Article A CURIOUS PAMPHLET. ← Page 4 of 4 Article A CURIOUS PAMPHLET. Page 4 of 4 Article TRUE COURAGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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A Curious Pamphlet.
of rigid discipline ; by a regard to proper conduct , those who have the welfare of masonry in vieAV will quickly qualify themselves to overcome a difficulty , so easily to be surmounted . The sensible and prudent will admire
the policy that secures his sacred rights ; the heedless triiler may frown , but his froAvn will be as little regarded , as his approbation will be valuable . —There are some existing instances of our ill placed confidence particularly applicable to my
purpose , and which , could I address myself to the brethren alone , Avould have their Aveig ht in addition to the arguments I have endeavoured to submit to their consideration : I have already said as much as is necessary to the Avell informed- mason , and as much as I can Avith propriety commit to public inspection , on such a
subject ; but there is one impropriety exists , and in the metropolis more particularly of which it is my duty to take notice , because though the intent may be good , it certainly carries with it so puerile ancl insignificant an appearance , that it
tends rather to bring the craft into a contempt , from which its venerable antiquity will hardly be able to raise it , than to inspire the Avorld Avith those sentiments to which it is truly entitled : I mean cards of invitation to masonic
duties , which publish not only to masons but to the world , such duties , under the ridiculous title of a school of instructions . Surely I need not alledge the imprudence of this plan , or reason upon what is so obviously objectionable , especially considering the freedom with which those cards are circulated : would it not be
moTe judicious , and more applicable , to substitute the words , a masonic meeting '! A little recollection will furnish the brethren with many reasons Avhich ought to exist in their own breasts , for the observance of these seeming trifles ; and if there be any who have not yet
accustomed themselves to this mental kind of argument , let me invite them to a banquet perfectly masonic , and assure them , that the mind can enjoy no treat se delicious as that of reasoning Avith itself on the propriety of the various
operations of human life . I shall now conclude a task , which , though it may be ill executed , is Avell meant : with a wish springing from one
A Curious Pamphlet.
of our best sentiments , That however the gaity of mankind , or the immorality of the times , may damp the principles of honour and virtue , they may still be found resident in the breast of a mason , there seated unmingled Avith those little mercenary arts Avhieh shake the stately
edifice of generosity , they may not fail to enliven those moments which all must arrive at , and which , illumined by a serene tranquility , Avill well repay us for the most rigid observance and faithful discharge of the various duties of humanity . FIN 7 S .
True Courage.
Those who are iu the habit of declaring , every month or so , that this is the age of selfishness , Avill find it difficult to reconcile their opinions Avith the actions of the men and women who , not long ago , left comfortable homes and pleasant associations todo battle Avith the yellow fever and tend
its victims in Shreveport and Memphis . These volunteers wonl . i have incurred no penalty had they failed to go . No one would have questioned their benevolence or their courage , and , more than all , no one AVOUH have occasion to fear and pray for their safety . In spite of considerations of this kind
they gathered contributions for the sufferers , and boldly entered the most infectious districts of the plague-striken cities . The first to engage in this Avork came from the ranks of the Howard Association of New Orleans . When the announcement was made by telegraph from Shreveport that trade Avas paralyzed , the " liver-falling , " ancl connection
with the outside Avorld cut off , the Howard Association responded with an alacrity worthy of all praise . From the 7 th of September , to the present time tho members , from the president downward , have laboured Avith an earnestness that increased in proportion to tho increase of the epidemic . It is certainly an
honour to the South to have such a society . The Brotherhood of Telegraphers can pride itself on having produced some heroes , but -we doubt if any Avere as worthy of the name as those nobfe fellows Avho fell , instrument in hand , at Shreveport . Mr . B . T . M . Jackson and Mr . Bae , the former an operator and the
latter the Superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph Office , died at their posts , as did also Air . Alfred SaA-ille , the successor of Mr . Jackson . Mr . H . C . Davis , an operator of New Orleans , immediately volunteered to fill the gap made void by poor Saville's death , aud Mr . William Bernard , an operator of Cincinnati , Avent forward Avith eagerness to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Curious Pamphlet.
of rigid discipline ; by a regard to proper conduct , those who have the welfare of masonry in vieAV will quickly qualify themselves to overcome a difficulty , so easily to be surmounted . The sensible and prudent will admire
the policy that secures his sacred rights ; the heedless triiler may frown , but his froAvn will be as little regarded , as his approbation will be valuable . —There are some existing instances of our ill placed confidence particularly applicable to my
purpose , and which , could I address myself to the brethren alone , Avould have their Aveig ht in addition to the arguments I have endeavoured to submit to their consideration : I have already said as much as is necessary to the Avell informed- mason , and as much as I can Avith propriety commit to public inspection , on such a
subject ; but there is one impropriety exists , and in the metropolis more particularly of which it is my duty to take notice , because though the intent may be good , it certainly carries with it so puerile ancl insignificant an appearance , that it
tends rather to bring the craft into a contempt , from which its venerable antiquity will hardly be able to raise it , than to inspire the Avorld Avith those sentiments to which it is truly entitled : I mean cards of invitation to masonic
duties , which publish not only to masons but to the world , such duties , under the ridiculous title of a school of instructions . Surely I need not alledge the imprudence of this plan , or reason upon what is so obviously objectionable , especially considering the freedom with which those cards are circulated : would it not be
moTe judicious , and more applicable , to substitute the words , a masonic meeting '! A little recollection will furnish the brethren with many reasons Avhich ought to exist in their own breasts , for the observance of these seeming trifles ; and if there be any who have not yet
accustomed themselves to this mental kind of argument , let me invite them to a banquet perfectly masonic , and assure them , that the mind can enjoy no treat se delicious as that of reasoning Avith itself on the propriety of the various
operations of human life . I shall now conclude a task , which , though it may be ill executed , is Avell meant : with a wish springing from one
A Curious Pamphlet.
of our best sentiments , That however the gaity of mankind , or the immorality of the times , may damp the principles of honour and virtue , they may still be found resident in the breast of a mason , there seated unmingled Avith those little mercenary arts Avhieh shake the stately
edifice of generosity , they may not fail to enliven those moments which all must arrive at , and which , illumined by a serene tranquility , Avill well repay us for the most rigid observance and faithful discharge of the various duties of humanity . FIN 7 S .
True Courage.
Those who are iu the habit of declaring , every month or so , that this is the age of selfishness , Avill find it difficult to reconcile their opinions Avith the actions of the men and women who , not long ago , left comfortable homes and pleasant associations todo battle Avith the yellow fever and tend
its victims in Shreveport and Memphis . These volunteers wonl . i have incurred no penalty had they failed to go . No one would have questioned their benevolence or their courage , and , more than all , no one AVOUH have occasion to fear and pray for their safety . In spite of considerations of this kind
they gathered contributions for the sufferers , and boldly entered the most infectious districts of the plague-striken cities . The first to engage in this Avork came from the ranks of the Howard Association of New Orleans . When the announcement was made by telegraph from Shreveport that trade Avas paralyzed , the " liver-falling , " ancl connection
with the outside Avorld cut off , the Howard Association responded with an alacrity worthy of all praise . From the 7 th of September , to the present time tho members , from the president downward , have laboured Avith an earnestness that increased in proportion to tho increase of the epidemic . It is certainly an
honour to the South to have such a society . The Brotherhood of Telegraphers can pride itself on having produced some heroes , but -we doubt if any Avere as worthy of the name as those nobfe fellows Avho fell , instrument in hand , at Shreveport . Mr . B . T . M . Jackson and Mr . Bae , the former an operator and the
latter the Superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph Office , died at their posts , as did also Air . Alfred SaA-ille , the successor of Mr . Jackson . Mr . H . C . Davis , an operator of New Orleans , immediately volunteered to fill the gap made void by poor Saville's death , aud Mr . William Bernard , an operator of Cincinnati , Avent forward Avith eagerness to