Article AN OLD, OLD STORY. Page 1 of 2 →
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An Old, Old Story.
CHAPTER IX . 0 koniru jetzt wo Lunen Noch Wollceii umziehu , Lass duvch die Lagunen Mein Lebeu , una fliehn !
FftEILIGBATH . Mr . MAINWARING and Mr . Carruthers had a long talk as "homewards they wended , " after they had left Colonel Mackintosh , who went to his bachelor demesne smoking —if not the " calumet" at any rate the
, cigaret of " peace . " For as he used to say , " I have no wife to bless or bore me —no curtain lectures to fear , ancl no squalling brats to be worried with . " In all this he was very wrong , as we none of know often what blessings we have
here till they " make to themselves wings , ancl fly away . " But such were his sentiments , and it is just possible that they may be shared in by some of the readers of the MASONIC MAGAZINE . But the two young men communed long ancl seriously , and as Mr . Mainwaring thought the " situation " a very serious one .
he determined to see Lucy the next morning and expedite that little " eclaircissement" he had long wanted to bring about , but had never yet found a convenient opportunity to commence . Accordingly , when Miss Margerison and Lucy were
taking their matutiual walk on the breezy common not far from the Cedars , Mr . Mainwaring joined them with his old clog " Dan , " a great favourite of Miss Longlutrst ' s , and who seemed by his exhilarated appearance and wagging tail to
acknowled ge the presence of one whom the youthful Stimson termed , " by Jaave , a fascinating garl . " But what was Mr . Mainwaring , a man of business , doing on the " common " at that hour of the day ? Why was he not
m Lombard Street , poring over huge led gers , and looking into over-drawn accounts i We can only ask our readers to answer the question for themselves , though , & s We have already said , Mr . Mainwaring bad told Mr . Carruthers that he had made U P his mind to have it " out with Lucy ° ne way or the other , " as he could not
" stand interlopers , " and " he ancl Lucy had already come to a decision thereupon , and , therefore , " he added , " the sooner they got together the better . " Indeed , he went on to say , " if the old g irl makes any more difficulties , or brings up any more
candidates , Lucy and I will be married at the nearest registrar ' s ! " Dreadful threat ! serious step ! questionable proceeding ! Accordingly , after a little , Miss Margerison , who met her old friend the Rector ,
dropped naturally behind , to talk about Church and parochial matters , while Lucy ancl her " young man " —that is the proper expression , we believe—or " her mate "we are not quite sure which—walked on a-heacl , " Dan " showed an approval of the entire proceeding , in his honest brown eyes , and general cheerfulness of demeanour .
Lucy and Mr . Mainwaring had a long and animated , and—if wo mig ht judge from their looks—a most unsatisfactory conversation , though I have no objection to let my readers into a secret , that Lucy distinctly declared , as she said , " she would
not go before the Registrar , " or indeed be married at all , except in Church with a proper complement of officiating clergy . And iu this she was clearly right , aud highly to he commended , as , in our opinion , no greater mistake can be committed , in
the interest of society even , ancl of the world ' s arrangements , than to detract in any possible manner from the sacredness of one of the most important ceremonies of life—the marriage service . It is a most solemn act , and ought always to be blessed by religion in its fullest accents and in its most endearing words .
Lucy , however , said quite enough to Mr . Mainwaring to show him that " Love ' s delays " would find no champion in her , and that as she disliked " long engagements , " so she distinctly thought that the sooner she and Mr . Mainwaring got into their " own little nest , " the happier for all
concerned . For , as she observed most truly and wittil y , " when two little birds like ourselves agree to have a nest in common , the sooner we build it , and set it up the better . " And so Mr . Mainwaring determined to attack Miss Margerison at once on a point so vital to his interests , so dear to his heart . At least he declared so : but " men , "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Old, Old Story.
CHAPTER IX . 0 koniru jetzt wo Lunen Noch Wollceii umziehu , Lass duvch die Lagunen Mein Lebeu , una fliehn !
FftEILIGBATH . Mr . MAINWARING and Mr . Carruthers had a long talk as "homewards they wended , " after they had left Colonel Mackintosh , who went to his bachelor demesne smoking —if not the " calumet" at any rate the
, cigaret of " peace . " For as he used to say , " I have no wife to bless or bore me —no curtain lectures to fear , ancl no squalling brats to be worried with . " In all this he was very wrong , as we none of know often what blessings we have
here till they " make to themselves wings , ancl fly away . " But such were his sentiments , and it is just possible that they may be shared in by some of the readers of the MASONIC MAGAZINE . But the two young men communed long ancl seriously , and as Mr . Mainwaring thought the " situation " a very serious one .
he determined to see Lucy the next morning and expedite that little " eclaircissement" he had long wanted to bring about , but had never yet found a convenient opportunity to commence . Accordingly , when Miss Margerison and Lucy were
taking their matutiual walk on the breezy common not far from the Cedars , Mr . Mainwaring joined them with his old clog " Dan , " a great favourite of Miss Longlutrst ' s , and who seemed by his exhilarated appearance and wagging tail to
acknowled ge the presence of one whom the youthful Stimson termed , " by Jaave , a fascinating garl . " But what was Mr . Mainwaring , a man of business , doing on the " common " at that hour of the day ? Why was he not
m Lombard Street , poring over huge led gers , and looking into over-drawn accounts i We can only ask our readers to answer the question for themselves , though , & s We have already said , Mr . Mainwaring bad told Mr . Carruthers that he had made U P his mind to have it " out with Lucy ° ne way or the other , " as he could not
" stand interlopers , " and " he ancl Lucy had already come to a decision thereupon , and , therefore , " he added , " the sooner they got together the better . " Indeed , he went on to say , " if the old g irl makes any more difficulties , or brings up any more
candidates , Lucy and I will be married at the nearest registrar ' s ! " Dreadful threat ! serious step ! questionable proceeding ! Accordingly , after a little , Miss Margerison , who met her old friend the Rector ,
dropped naturally behind , to talk about Church and parochial matters , while Lucy ancl her " young man " —that is the proper expression , we believe—or " her mate "we are not quite sure which—walked on a-heacl , " Dan " showed an approval of the entire proceeding , in his honest brown eyes , and general cheerfulness of demeanour .
Lucy and Mr . Mainwaring had a long and animated , and—if wo mig ht judge from their looks—a most unsatisfactory conversation , though I have no objection to let my readers into a secret , that Lucy distinctly declared , as she said , " she would
not go before the Registrar , " or indeed be married at all , except in Church with a proper complement of officiating clergy . And iu this she was clearly right , aud highly to he commended , as , in our opinion , no greater mistake can be committed , in
the interest of society even , ancl of the world ' s arrangements , than to detract in any possible manner from the sacredness of one of the most important ceremonies of life—the marriage service . It is a most solemn act , and ought always to be blessed by religion in its fullest accents and in its most endearing words .
Lucy , however , said quite enough to Mr . Mainwaring to show him that " Love ' s delays " would find no champion in her , and that as she disliked " long engagements , " so she distinctly thought that the sooner she and Mr . Mainwaring got into their " own little nest , " the happier for all
concerned . For , as she observed most truly and wittil y , " when two little birds like ourselves agree to have a nest in common , the sooner we build it , and set it up the better . " And so Mr . Mainwaring determined to attack Miss Margerison at once on a point so vital to his interests , so dear to his heart . At least he declared so : but " men , "