Article A MASON'S STORY. ← Page 5 of 5 Article IS IT WORTH WHILE? Page 1 of 1
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A Mason's Story.
When they assembled for family worship that night the chapter was peculiarly appropriate for their experience . Perhaps it was only a coincidence . Who knows ? God oftener speaks through these ways than others . I believe they are only the little outlets of His mighty love ancl compassion to us , his troubled children . The chapter was that grand old fortieth of Isaiahancl as Mary listened to the words which have cheered many a
death-, bed , she felt strangely comforted , and she wished Penhryn could have shared her comfort , as she dwelt on the verse , " He shall feed His flock like a shepherd . He shall gather His lambs with His arm , and oarry them in His bosom , and shall gently lead those that are with young . " Many a time had she sung these selfsame words to Handel ' s noble
recitative , but never hacl they struck her as now . Oh , say not such things are merely curious coincidences . That they can never be while they are fraught with such a heaven-born peace to us . They are God's ministering spirits . ( To be continued )
Is It Worth While?
BY JOAQUIN MILLER . IS it worth while that we jostle a brother , Bearing his load on the rough road of life ; Is it worth wdiile that we jeer at each other , In blackness of heart that we war to the knife ?
God pity us all in our pitiful strife . God pity us all as we jostle each other ; God pardon us all for the triumphs we feel When a fellow goes clown neath his load on the heather , Pierced to the heart : Words are keener than steel , Ancl mightier far for woe than for weal .
Were it not well , in this brief little journey On over the isthmus , clown into the tide , We give him a fish instead of a serpent , Ere folding the hands to be and abide For ever and aye in dust at his side ? Look at the roses saluting each other ;
Look at the herds all at peace on the p lain—¦ Man , ancl man only , makes war on his brother , And laughs in his heart at his peril and pain , Shamed by the beasts that go clown on the plain . Is it worth while that we battle to humble Some poor fellow down into the dust ? God pity us all ! Time oft soon will tumble All of us together , like leaves in gust , Humbled , indeed , down into the dust .
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A Mason's Story.
When they assembled for family worship that night the chapter was peculiarly appropriate for their experience . Perhaps it was only a coincidence . Who knows ? God oftener speaks through these ways than others . I believe they are only the little outlets of His mighty love ancl compassion to us , his troubled children . The chapter was that grand old fortieth of Isaiahancl as Mary listened to the words which have cheered many a
death-, bed , she felt strangely comforted , and she wished Penhryn could have shared her comfort , as she dwelt on the verse , " He shall feed His flock like a shepherd . He shall gather His lambs with His arm , and oarry them in His bosom , and shall gently lead those that are with young . " Many a time had she sung these selfsame words to Handel ' s noble
recitative , but never hacl they struck her as now . Oh , say not such things are merely curious coincidences . That they can never be while they are fraught with such a heaven-born peace to us . They are God's ministering spirits . ( To be continued )
Is It Worth While?
BY JOAQUIN MILLER . IS it worth while that we jostle a brother , Bearing his load on the rough road of life ; Is it worth wdiile that we jeer at each other , In blackness of heart that we war to the knife ?
God pity us all in our pitiful strife . God pity us all as we jostle each other ; God pardon us all for the triumphs we feel When a fellow goes clown neath his load on the heather , Pierced to the heart : Words are keener than steel , Ancl mightier far for woe than for weal .
Were it not well , in this brief little journey On over the isthmus , clown into the tide , We give him a fish instead of a serpent , Ere folding the hands to be and abide For ever and aye in dust at his side ? Look at the roses saluting each other ;
Look at the herds all at peace on the p lain—¦ Man , ancl man only , makes war on his brother , And laughs in his heart at his peril and pain , Shamed by the beasts that go clown on the plain . Is it worth while that we battle to humble Some poor fellow down into the dust ? God pity us all ! Time oft soon will tumble All of us together , like leaves in gust , Humbled , indeed , down into the dust .