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Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
As I have transcribed the foregoing , I have been forcibly reminded of Bro . Dugannes « « reat Masonic poem , " as it is truly called , King Solomon ' s Temple , ivhich Masons in this country as a whole seem incapable of appreciating , seeing that the sale of it has not yet cleared the expenses of making it known among them , although it is published at the low price of twopence ! I for one have no objections , at proper seasons , to adjourn from labour to refreshment ¦ but too many Lodges make refreshment the main thing ,
and look upon all Masonic labour as an irksome task , to be got rid of as much as possible . To read a Masonic book or periodical , even if they could get it for nothing , is far from the wish of their members ; hence one meets with past masters and present masters of lodges who never in their lives read the Book of Constitution , though they have " presented " but not given it to candidates on initiation , ancl who , do not know hut that the Grand Master for England rules over Scotland , Ireland , and Canada , as well
as their own country . Our Masonic press is slowly , but surely , penetrating this thick fog of ignorance ; ancl the " incompetent brothers , " who have degraded their meetings into mere respectable " free-and-easies , " one hopes will soon become shamed into better conduct , or driven from the glorious Craft which they have defiled . To the truly wise , symbolism is the highest of all teaching ; but to gh e it to the ignorant and depraved , is really to " throw pearls before swine . " How beautifully does Bro . Duganne conclude his truly great American Masonic Poem : —
" There ' s a mountain of God in each human heart For that glorious Temple's base ; And the lines of each loyal Mason ' s art May its grand foundations trace ; And within it , the wings of cherubs May the Holy of Holies embrace ! Through the beautiful aisles of the charmed past ,
How its wonderful harmonies swell ! When their meanings arise , at the Templar ' s blast , From the mould of each darksome cell ; And the soul of the true no longer With the dust of the false shall dwell !
When the thoughts of our morning shall royally plan , And the deeds of our day shah build ; And the arch of perfection eternally span , With the measure our Master hath will'd ; Ancl the depths of our Holy of Holies With incense of prayer be fill'd ! When the pillars of strength in our porch shall abide ,
With the lilies of beauty above ; And the veil of the Presence , encompassing wide , Overshacloiv the ark of our love ; Ancl the peace of the blessed Shekinah Fnfold , like the wings of a dove !
Oh ! the cedars of Lebanon grow at our door , And the quarry is sunk at our gate ; And the ships out of Op hir , with golden ore For our summoning mandate wait ; And the word of a Master Mason , May the house of our soul create ! While the day hath lightlet the lig ht be used ,
, For no man shall the night control ! ' Or ever the silken chord be loosed , Or broken the golden bowl , ' May we build King Solomon ' s Temple In the true Masonic soul 1 "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
As I have transcribed the foregoing , I have been forcibly reminded of Bro . Dugannes « « reat Masonic poem , " as it is truly called , King Solomon ' s Temple , ivhich Masons in this country as a whole seem incapable of appreciating , seeing that the sale of it has not yet cleared the expenses of making it known among them , although it is published at the low price of twopence ! I for one have no objections , at proper seasons , to adjourn from labour to refreshment ¦ but too many Lodges make refreshment the main thing ,
and look upon all Masonic labour as an irksome task , to be got rid of as much as possible . To read a Masonic book or periodical , even if they could get it for nothing , is far from the wish of their members ; hence one meets with past masters and present masters of lodges who never in their lives read the Book of Constitution , though they have " presented " but not given it to candidates on initiation , ancl who , do not know hut that the Grand Master for England rules over Scotland , Ireland , and Canada , as well
as their own country . Our Masonic press is slowly , but surely , penetrating this thick fog of ignorance ; ancl the " incompetent brothers , " who have degraded their meetings into mere respectable " free-and-easies , " one hopes will soon become shamed into better conduct , or driven from the glorious Craft which they have defiled . To the truly wise , symbolism is the highest of all teaching ; but to gh e it to the ignorant and depraved , is really to " throw pearls before swine . " How beautifully does Bro . Duganne conclude his truly great American Masonic Poem : —
" There ' s a mountain of God in each human heart For that glorious Temple's base ; And the lines of each loyal Mason ' s art May its grand foundations trace ; And within it , the wings of cherubs May the Holy of Holies embrace ! Through the beautiful aisles of the charmed past ,
How its wonderful harmonies swell ! When their meanings arise , at the Templar ' s blast , From the mould of each darksome cell ; And the soul of the true no longer With the dust of the false shall dwell !
When the thoughts of our morning shall royally plan , And the deeds of our day shah build ; And the arch of perfection eternally span , With the measure our Master hath will'd ; Ancl the depths of our Holy of Holies With incense of prayer be fill'd ! When the pillars of strength in our porch shall abide ,
With the lilies of beauty above ; And the veil of the Presence , encompassing wide , Overshacloiv the ark of our love ; Ancl the peace of the blessed Shekinah Fnfold , like the wings of a dove !
Oh ! the cedars of Lebanon grow at our door , And the quarry is sunk at our gate ; And the ships out of Op hir , with golden ore For our summoning mandate wait ; And the word of a Master Mason , May the house of our soul create ! While the day hath lightlet the lig ht be used ,
, For no man shall the night control ! ' Or ever the silken chord be loosed , Or broken the golden bowl , ' May we build King Solomon ' s Temple In the true Masonic soul 1 "