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Contemporary Letters On The French Revolution.
will be enabled to dispose of the whole of the revenues of the church , Avhich amount to 150 millions per annum . From this you must deduct 15 millions per annum of debt , ancl the immense losses their property have sustained by the abolition of
feudal rights , ancl Avhich is calculated at a third of their income . The charges of the law will not be reimbursed at the price Avhich they cost their present possessor , but that for which they were originally sold by the
CroAvn . The amount of the charges of the laAV is estimated , at the lowest , at 300 millions , but I believe it to be stated Avith more reason at 500 , since the interest paid by the royal treasury for the purchase-money
is 9 millions , and the charges produced 1 h , 2 , and at the utmost 3 per cent . Till happier times shall alloAv the State to pay her debts , their capital is to be considered as a debt of the nation , and they are to receive an interest of 5 per cent .
This Avill make an annual addition to their expenditure of 16 millions , to which must be joined the expenses of the new judiciary system , which , calculated at the loAvest , amounts to 6 millions . It is thus that they proceed , daily increasing their expenditures ancl their debtsand
dimin-, ishing the means of payment . You may be assured that the recei pts of the royal treasury diminish instead of augmenting . The instant any part of the livre rouge is delivered to the DeputiesAvhich it is
, thought it Avill be , you shall have a copy . The sum for secret service money inscribed on the latter pages amounts to 80 millions . The assignments on the lands of the Church Avill be forced into general circulationand issued under one general form
, from the Caisse d'Extraordiiiirce , bearing the mark of each particular municipality . Within the Assembly the chiefs of all parties seem to have lost their power . If any particular set of men hold together it is those AVIIO are personally attached to
the united banners of Neckar ancl La Fayette , but their force is not sufficient to sirpport either the one or the other . Mirabeau is heard no more ; to-day he Avill possibly again attempt to speak on the subject of the King ' s letter , as the decree Aihich that demands to have revoked Avas certainly levelled at him .
The present Ministry more than tottei on their seats , the Democrates loudl y accuse them of opposing by every means in their power , the completion or effects of the decrees of the Assembly . The Archbishop of Bordeaux ( Garde
des Sceaux ) governs Neckar Avith absolute authority . His abilities are not called in question , but his affection for the resigning principles is much doubted . The Minister of the War Department quits his employment if the plan adopted
by the Council for the reform of the army is rejected ; the number of men is not to be lessened , but the young regulars are to be suppressed , and their battalions added to the older . All the field officers will thus be saved , and the formation of each
regiment consist of one Colonel and tAvo Lieutenant-Colonels , the function of Major to be exercised by the eldest Captain of each battalion , each regiment to be of three battalions , two ahvays in state of actual service , and the third to consist of veterans and recruits , Monsieur de la Luzerne and M . de St . Priest have
neither power , credit , or reputation . But the puppets are tired of a situation Avhich exposes them to continual animadversions , ancl Avhere they are only allowed to remain because they do not knoAV how to supply their place . They wish but for a failpretext to give in their dismission , and
it is more than probable that that is at no great distance . Should the leaders of the democratic party fail , as they certainly Avill , in obtaining the repeal of the decree forbidding any member of the Assembly to accept of any employment of the CroAvn , I do not believe they have in VICAV any whom they wish to place at the head of affairs .
Ihe assignments on the property of the Church , the organization of the munici pality of Paris , had diverted the public attention from Monsieur Neckar ; his friends gave out that it was uncertain if ever he Avould quit Paris , hoAvever
necessary to his health , but that he Avas determined only to quit Avith life the place that he held . But au affair that has occupied the Assembly for these two days , in which he is inculpated , may convince him that not only the Assembldo not his
y approve plans , but that they suspect his integrity and his intentions . The Assembly on the 14 th and 22 nd of January , had jjassed tivo decrees . By the first it Avas decreed that no
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Contemporary Letters On The French Revolution.
will be enabled to dispose of the whole of the revenues of the church , Avhich amount to 150 millions per annum . From this you must deduct 15 millions per annum of debt , ancl the immense losses their property have sustained by the abolition of
feudal rights , ancl Avhich is calculated at a third of their income . The charges of the law will not be reimbursed at the price Avhich they cost their present possessor , but that for which they were originally sold by the
CroAvn . The amount of the charges of the laAV is estimated , at the lowest , at 300 millions , but I believe it to be stated Avith more reason at 500 , since the interest paid by the royal treasury for the purchase-money
is 9 millions , and the charges produced 1 h , 2 , and at the utmost 3 per cent . Till happier times shall alloAv the State to pay her debts , their capital is to be considered as a debt of the nation , and they are to receive an interest of 5 per cent .
This Avill make an annual addition to their expenditure of 16 millions , to which must be joined the expenses of the new judiciary system , which , calculated at the loAvest , amounts to 6 millions . It is thus that they proceed , daily increasing their expenditures ancl their debtsand
dimin-, ishing the means of payment . You may be assured that the recei pts of the royal treasury diminish instead of augmenting . The instant any part of the livre rouge is delivered to the DeputiesAvhich it is
, thought it Avill be , you shall have a copy . The sum for secret service money inscribed on the latter pages amounts to 80 millions . The assignments on the lands of the Church Avill be forced into general circulationand issued under one general form
, from the Caisse d'Extraordiiiirce , bearing the mark of each particular municipality . Within the Assembly the chiefs of all parties seem to have lost their power . If any particular set of men hold together it is those AVIIO are personally attached to
the united banners of Neckar ancl La Fayette , but their force is not sufficient to sirpport either the one or the other . Mirabeau is heard no more ; to-day he Avill possibly again attempt to speak on the subject of the King ' s letter , as the decree Aihich that demands to have revoked Avas certainly levelled at him .
The present Ministry more than tottei on their seats , the Democrates loudl y accuse them of opposing by every means in their power , the completion or effects of the decrees of the Assembly . The Archbishop of Bordeaux ( Garde
des Sceaux ) governs Neckar Avith absolute authority . His abilities are not called in question , but his affection for the resigning principles is much doubted . The Minister of the War Department quits his employment if the plan adopted
by the Council for the reform of the army is rejected ; the number of men is not to be lessened , but the young regulars are to be suppressed , and their battalions added to the older . All the field officers will thus be saved , and the formation of each
regiment consist of one Colonel and tAvo Lieutenant-Colonels , the function of Major to be exercised by the eldest Captain of each battalion , each regiment to be of three battalions , two ahvays in state of actual service , and the third to consist of veterans and recruits , Monsieur de la Luzerne and M . de St . Priest have
neither power , credit , or reputation . But the puppets are tired of a situation Avhich exposes them to continual animadversions , ancl Avhere they are only allowed to remain because they do not knoAV how to supply their place . They wish but for a failpretext to give in their dismission , and
it is more than probable that that is at no great distance . Should the leaders of the democratic party fail , as they certainly Avill , in obtaining the repeal of the decree forbidding any member of the Assembly to accept of any employment of the CroAvn , I do not believe they have in VICAV any whom they wish to place at the head of affairs .
Ihe assignments on the property of the Church , the organization of the munici pality of Paris , had diverted the public attention from Monsieur Neckar ; his friends gave out that it was uncertain if ever he Avould quit Paris , hoAvever
necessary to his health , but that he Avas determined only to quit Avith life the place that he held . But au affair that has occupied the Assembly for these two days , in which he is inculpated , may convince him that not only the Assembldo not his
y approve plans , but that they suspect his integrity and his intentions . The Assembly on the 14 th and 22 nd of January , had jjassed tivo decrees . By the first it Avas decreed that no