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Old London Taverns Identified With Masonry.
journey to Nottingham . " In April , 1747 , the following advertisement appeared in the same magazine : '' Half Moon Tavern , Choapside , April 13 . His Royal Highness , the Duke of Cumberland , having restored peace to Britainby the ever memorable Battle of
, C'ulloden , fought on the 16 th April , J 745 , the choice spirits have agreed to celebrate that day annually by a Grand Jubilee in the Moon , of which the Stars are hereby acquainted , and summoned to shine with their brightest lustre by 6 o ' clock on
Thursday next , in the Evening . " I quote again from the record : " Grand Lodge in due form at the Castle , in Drury Lane , on Thursday , S June , 1732 , with the Earl of Inchiquin and other former Grand Officers , and those of thirty-nine lodges . "
This was the only session at this house . The Castle being- such a general sign , many traders adopted some particular castle . Dover Castle , or Walmer Castle , is amongst the most frequent . This first is mentioned in the following amusing advertisement :
'' FOE FEMALE SATISFACTION . " Whereas the mystery of Freemasonry has been kept a profound secret for several ages , till at length some men assembled themselves at the Dover Castle , in the parish of Lambeth , under pretence of knowing the secretaud likewise in
-, oppo sition to some gentlemen that are real Freemasons , and hold a lodge at the same house ; therefore , to prove that they are no more than pretend * . is , and as the ladies have sometimes been desirous of gaining knowledge of the noble art ( sic ) several
, regular-made Masons ( both ancient and modern ) , members of constituted lodges in this metropolis , have thought proper to unite into a select body , at Beau Silvester ' s , the sign of the Angel , Bull Stairs , Southwalk , and stile themselves Unions ,
think it highly expedient , and in justice to the fair sex , to initiate them therein , provided they are women of undeniable character ; for tho' no lodge as yet ( except the Free United Masons ) have thought Proper to admit women into the fraternity ,
w e , well knowing they have as much right to attain to the secret as those Castle Humbugs , have thought proper so to do , 'Wt doubting but that they will prove an Honour to the Craft ; and as we have had the honour to inculcate several worthy
sisters therein , those that are desirous and think themselves capable of having the secret conferred on them , by proper application , will be admitted , and the charges will not exceed the expences of our lodge . " —Publick Advertiser , March 7 , 1759 . In tho reign of George I ., the Castle ,
near Covent Garden , was a famous eatinghouse , kept by John Pierce , the Soyer of his clay . Here the gallant feat was performed of a young blood taking one of the shoes from the foot of a noted toast , filling it with wine , and drinking her health ,
after which it was consigned to the cook , who prepared from it an excellent ragout , which was eaten with great relish by the lady ' s admirers . A meeting of the Grand Lodge was held at the Croimi Tavern , " behind the Royal Exchange , on Friday , April 13 , 1739 . "
Upon the site of the present chief , entrance to the Bank of England , iu Threadneedle Street , stood the Crown Tavern , " behind the 'Change ; " it was frequented by the Fellows of the Royal Society , when they met at Gresham College hard by . The Crown was burnt in
the great fire , but was rebuilt ; and about a century since , at this tavern , " it was not unusual to draw a butt of mountain wine , containing 120 gallons , in gills , in a morning . " " Behind the 'Change , " we read in tho
Connoisseur , 1754 . a man worth a plum used to order a twopenny mess of broth with a boiled chop in it ; placing the chop between two crusts of a halfpenny roll , he would wrap it up in his check handkerchief , and carry it away for the morrow ' s dinner .
About sixteen sessions of the Grand Lodge were held at the Crown and Anchor , in the Strand , the first occurring on the Mfch of January , 1760 . The Crown and Anchor , the well-known badge of the Navy , is a great favourite . One of the most famous taverns with this
sign was in the Strand , where Dr . Johnson often used to " make a night of it . " "Soon afterwards , " says Boswell , "in 1768 , he supped at the Crown and Anchor , in the Strand , with a company I collected to meet him . There were Dr . Percynow bishop
, of Dromoie ; Dr . Douglas , now bishop of Salisbury ; Mr . Langton ; Dr . Robertson , the historian ; Dr . Hugh Blair , and Mr . Thomas Davis . " On this occasion the Y
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old London Taverns Identified With Masonry.
journey to Nottingham . " In April , 1747 , the following advertisement appeared in the same magazine : '' Half Moon Tavern , Choapside , April 13 . His Royal Highness , the Duke of Cumberland , having restored peace to Britainby the ever memorable Battle of
, C'ulloden , fought on the 16 th April , J 745 , the choice spirits have agreed to celebrate that day annually by a Grand Jubilee in the Moon , of which the Stars are hereby acquainted , and summoned to shine with their brightest lustre by 6 o ' clock on
Thursday next , in the Evening . " I quote again from the record : " Grand Lodge in due form at the Castle , in Drury Lane , on Thursday , S June , 1732 , with the Earl of Inchiquin and other former Grand Officers , and those of thirty-nine lodges . "
This was the only session at this house . The Castle being- such a general sign , many traders adopted some particular castle . Dover Castle , or Walmer Castle , is amongst the most frequent . This first is mentioned in the following amusing advertisement :
'' FOE FEMALE SATISFACTION . " Whereas the mystery of Freemasonry has been kept a profound secret for several ages , till at length some men assembled themselves at the Dover Castle , in the parish of Lambeth , under pretence of knowing the secretaud likewise in
-, oppo sition to some gentlemen that are real Freemasons , and hold a lodge at the same house ; therefore , to prove that they are no more than pretend * . is , and as the ladies have sometimes been desirous of gaining knowledge of the noble art ( sic ) several
, regular-made Masons ( both ancient and modern ) , members of constituted lodges in this metropolis , have thought proper to unite into a select body , at Beau Silvester ' s , the sign of the Angel , Bull Stairs , Southwalk , and stile themselves Unions ,
think it highly expedient , and in justice to the fair sex , to initiate them therein , provided they are women of undeniable character ; for tho' no lodge as yet ( except the Free United Masons ) have thought Proper to admit women into the fraternity ,
w e , well knowing they have as much right to attain to the secret as those Castle Humbugs , have thought proper so to do , 'Wt doubting but that they will prove an Honour to the Craft ; and as we have had the honour to inculcate several worthy
sisters therein , those that are desirous and think themselves capable of having the secret conferred on them , by proper application , will be admitted , and the charges will not exceed the expences of our lodge . " —Publick Advertiser , March 7 , 1759 . In tho reign of George I ., the Castle ,
near Covent Garden , was a famous eatinghouse , kept by John Pierce , the Soyer of his clay . Here the gallant feat was performed of a young blood taking one of the shoes from the foot of a noted toast , filling it with wine , and drinking her health ,
after which it was consigned to the cook , who prepared from it an excellent ragout , which was eaten with great relish by the lady ' s admirers . A meeting of the Grand Lodge was held at the Croimi Tavern , " behind the Royal Exchange , on Friday , April 13 , 1739 . "
Upon the site of the present chief , entrance to the Bank of England , iu Threadneedle Street , stood the Crown Tavern , " behind the 'Change ; " it was frequented by the Fellows of the Royal Society , when they met at Gresham College hard by . The Crown was burnt in
the great fire , but was rebuilt ; and about a century since , at this tavern , " it was not unusual to draw a butt of mountain wine , containing 120 gallons , in gills , in a morning . " " Behind the 'Change , " we read in tho
Connoisseur , 1754 . a man worth a plum used to order a twopenny mess of broth with a boiled chop in it ; placing the chop between two crusts of a halfpenny roll , he would wrap it up in his check handkerchief , and carry it away for the morrow ' s dinner .
About sixteen sessions of the Grand Lodge were held at the Crown and Anchor , in the Strand , the first occurring on the Mfch of January , 1760 . The Crown and Anchor , the well-known badge of the Navy , is a great favourite . One of the most famous taverns with this
sign was in the Strand , where Dr . Johnson often used to " make a night of it . " "Soon afterwards , " says Boswell , "in 1768 , he supped at the Crown and Anchor , in the Strand , with a company I collected to meet him . There were Dr . Percynow bishop
, of Dromoie ; Dr . Douglas , now bishop of Salisbury ; Mr . Langton ; Dr . Robertson , the historian ; Dr . Hugh Blair , and Mr . Thomas Davis . " On this occasion the Y