Article AN HERMETIC WORK. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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An Hermetic Work.
Which Waters thus takes name from Icarus , the lofty Eagles Son , and Dedalus Philo sophers true Sulp hur and Mercury their unctuous Tincture ; and their water Dry . The Owl appears in darkness , YelloAvish Red , And white are seen upon the Gooses Head . The Bird of Paradise , and Phoenix fly , Which Starry brightness in th' Adeptists Skye ; Through Milkie Paths up to the Moon and Sun , To multiply till the Adept have done .
Then each that ' s Avorthy , come and Feast you here , With Apollo , Hermes , and Minervahs Chear : For here is Nectar , ancl Ambrosia still , Under these Hyeroglip hicks take your fill . All which nevertheles , I acknowledge is really but one onely thing , or Essence in the Rootviz . the Philosophers g although out of tAvo or three particularsor more in
, , , kind ; and one operation of several parts , as in my said Epitaph , and Circular Figures comprised : Nay indeed may be but one onely particular thing , and one continued simple and single operation , Avhen duely prepared , ancl superfluities removed . But if one onely thing be taken , then it is divided into several parts ; or if several things he taken , they are brought to one ; ancl so may it be said of the Operation , Avhich all being but onethe Philosophers nevertheless are pleased to distinguish it by its several
Pro-, gressions , Colours , and Properties , intimated by , and within the said three figured Circles and their Titles ; all agreeing with this old iEoygina of Vitriol , Avhich being in many of the Metallick kind , is and hath but one thing or substance ; ancl although but one , yet may be opened , divided , ancl have several parts ; and being done , be brought to one again , in one single and simple operation of Nature ; Thus ,
V . I . T . R . I . Visitabis Interiora Terrce , Rectificando Invenies , 0 . L . V . M . Occidtum Lapidem , Veram Medicinam . Visit the interiours of Earth , Rectifying , And you shall find the hid Stone , and true Medicine .
And like it , agreeing Avith tliis work of Palyngenius , which hath tAvo Hunc Juvinem Arcadium , Infidum nimihmq ; fngacem , Prendite , & immersum stygiis occidite Lymphis ; Post Hiales Gremio imposition Deus excipiat , Quern Lemnia Terra colit sublatumq ; in Cruce figat .
Tunc sepelite utero in calido & dissoMte putrem , Cujus stillantes Artus de corpore nostro Spiritus egrediens penetrabit , & ordine miro , Paulatim extinctum nigris revoeabit ah umbris . Aurata indutum Clamyden Argentoq ; nitentem , Projicite hunc demum in prunas Renovabiter alter , Ut Phoenix , & quee tangit perfecta relinquit , Corpora , Natures leges < fe fiedera vincens , Mutahit species , paupertateraq ; fugabit .
Englished thus , Take this Arcadian slippery Lad , who ' s apt to fly , And in the Glittering Stygian Lake , drown'd let him dye ; When Hials juices in his breast , God saves him from loss , Whom Lemnian Earth doth nourish , lift up fix t ' a Cross ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Hermetic Work.
Which Waters thus takes name from Icarus , the lofty Eagles Son , and Dedalus Philo sophers true Sulp hur and Mercury their unctuous Tincture ; and their water Dry . The Owl appears in darkness , YelloAvish Red , And white are seen upon the Gooses Head . The Bird of Paradise , and Phoenix fly , Which Starry brightness in th' Adeptists Skye ; Through Milkie Paths up to the Moon and Sun , To multiply till the Adept have done .
Then each that ' s Avorthy , come and Feast you here , With Apollo , Hermes , and Minervahs Chear : For here is Nectar , ancl Ambrosia still , Under these Hyeroglip hicks take your fill . All which nevertheles , I acknowledge is really but one onely thing , or Essence in the Rootviz . the Philosophers g although out of tAvo or three particularsor more in
, , , kind ; and one operation of several parts , as in my said Epitaph , and Circular Figures comprised : Nay indeed may be but one onely particular thing , and one continued simple and single operation , Avhen duely prepared , ancl superfluities removed . But if one onely thing be taken , then it is divided into several parts ; or if several things he taken , they are brought to one ; ancl so may it be said of the Operation , Avhich all being but onethe Philosophers nevertheless are pleased to distinguish it by its several
Pro-, gressions , Colours , and Properties , intimated by , and within the said three figured Circles and their Titles ; all agreeing with this old iEoygina of Vitriol , Avhich being in many of the Metallick kind , is and hath but one thing or substance ; ancl although but one , yet may be opened , divided , ancl have several parts ; and being done , be brought to one again , in one single and simple operation of Nature ; Thus ,
V . I . T . R . I . Visitabis Interiora Terrce , Rectificando Invenies , 0 . L . V . M . Occidtum Lapidem , Veram Medicinam . Visit the interiours of Earth , Rectifying , And you shall find the hid Stone , and true Medicine .
And like it , agreeing Avith tliis work of Palyngenius , which hath tAvo Hunc Juvinem Arcadium , Infidum nimihmq ; fngacem , Prendite , & immersum stygiis occidite Lymphis ; Post Hiales Gremio imposition Deus excipiat , Quern Lemnia Terra colit sublatumq ; in Cruce figat .
Tunc sepelite utero in calido & dissoMte putrem , Cujus stillantes Artus de corpore nostro Spiritus egrediens penetrabit , & ordine miro , Paulatim extinctum nigris revoeabit ah umbris . Aurata indutum Clamyden Argentoq ; nitentem , Projicite hunc demum in prunas Renovabiter alter , Ut Phoenix , & quee tangit perfecta relinquit , Corpora , Natures leges < fe fiedera vincens , Mutahit species , paupertateraq ; fugabit .
Englished thus , Take this Arcadian slippery Lad , who ' s apt to fly , And in the Glittering Stygian Lake , drown'd let him dye ; When Hials juices in his breast , God saves him from loss , Whom Lemnian Earth doth nourish , lift up fix t ' a Cross ,