is my accepted lover , ancl one Avhom , I am sure , 'you will approve of . " " Bravely and honestly spoken ! " said he . " Let the young man come if ycu Avish it . "
The invitation was sent at once . Prank Avas not long in putting in an appearance at the farm , and , by his kind and genial manners , he soon won the hearts of all the household . His visits soon became very frequent , and it was the
custom of May and her sisters to walk two or three miles across the moor to meet him , when they were apprised of his coming . A year soon seemed to pass aAvay in great happiness to the tAvo lovers . Together they climbed to the top of the mountains , and rambled about among the