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Hangs o ' er the Brig hton meadows like a fate , And on their margin , with sea-tides elate , The flooded Charles , as in the happier days ,
Writes the last letter of his name , aud stays His restless steps , as if compelled to Avait . I also wait ; but they vwill come no more , Those friends of mine , whose presence
satisfied The thirst and hunger of my heart . Ah me ! They have forgotten the pathway to my door ! Something is gone from nature since they died , And summer is not summer , nor can be . "
We pause here to-day . We have risen from the perusal of Professor LongfelloAv ' s last Avork with heartfelt pleasure , and we may recur to it . The Ladies' Tieasmy . ( Bemrose ife Son . )
Many are the magazines of the day , and multifarious must be the reading of the young generation . Indeed , if it goes on at this pace there is no telling what may be the " ultima shule " of the knoAvledge of our ardent youth . The girls
especially are going ahead , and in our opinion one day they Avill be quite "masters of the situation . " Not that Ave are going to complain , or appear in the character , IIOAV so common , of a prosy lecturer or of an angry railer . "An
contraire , ' though the " cry is still they come , " Ave say , the more the merrier ; aud we will append this little remark , "en parenthes . " We do not presume to discuss the educational status of our young men—and some people say it is not so hi gh as it shoulcl be—but Ave do very
much approve of our young Avomen being 1 enstrait , " as a woman Avho knows nothing is , as Mark Twain says , " a delusion in petticoats . " We have therefore perused this new feminine miscellany—Avhich is Avell edited
and Avell got up—Avith much pleasure , out with a little awe . It is quite alarmln g to realize what the extent of female acquirements UOAV is . The time Avas
when—in good old days—our ladies were confined to Magnall's Questions . They Avere told "IIOAV Dido died , " and " Avho found out the art of printing ; " they were learned in samplers and cross-stitch , and they had their customary share of
paint and backboard , harp , and physic . " But now , bless you , my clear sir , they have made excursions into the " ologies , " and they Avould stump you and me any clay you like to name . They are especially strong in spelling , and very good hands at
accounts—what more do you want ? They make the best of wives , and the most tender of mammas . Good luck go with them ! We said before , Ave opened this magazine with as much awe as pleasure , and for this
reason . Not only does the "Ladies ' Treasury" contain tales and poetry , striking plates of neAV and fashionable attire ; not only does it give us a peep into the mysteries of the " Bona Dea , " but it also dabbles in science ! Yes , in order to shov ? how far the enquiring Avoman ' s organization of to-day will go in search of its " pabulum mentis , "
Ave observe that it is absolutely necessary for editors—masculine or feminine—UOAV to commingle the scientific ancl the material , the heavy and the etherial , to make the dose go doAvn . Like the poAvder and raspberry jam of saA'oury memory ancl of
suffering youth , the editor of a ladies ' journal , like the artful nurse of other clays , has to allure a babe—the yelling young miscreant—with the SAveet-tasted bait ! We therefore take one article from the " Ladies' Treasury" to " point our moral ancl
adorn our tale , " ancl to convince even the most sceptical ho AV learned our " gals" are becoming . It is called "The Homes of the Troglodytes . " These are not young men , we may observe , fast young , men or those good
dancers , AVIIO hold Emily , and Annie , and Sophy up so well at balls , but they are " dwellers in caverns " - —aboriginal inhabitants of the earth ' s surface ; not perhaps overclothecl , or very civilised , but interesting , as Professor Eanisbottom says , to the " acute intellect of woman !" Listen to this interesting resume of a great discovery : —
" In the year 1865 M . Dupont , a vomit * Belg ian geologist , accompanied Professor Van Beneden , of the "University of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Hangs o ' er the Brig hton meadows like a fate , And on their margin , with sea-tides elate , The flooded Charles , as in the happier days ,
Writes the last letter of his name , aud stays His restless steps , as if compelled to Avait . I also wait ; but they vwill come no more , Those friends of mine , whose presence
satisfied The thirst and hunger of my heart . Ah me ! They have forgotten the pathway to my door ! Something is gone from nature since they died , And summer is not summer , nor can be . "
We pause here to-day . We have risen from the perusal of Professor LongfelloAv ' s last Avork with heartfelt pleasure , and we may recur to it . The Ladies' Tieasmy . ( Bemrose ife Son . )
Many are the magazines of the day , and multifarious must be the reading of the young generation . Indeed , if it goes on at this pace there is no telling what may be the " ultima shule " of the knoAvledge of our ardent youth . The girls
especially are going ahead , and in our opinion one day they Avill be quite "masters of the situation . " Not that Ave are going to complain , or appear in the character , IIOAV so common , of a prosy lecturer or of an angry railer . "An
contraire , ' though the " cry is still they come , " Ave say , the more the merrier ; aud we will append this little remark , "en parenthes . " We do not presume to discuss the educational status of our young men—and some people say it is not so hi gh as it shoulcl be—but Ave do very
much approve of our young Avomen being 1 enstrait , " as a woman Avho knows nothing is , as Mark Twain says , " a delusion in petticoats . " We have therefore perused this new feminine miscellany—Avhich is Avell edited
and Avell got up—Avith much pleasure , out with a little awe . It is quite alarmln g to realize what the extent of female acquirements UOAV is . The time Avas
when—in good old days—our ladies were confined to Magnall's Questions . They Avere told "IIOAV Dido died , " and " Avho found out the art of printing ; " they were learned in samplers and cross-stitch , and they had their customary share of
paint and backboard , harp , and physic . " But now , bless you , my clear sir , they have made excursions into the " ologies , " and they Avould stump you and me any clay you like to name . They are especially strong in spelling , and very good hands at
accounts—what more do you want ? They make the best of wives , and the most tender of mammas . Good luck go with them ! We said before , Ave opened this magazine with as much awe as pleasure , and for this
reason . Not only does the "Ladies ' Treasury" contain tales and poetry , striking plates of neAV and fashionable attire ; not only does it give us a peep into the mysteries of the " Bona Dea , " but it also dabbles in science ! Yes , in order to shov ? how far the enquiring Avoman ' s organization of to-day will go in search of its " pabulum mentis , "
Ave observe that it is absolutely necessary for editors—masculine or feminine—UOAV to commingle the scientific ancl the material , the heavy and the etherial , to make the dose go doAvn . Like the poAvder and raspberry jam of saA'oury memory ancl of
suffering youth , the editor of a ladies ' journal , like the artful nurse of other clays , has to allure a babe—the yelling young miscreant—with the SAveet-tasted bait ! We therefore take one article from the " Ladies' Treasury" to " point our moral ancl
adorn our tale , " ancl to convince even the most sceptical ho AV learned our " gals" are becoming . It is called "The Homes of the Troglodytes . " These are not young men , we may observe , fast young , men or those good
dancers , AVIIO hold Emily , and Annie , and Sophy up so well at balls , but they are " dwellers in caverns " - —aboriginal inhabitants of the earth ' s surface ; not perhaps overclothecl , or very civilised , but interesting , as Professor Eanisbottom says , to the " acute intellect of woman !" Listen to this interesting resume of a great discovery : —
" In the year 1865 M . Dupont , a vomit * Belg ian geologist , accompanied Professor Van Beneden , of the "University of