Article AN HERMETIC WORK. ← Page 5 of 5 Article PAPERS ON THE GREAT PYRAMID. Page 1 of 8 →
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An Hermetic Work.
the matters and principles of Generation , are hi Sal , Sulphur , and Mercury , and these may as well be had by Art , above the Earth , as by Nature in the Mines , and so may be brought to a fixt Sulphur of Nature , Avhich is as good an Earth for the Avork as may he ; for Guido saith of the Earth , it is no matter so it be fixed , and Raimund saith , nought is required in this Art for transmutation , but pure Earth , and pure Water ; and Ripley saith , Hair and Blood cannot' be the Stone for transmutation , but Elements
separated from them may ; and of £ separated from them , H little good , but if brought to Sulphur of Nature , it is as good Earth for it as may be ; yet still mark , that it be brought to a community of Nature , and must be fermented Avith pure real Gold : yet you are not tied to go to so great a distance ; for things neerer of kin are easier transmuted , ancl the neerest the best . Wherefore the Artists may begin where Nature left off in her simple and single operation . And ( like a good Husband-man with Com ) SOAV the pure grain of Gold ( not common Gold ) in its pure Mercurial virgin Mother
Earth ( not common Earth ) but a Avhite Crude , Golden Water or Essence , brought to them by the help of Eagles , or else by the mediation of the Doves ; and the mau in his glittering golden Robes , may drink of his Nectar in a pure silver Cup , three to the Graces , or nine to the Muses ( as Ripley intimates ) and according to the old Mystical Law . Tar bibe aid toties ternos sic mystica Lex est . Drink Three , or thrice Three , Avhich is a Mystery ; aud so the Masculine ancl Feminine , or 0 . ) . & g . befog in
perfect health , and in their prime ancl Sperme , as one thing , Avillingly embrace , and joyn to spiritualize themselves into a Sprout , or living Seed , to groAv up to the highest degree of the poAver , energy , and vdrtue of ) . and Gold , and of the spiritual Stone of Philosophers , and to do Avhatsoever else the Philosophers have need of . Nam Lapis Philosophorum nihil aliud est . quam Aurum in gradihus sids multiplicatnm stante propmtione qudfidtin Auro prima . For the Philosophers Stone is no other thing , then Gold
multiplied in its degrees , standing in the same Temperature or Proportion in which it was at the first : Avhich must be nourish ! Avith the Mothers pure Milk , till it can feed upon stronger Meats , and so gets vigour to Multiply . Ancl then the Glorified King ( Triply Ci'OAvn'd ) shall vanquish his Enemies , and redeem his Brethren and Kindred , in all or any Nations from their vile Corruptions : If they can but touch the hem of his Garment ; or entertain him at his approach , as they ought ; for 'tis alike to him , to raise their Essences , as to separate their Maladies . Yet you must ,
First , Learn the Eagles that foster up the Doves , Ancl makes Diano taste of Venus ' s Loves , Where Cupid conquers Mars his furious Ire , And makes the Magnet clraAv the Calib ' s Fire ; Which seems a Riddle , and's the Gordian Knot , Ancl Herculean , labour for the Artists Lot . Without the perfect knowledge of which , thou canst never attain thy end . ( To be Continued ^)
Papers On The Great Pyramid.
BY BRO . WM . K 0 WB 01 T 0 M . 1 . —THE BUILDING . IN Avriting these short papers for the MASONIC MAGAZINE I shall endeavour to bring before its readers , in as brief and interesting a manner as my short acquaintance with letters ancl Masonry "will permit , the results of those recent inquiries into GM ^ Pyramid teaching which have excited considerable attention , not unmixed , it is true , Avith some ridicule .
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An Hermetic Work.
the matters and principles of Generation , are hi Sal , Sulphur , and Mercury , and these may as well be had by Art , above the Earth , as by Nature in the Mines , and so may be brought to a fixt Sulphur of Nature , Avhich is as good an Earth for the Avork as may he ; for Guido saith of the Earth , it is no matter so it be fixed , and Raimund saith , nought is required in this Art for transmutation , but pure Earth , and pure Water ; and Ripley saith , Hair and Blood cannot' be the Stone for transmutation , but Elements
separated from them may ; and of £ separated from them , H little good , but if brought to Sulphur of Nature , it is as good Earth for it as may be ; yet still mark , that it be brought to a community of Nature , and must be fermented Avith pure real Gold : yet you are not tied to go to so great a distance ; for things neerer of kin are easier transmuted , ancl the neerest the best . Wherefore the Artists may begin where Nature left off in her simple and single operation . And ( like a good Husband-man with Com ) SOAV the pure grain of Gold ( not common Gold ) in its pure Mercurial virgin Mother
Earth ( not common Earth ) but a Avhite Crude , Golden Water or Essence , brought to them by the help of Eagles , or else by the mediation of the Doves ; and the mau in his glittering golden Robes , may drink of his Nectar in a pure silver Cup , three to the Graces , or nine to the Muses ( as Ripley intimates ) and according to the old Mystical Law . Tar bibe aid toties ternos sic mystica Lex est . Drink Three , or thrice Three , Avhich is a Mystery ; aud so the Masculine ancl Feminine , or 0 . ) . & g . befog in
perfect health , and in their prime ancl Sperme , as one thing , Avillingly embrace , and joyn to spiritualize themselves into a Sprout , or living Seed , to groAv up to the highest degree of the poAver , energy , and vdrtue of ) . and Gold , and of the spiritual Stone of Philosophers , and to do Avhatsoever else the Philosophers have need of . Nam Lapis Philosophorum nihil aliud est . quam Aurum in gradihus sids multiplicatnm stante propmtione qudfidtin Auro prima . For the Philosophers Stone is no other thing , then Gold
multiplied in its degrees , standing in the same Temperature or Proportion in which it was at the first : Avhich must be nourish ! Avith the Mothers pure Milk , till it can feed upon stronger Meats , and so gets vigour to Multiply . Ancl then the Glorified King ( Triply Ci'OAvn'd ) shall vanquish his Enemies , and redeem his Brethren and Kindred , in all or any Nations from their vile Corruptions : If they can but touch the hem of his Garment ; or entertain him at his approach , as they ought ; for 'tis alike to him , to raise their Essences , as to separate their Maladies . Yet you must ,
First , Learn the Eagles that foster up the Doves , Ancl makes Diano taste of Venus ' s Loves , Where Cupid conquers Mars his furious Ire , And makes the Magnet clraAv the Calib ' s Fire ; Which seems a Riddle , and's the Gordian Knot , Ancl Herculean , labour for the Artists Lot . Without the perfect knowledge of which , thou canst never attain thy end . ( To be Continued ^)
Papers On The Great Pyramid.
BY BRO . WM . K 0 WB 01 T 0 M . 1 . —THE BUILDING . IN Avriting these short papers for the MASONIC MAGAZINE I shall endeavour to bring before its readers , in as brief and interesting a manner as my short acquaintance with letters ancl Masonry "will permit , the results of those recent inquiries into GM ^ Pyramid teaching which have excited considerable attention , not unmixed , it is true , Avith some ridicule .