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The Question Of The Coloured Freemasons In The United States.
Constitutions , to have the certificates issued from the Grand Secretary ' s Offices , all countersigned by the District Grand Officers ; to have committees of their own , though an appeal goes , in all questions of discipline , to Grand Lodge , and District
Grand Masters can grant provisional . warrants for the opening of Lodges . Tho District Grand Lodges could elect the District Grand Master , who would be confirmed by the Grand Master of the State Grand Lodges , and the private Lodges
surrendering their warrants could receive new warrants to be issued by the Grand Lodge . The District Grand Lodge might elect a certain number of members to attend Grand Lodge as such—and even , if need he , all members under illegal warrants might bo re-obligated . This seems to us to be the right course to pursue . We speak with deference , but to recognize
illegal Grand Lodges of Coloured Freemasons is a very serious thing , and opens the door to great dangers . Now we do not suppose that such a proposal wiU be popular with either side in the controversy , but then our English mind is essentially practical . At the
same time we feel strongly that colour is no bar to Freemasonry , or to Masonic rights , and that as things seem getting worse instead of better , there can be no impropriety in our venturing , in all humilit y , to offer a " healing motion" of
our own , in aU good feeling and fellowship . AVe throw out these suggestions as " amici curiaj , " and we trust that as such they will be accepted by our excellent brethren in the United States , for whom we have great regard and the most fraternal good will .
The Jealous Sceptic.
BY BRO . JOHN SAFFERY . "JEALOUSY may be compared to a poisoned arrow , so envenomed that if it even pricks the skin is very dangerous , but rf it draw blood , it is irrecoverably deadly . " Scepticism—to deny the existence of Jehovah , the Great Creator , and refuse to
acknowledge the possession of an immortal soul—may be congenial to men who flatter themselves into the belief that they are disciples of Phyrro ancl Timon , and for this absurdity put aside the consolation of Religionthe divinity of the scripturesthe
, , strength of truth , and the sacredness of life , risking the eternal torments of Hell , for the sake of saying that they are soulless , and on a level with the " Beasts of the Field . "
How sad it seems when Man , all lost to shame , Himself forgets to other men defame ; AVhen honour , love , and every social tie , By wanton mischief used , all shipwrecked lie . And where religion forms no holier part ,
And poor conceited man his theories start , False as the fiend that prompts him to do wrong And his weakness cry , " Behold , I ' m strong !"
The mortal passions in the human breast By meanest minds are cultivated best ; By Love and Hate the green-eyed monster's fed , And mocks its victim till the heart is dead . The jealous manfilled with consuming ire
, Burns up his vitals with Tartarean Fire . His thoughts are torture , and but darkl y drape His mind with forms of every hideous shape ;
E ' en as he walks some unknown thing he fears , And sleeping starts at every sound he hears . No love hath he , but by his ' venomed tongue The old are cursed , and he reviles the
young . A childless man , a love-lorn wretch , and worse , The Love of God he dares pronounce a curse , The earth is heaven , and to his grovelling mind "lis Chance that rules the planets and the wind .
All things have been , and are , and still will be , Ancl man , as man , none hath more power than he .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Question Of The Coloured Freemasons In The United States.
Constitutions , to have the certificates issued from the Grand Secretary ' s Offices , all countersigned by the District Grand Officers ; to have committees of their own , though an appeal goes , in all questions of discipline , to Grand Lodge , and District
Grand Masters can grant provisional . warrants for the opening of Lodges . Tho District Grand Lodges could elect the District Grand Master , who would be confirmed by the Grand Master of the State Grand Lodges , and the private Lodges
surrendering their warrants could receive new warrants to be issued by the Grand Lodge . The District Grand Lodge might elect a certain number of members to attend Grand Lodge as such—and even , if need he , all members under illegal warrants might bo re-obligated . This seems to us to be the right course to pursue . We speak with deference , but to recognize
illegal Grand Lodges of Coloured Freemasons is a very serious thing , and opens the door to great dangers . Now we do not suppose that such a proposal wiU be popular with either side in the controversy , but then our English mind is essentially practical . At the
same time we feel strongly that colour is no bar to Freemasonry , or to Masonic rights , and that as things seem getting worse instead of better , there can be no impropriety in our venturing , in all humilit y , to offer a " healing motion" of
our own , in aU good feeling and fellowship . AVe throw out these suggestions as " amici curiaj , " and we trust that as such they will be accepted by our excellent brethren in the United States , for whom we have great regard and the most fraternal good will .
The Jealous Sceptic.
BY BRO . JOHN SAFFERY . "JEALOUSY may be compared to a poisoned arrow , so envenomed that if it even pricks the skin is very dangerous , but rf it draw blood , it is irrecoverably deadly . " Scepticism—to deny the existence of Jehovah , the Great Creator , and refuse to
acknowledge the possession of an immortal soul—may be congenial to men who flatter themselves into the belief that they are disciples of Phyrro ancl Timon , and for this absurdity put aside the consolation of Religionthe divinity of the scripturesthe
, , strength of truth , and the sacredness of life , risking the eternal torments of Hell , for the sake of saying that they are soulless , and on a level with the " Beasts of the Field . "
How sad it seems when Man , all lost to shame , Himself forgets to other men defame ; AVhen honour , love , and every social tie , By wanton mischief used , all shipwrecked lie . And where religion forms no holier part ,
And poor conceited man his theories start , False as the fiend that prompts him to do wrong And his weakness cry , " Behold , I ' m strong !"
The mortal passions in the human breast By meanest minds are cultivated best ; By Love and Hate the green-eyed monster's fed , And mocks its victim till the heart is dead . The jealous manfilled with consuming ire
, Burns up his vitals with Tartarean Fire . His thoughts are torture , and but darkl y drape His mind with forms of every hideous shape ;
E ' en as he walks some unknown thing he fears , And sleeping starts at every sound he hears . No love hath he , but by his ' venomed tongue The old are cursed , and he reviles the
young . A childless man , a love-lorn wretch , and worse , The Love of God he dares pronounce a curse , The earth is heaven , and to his grovelling mind "lis Chance that rules the planets and the wind .
All things have been , and are , and still will be , Ancl man , as man , none hath more power than he .