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May Chepworth: A Cleveland Sketch.
purple heather , or through the green woods , made musical by the songs of the birds , and sweet by the perfume of the flowers . And their own happiness Avas so great that they appeared to be living in a fairy land . At length the time arrived Avhen Frank
asked her father to give May to him for a Avife . It Avas a great trial to the old man , but he said" When I Avas a young man like yon , I loved her mother very- dearly ; ancl I remember the time when I asked for her
to be my wife ; and Avith what joy I brought her to my home Avhen we were Aved . I also remember—alas ! too well—Avhen she Avas taken from me , and my fireside Avas left desolate , and ( but for the sake of my dear children ) I had no Avish
to live . And now you are asking me for one of my dearest household jeAvels—my rig ht hand . It is very hard to part Avith her ; but , for her sake ancl for her mother ' s sake , I consent . And may she be spared to cheer your life longer than her dear mother was to me . " Here he was quite overcomo Avith his feelings , and left the room to hide his
tears . It was arranged that the marriage should take place in a month from that time ; and all was bustle and stir in the old farm house . Active hands were engaged making the wedding clothes ; and May was exerting herself to leave everything in
perfect order at home . The clay before the wedding arrived , and all the preparations were completed . There was to be great feasting on the Avedding-day for all comers ; and the plumpuddings that were to grace the table were
made by the bride-elect , as were most of the other good things for the guests . In the evening Frank Avas to arrive , and May , as usual , Avent out to meet him , and returned Avith him in great glee , but somewhat fatigued Avith the amount of
exertion she had undergone during the past Aveek . Several of the guests had arrived , one of whom Avas a lady friend , Avho was to be a bride ' s-maid in the morning , and she Avas to share May ' s bed that night .
By-and-bye all the inmates of the house retired to rest , excepting Frank and May . In a short time afterwards she Avent to her room , which Avas all hung around with
the dresses that were to be worn at the marriage in the morning . May Avent to the bedside , and said to her friend" You must fall asleep , dear , and not Avait for my coming , as Frank and I are going to sit awhile together" a common customin
, , the farm houses of Cleveland in those clays , all during the courtship . Her friend replied" 0 , May ! you will look bonny in the morning , Avhen you get all these nice things on . "
May bent down and kissed her , and bidding " Good-night , " left the room . An hour or tAvo afterwards , her friend was aroused by cries for help from the kitchen . Hastily throwing a few garments around her , she rushed doAvnstairs , Avhere she
found Frank supporting May in his arms in a dying condition . Soon all the family Avere on the spot , doing all they could think of to try to restore her . The doctor from the nearest toAvn Avas immediately sent for by a mounted messenger , - and soon arrived ; but all Avas of no avail . In a very short time May breathed her last . The over-exertion and excitement had been
too much for her delicate frame . Frank told them that he Avas sitting in the arm chair in the corner , ancl May on a little stool at his feet , vrith her arms resting on his knee , Avhen she suddenl y looked up in his face ancl said" 0 Frank ! I am choking !"
, He instantly raised her up in his arms ; but a blood A'essel had broken ; and , in . the presence of the Aveeping family around , she soon expired . Great was the lamentation of the villagers Avhen morning dawned , ancl they found that herAvhom they had
, all loved , ancl whom they had expected to see decked out in her wedding garments , was laid dead . And the poor old man , her father , Avas wild Avith his great grief , and ( like Rachel of old ) refused to be comforted . And nothing now remained for
poor Frank but to stay ancl see her buried in the village churchyard , and then return Avith a sorrowful soul to his home , Avhich , he had hoped , would have also been hers as Avell for many years .
The home , Avhich he had made so prett y for his intended bride , he reached almost broken-hearted , instead of returning to it ivith the great joy Avhich he had depicted to himself Avhen he had left it . And this
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
May Chepworth: A Cleveland Sketch.
purple heather , or through the green woods , made musical by the songs of the birds , and sweet by the perfume of the flowers . And their own happiness Avas so great that they appeared to be living in a fairy land . At length the time arrived Avhen Frank
asked her father to give May to him for a Avife . It Avas a great trial to the old man , but he said" When I Avas a young man like yon , I loved her mother very- dearly ; ancl I remember the time when I asked for her
to be my wife ; and Avith what joy I brought her to my home Avhen we were Aved . I also remember—alas ! too well—Avhen she Avas taken from me , and my fireside Avas left desolate , and ( but for the sake of my dear children ) I had no Avish
to live . And now you are asking me for one of my dearest household jeAvels—my rig ht hand . It is very hard to part Avith her ; but , for her sake ancl for her mother ' s sake , I consent . And may she be spared to cheer your life longer than her dear mother was to me . " Here he was quite overcomo Avith his feelings , and left the room to hide his
tears . It was arranged that the marriage should take place in a month from that time ; and all was bustle and stir in the old farm house . Active hands were engaged making the wedding clothes ; and May was exerting herself to leave everything in
perfect order at home . The clay before the wedding arrived , and all the preparations were completed . There was to be great feasting on the Avedding-day for all comers ; and the plumpuddings that were to grace the table were
made by the bride-elect , as were most of the other good things for the guests . In the evening Frank Avas to arrive , and May , as usual , Avent out to meet him , and returned Avith him in great glee , but somewhat fatigued Avith the amount of
exertion she had undergone during the past Aveek . Several of the guests had arrived , one of whom Avas a lady friend , Avho was to be a bride ' s-maid in the morning , and she Avas to share May ' s bed that night .
By-and-bye all the inmates of the house retired to rest , excepting Frank and May . In a short time afterwards she Avent to her room , which Avas all hung around with
the dresses that were to be worn at the marriage in the morning . May Avent to the bedside , and said to her friend" You must fall asleep , dear , and not Avait for my coming , as Frank and I are going to sit awhile together" a common customin
, , the farm houses of Cleveland in those clays , all during the courtship . Her friend replied" 0 , May ! you will look bonny in the morning , Avhen you get all these nice things on . "
May bent down and kissed her , and bidding " Good-night , " left the room . An hour or tAvo afterwards , her friend was aroused by cries for help from the kitchen . Hastily throwing a few garments around her , she rushed doAvnstairs , Avhere she
found Frank supporting May in his arms in a dying condition . Soon all the family Avere on the spot , doing all they could think of to try to restore her . The doctor from the nearest toAvn Avas immediately sent for by a mounted messenger , - and soon arrived ; but all Avas of no avail . In a very short time May breathed her last . The over-exertion and excitement had been
too much for her delicate frame . Frank told them that he Avas sitting in the arm chair in the corner , ancl May on a little stool at his feet , vrith her arms resting on his knee , Avhen she suddenl y looked up in his face ancl said" 0 Frank ! I am choking !"
, He instantly raised her up in his arms ; but a blood A'essel had broken ; and , in . the presence of the Aveeping family around , she soon expired . Great was the lamentation of the villagers Avhen morning dawned , ancl they found that herAvhom they had
, all loved , ancl whom they had expected to see decked out in her wedding garments , was laid dead . And the poor old man , her father , Avas wild Avith his great grief , and ( like Rachel of old ) refused to be comforted . And nothing now remained for
poor Frank but to stay ancl see her buried in the village churchyard , and then return Avith a sorrowful soul to his home , Avhich , he had hoped , would have also been hers as Avell for many years .
The home , Avhich he had made so prett y for his intended bride , he reached almost broken-hearted , instead of returning to it ivith the great joy Avhich he had depicted to himself Avhen he had left it . And this