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Freemasonry And The Early English Gilds.
ample materials for another ancl future essay . In making the comparison between the laws and usages of the early English Gilds and those of the modern Masonic Lodges , I will assume that the construction of the
latter is the same as that of the former , in other words , that the lodge is but another name for a Gild . Miss Toulmin Smith in the introduction to the laborious work of her father , says : "The early English Gild was an
institution of local self-help which , before PoorlaAvs were invented , took the place , in old times , of the modern friendly or benefit society ; but Avith a higher aim , while it joined all classes together in a care for the needy and for objects of common welfare ,
it did not neglect the forms ancl the practice of Religion , Justice and Morality . " The Masonic reader will at once detect the analogy between the aim of these early Gilds and that of the institution of Freemasonry , as developed in the lodges , Avhich may , therefore , be considered as a continuation or , rather , as a reneAved
presentation of the Gilds . Again : Toulmin Smith says in his Traditions of the old Crown House : " Gilds were associations of those living in the same neighbourhood , and remembering that they have , as neighbours , common obligations They Avere quite
. other , things than modern partnerships or trading companies ; for their mam characteristic was , to set up something higher than personal gain ancl mere materialism , as the main object of men living in towns , and to make the teaching of love to one ' s
nei ghbour be not coldly accepted as a holloAv dogma of morality , but knoAvn and felt as a habit of life . " Here again we see the analogy betAveen Freemasonry and the Gild system in the philanthropic object to Avhich they both
were directed . It is only necessary that we should now seek to trace a similar analogy in' the organizations , the laAvs and usages of both systems , by a collation of the Ordinances ° r Constitutions by which both Avere governed .
In order to do this it will be most convenient to describe , in order , each laAv oi usage by which the lodge , as the representative of the Masonic system is governed
and then to point out and to prove by citation , the existence of a similar la \ v or usage in the early Gild . 1 . The lodge is governed by a constitution or code of bye-laAvs , obedience to which is incumbent on every member . So each of these early Gilds was
governed by laws , called sometimes its "Statutes , " sometimes its " Constitutions , " but more generally its "Ordinances . " " These , " says one of them , the Gild of St . James , " are the ordinances of our Gild ordained by all the whole fraternity . "
"This , " says another , "is the statute of the Gild of the Holy Apostle , Saint Peter . " 2 . The lodge is dedicated to the Saints John . Each of the Gilds was in like manner
dedicated to some saint . Thus the Ordinances of the Gild of St . Thomas of Canterbury ( established in 1376 ) begin thus : "In the worship and honour of Jesus Christ and of his mild mother , Saint Mary , and of all the holy company of heaven ,
and especially of the holy martyr , St . Thomas of Canterbury . " Similarly Avere all the Gild Constitutions introduced , the variation being only in the name of the saint to whom the Gild Avas dedicated . Every Gild had its
patron Saint . The modern objectors to the dedication of Masonic Lodges to the Saints John will thus perceive that it is in imitation , or rather a continuation of an old custom never neglected by the early English Gilds .
3 . Lodges being dedicated to Saint John the Baptist ancl St . John the Evangelist , it has been an invariable custom Avith Freemasons to celebrate the festivals
of these saints . A similar usage prevailed among all the early Gilds . There Avas always a general meeting in honour of the saint to Avhom the Gild was dedicated ; on Avhich occasion , the officers for the folloAving year Avere chosen . Take for an example the Gild of
St . Catherine , founded at London in 1389 . In its Constitution Ave find the folloAving point : " Also that all the brethren and sisters of the aforesaid fraternity shall assemble together in the Church of Saint Botolf abovesaid , on the day of Saint Catherine
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Freemasonry And The Early English Gilds.
ample materials for another ancl future essay . In making the comparison between the laws and usages of the early English Gilds and those of the modern Masonic Lodges , I will assume that the construction of the
latter is the same as that of the former , in other words , that the lodge is but another name for a Gild . Miss Toulmin Smith in the introduction to the laborious work of her father , says : "The early English Gild was an
institution of local self-help which , before PoorlaAvs were invented , took the place , in old times , of the modern friendly or benefit society ; but Avith a higher aim , while it joined all classes together in a care for the needy and for objects of common welfare ,
it did not neglect the forms ancl the practice of Religion , Justice and Morality . " The Masonic reader will at once detect the analogy between the aim of these early Gilds and that of the institution of Freemasonry , as developed in the lodges , Avhich may , therefore , be considered as a continuation or , rather , as a reneAved
presentation of the Gilds . Again : Toulmin Smith says in his Traditions of the old Crown House : " Gilds were associations of those living in the same neighbourhood , and remembering that they have , as neighbours , common obligations They Avere quite
. other , things than modern partnerships or trading companies ; for their mam characteristic was , to set up something higher than personal gain ancl mere materialism , as the main object of men living in towns , and to make the teaching of love to one ' s
nei ghbour be not coldly accepted as a holloAv dogma of morality , but knoAvn and felt as a habit of life . " Here again we see the analogy betAveen Freemasonry and the Gild system in the philanthropic object to Avhich they both
were directed . It is only necessary that we should now seek to trace a similar analogy in' the organizations , the laAvs and usages of both systems , by a collation of the Ordinances ° r Constitutions by which both Avere governed .
In order to do this it will be most convenient to describe , in order , each laAv oi usage by which the lodge , as the representative of the Masonic system is governed
and then to point out and to prove by citation , the existence of a similar la \ v or usage in the early Gild . 1 . The lodge is governed by a constitution or code of bye-laAvs , obedience to which is incumbent on every member . So each of these early Gilds was
governed by laws , called sometimes its "Statutes , " sometimes its " Constitutions , " but more generally its "Ordinances . " " These , " says one of them , the Gild of St . James , " are the ordinances of our Gild ordained by all the whole fraternity . "
"This , " says another , "is the statute of the Gild of the Holy Apostle , Saint Peter . " 2 . The lodge is dedicated to the Saints John . Each of the Gilds was in like manner
dedicated to some saint . Thus the Ordinances of the Gild of St . Thomas of Canterbury ( established in 1376 ) begin thus : "In the worship and honour of Jesus Christ and of his mild mother , Saint Mary , and of all the holy company of heaven ,
and especially of the holy martyr , St . Thomas of Canterbury . " Similarly Avere all the Gild Constitutions introduced , the variation being only in the name of the saint to whom the Gild Avas dedicated . Every Gild had its
patron Saint . The modern objectors to the dedication of Masonic Lodges to the Saints John will thus perceive that it is in imitation , or rather a continuation of an old custom never neglected by the early English Gilds .
3 . Lodges being dedicated to Saint John the Baptist ancl St . John the Evangelist , it has been an invariable custom Avith Freemasons to celebrate the festivals
of these saints . A similar usage prevailed among all the early Gilds . There Avas always a general meeting in honour of the saint to Avhom the Gild was dedicated ; on Avhich occasion , the officers for the folloAving year Avere chosen . Take for an example the Gild of
St . Catherine , founded at London in 1389 . In its Constitution Ave find the folloAving point : " Also that all the brethren and sisters of the aforesaid fraternity shall assemble together in the Church of Saint Botolf abovesaid , on the day of Saint Catherine