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Extracts From The Minutes Of The Royal Arch Chapter Of Concord Attached To The Anchor And Hope Lodge, No. 37, Bolton.
August ancl November ) be drawn up by Bro . Thos . Rycioft . " At the same meeting another Brother " was initiated to the higher order . " Bro . Rycroft appears to have lost no time in drawing up the petition , for on the
following day ( 22 nd October , 17 SG ) another meeting was held , " Bro . Boyle in the chair , " when it is recorded that " a petition for a Royal Arch Chapter was read by Bro . Tho . . Rj'eroffc , whisfi , being approved of and the thanks of the Body
returned to Bro . Rycroft for his assiduity and attention in drawing it up , was signed in form ancl sent to our Provincial Master . " Another meeting was held 23 vd October 1785 , when "Bro . Jas Stewart was made
Royal Arch and afterwards initiated to the higher order . " Again , on 24 th October , 1785 , a meeting was held , when " Bro . Edward Rothwell and Bro . Wm . Thwoafc were made Royal Arch Superexcellent Masons . "
It will be seen that there were no less than ten meetings in the month of October , 1785 , thus testifying to the zeal of the Brethren m the cause of Royal Arch Masonry . On 19 th Nov ., 1785 , " Bro . John Smallwood , Junr , of Manchester , was made a Royal Arch Superexcellent Mason . "
The next meeting recorded is on 19 th March , 1786 , when it is stated : " The following Brethren were installed into the respective offices : " Bro . Wm . Johnson , " „ Nathl . Howarth
, " „ Roger Mosley , " but no mention is made of what those offices were . Bro . Michael James Boyle is mentioned as a visitor at this meeting , and at the end of the proceedings of such meeting is written what appears to be a
monogram composed of the letters "HAMS T , " under which is the letter " m . " Opposite the monogram is a seal impressed in red wax . The impression is a remarkabl y fine one , ancl the design is as follows : In the centre are a pair of
pillars , on the base of the left hand pillar is the letter B , on the base of the ri ght 'land pillar the letter J ; between the Pillars is a globe in a stand , and the pillars are surmounted by the All-Seeing Eye .
Below the pillars is a ribbon with the motto " I am true . " A circular inscription round the seal reads , " Royal Arch Union Lodge , No . 211 . " How this seal came to be impressed here we cannot conceive , unless it was
affixed by Bro . Boyle . The " Royal Arch Union Lodge , No . 211 " ( from subsequent entries in the Minutes ) would appear to have been held hi the King ' s Own , or 3 rd Dragoons , under the jurisdiction of Scotland .
The next meeting was on 20 th March , 1786 , when it is recorded that " the following letter was sent to Chapter No . 7 , Bury , addressed to Bro . Haworth , Bookseller there : " HealthJoy ancl Peace to our Loving
, Companions of the Grand ancl Royal Chapter , No . 7 . We , the most Excellent , send greeting . Whereas we have obtained the Chapter of Concord , No . 45 , which we intend to have installed on Friday , the 31 st instant , at 4 o ' clock in
the afternoon , according to the powers therein given to us by the Grand and ¦ Royal Chapter of Jerusalem . Your company on the occasion whl be very acceptable to us , your Loving Companions ,
" From our General Encampment at Bolton , this 29 th day of March , A . L . 5790 , A . D . 1786 . " At the meeting named in the above letter , viz 31 st March , 1786 , it it stated , " the following Brethren from Bury were properly instructed in Royal Arch Superexcellent Masonry - . " Bro , Wm . Mosley , of our Lodge No . 36 ,
" Bro . John Wood \ " Bro . Geo . Lomax \ From the Chap'' Bro . Robt . Howarth ) ter of Unanimity " Bro . John Ackerley No . 7 , in Bury . " Bro . Abrm . Wood > " then the following- Brethren were
initiated into the higher order : " Bro . Ellis Sweetlove ) pr . Bro . Wm . " Bro . John Lever J Johnson . 2 K 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Extracts From The Minutes Of The Royal Arch Chapter Of Concord Attached To The Anchor And Hope Lodge, No. 37, Bolton.
August ancl November ) be drawn up by Bro . Thos . Rycioft . " At the same meeting another Brother " was initiated to the higher order . " Bro . Rycroft appears to have lost no time in drawing up the petition , for on the
following day ( 22 nd October , 17 SG ) another meeting was held , " Bro . Boyle in the chair , " when it is recorded that " a petition for a Royal Arch Chapter was read by Bro . Tho . . Rj'eroffc , whisfi , being approved of and the thanks of the Body
returned to Bro . Rycroft for his assiduity and attention in drawing it up , was signed in form ancl sent to our Provincial Master . " Another meeting was held 23 vd October 1785 , when "Bro . Jas Stewart was made
Royal Arch and afterwards initiated to the higher order . " Again , on 24 th October , 1785 , a meeting was held , when " Bro . Edward Rothwell and Bro . Wm . Thwoafc were made Royal Arch Superexcellent Masons . "
It will be seen that there were no less than ten meetings in the month of October , 1785 , thus testifying to the zeal of the Brethren m the cause of Royal Arch Masonry . On 19 th Nov ., 1785 , " Bro . John Smallwood , Junr , of Manchester , was made a Royal Arch Superexcellent Mason . "
The next meeting recorded is on 19 th March , 1786 , when it is stated : " The following Brethren were installed into the respective offices : " Bro . Wm . Johnson , " „ Nathl . Howarth
, " „ Roger Mosley , " but no mention is made of what those offices were . Bro . Michael James Boyle is mentioned as a visitor at this meeting , and at the end of the proceedings of such meeting is written what appears to be a
monogram composed of the letters "HAMS T , " under which is the letter " m . " Opposite the monogram is a seal impressed in red wax . The impression is a remarkabl y fine one , ancl the design is as follows : In the centre are a pair of
pillars , on the base of the left hand pillar is the letter B , on the base of the ri ght 'land pillar the letter J ; between the Pillars is a globe in a stand , and the pillars are surmounted by the All-Seeing Eye .
Below the pillars is a ribbon with the motto " I am true . " A circular inscription round the seal reads , " Royal Arch Union Lodge , No . 211 . " How this seal came to be impressed here we cannot conceive , unless it was
affixed by Bro . Boyle . The " Royal Arch Union Lodge , No . 211 " ( from subsequent entries in the Minutes ) would appear to have been held hi the King ' s Own , or 3 rd Dragoons , under the jurisdiction of Scotland .
The next meeting was on 20 th March , 1786 , when it is recorded that " the following letter was sent to Chapter No . 7 , Bury , addressed to Bro . Haworth , Bookseller there : " HealthJoy ancl Peace to our Loving
, Companions of the Grand ancl Royal Chapter , No . 7 . We , the most Excellent , send greeting . Whereas we have obtained the Chapter of Concord , No . 45 , which we intend to have installed on Friday , the 31 st instant , at 4 o ' clock in
the afternoon , according to the powers therein given to us by the Grand and ¦ Royal Chapter of Jerusalem . Your company on the occasion whl be very acceptable to us , your Loving Companions ,
" From our General Encampment at Bolton , this 29 th day of March , A . L . 5790 , A . D . 1786 . " At the meeting named in the above letter , viz 31 st March , 1786 , it it stated , " the following Brethren from Bury were properly instructed in Royal Arch Superexcellent Masonry - . " Bro , Wm . Mosley , of our Lodge No . 36 ,
" Bro . John Wood \ " Bro . Geo . Lomax \ From the Chap'' Bro . Robt . Howarth ) ter of Unanimity " Bro . John Ackerley No . 7 , in Bury . " Bro . Abrm . Wood > " then the following- Brethren were
initiated into the higher order : " Bro . Ellis Sweetlove ) pr . Bro . Wm . " Bro . John Lever J Johnson . 2 K 2