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Polly Rivers's Trip Te Stowslay Cattle Show, An' What Com On't. *
fahne neet ; bud we sud hev to be at wur journa ' s end biv neen o ' clock , fer our awd fooaks nivver liked us te be out efter that tahme . They awlus sed : — " Ally te bed , an' arly te rahse , Maks yan hilthy , wealthy , an' wahse . "
Tom an' t' yung wumman , an' Bill an ' me , teeak a tonn round t' toon , an ' t' lads bowt us a lot o' fairius ; an' Ah thowt it wer t' nicest Cattle Show ' at Ah'd ivver been at . At t' lang length , howivver , we gat yoked up ; an' Bill went an' gat his
galloway , an' com an' join'd us . An' Ah nivver knew befooare ' at our Tom wer sike a breet fella as he preeaved hissel' te be thatneet ; fer just efter we'd gettiu ower Bounsin' Brig , at Stowslay toon end , Tom sedif Bill likedhe wad change pleeaces
, , wiv him , —he cud rahde t' galloway , an ' Bill cud drahve mah ; an' 't were neea seeaner sed ner deeane . An ' , uppon mah wod , Ah nivver knew t' rooad atween t ' toon an' our house seea shooat i' mv life afooar . Whatwe wer there iv a jiffey
, . An' Tom gat off t' galloway te oppen our yat ; an' then they changed spots , an' we bad good-neet . Bud afooar Bill gat out o ' t' cart he ga' ma t' sweetest Nay , bon ,
Ah 11 nut tell what he did . Thou sees what maks mah think on ' t seea weel ; it wer t' fost tahme ' at ivver Bill had kisst mah . Dash mah ! Ah ' veletten ' tout efter all . Bud nivver mahnd . It ' s nowt te be sham'd on . 'flier ' s nut nionny fooaks bud
what ' s deean 't seeam thing , sum tahme i ' ther lives . AVhat , ther can't be mitch harm iv a simple kiss , ueeahow . When we drahve up tit t' house , me fayder com out wiv' t' greeat steeable lanteren , an' he sez : —
" What , you ' ve getten back seeaf an ' sound . An' how hez tha enjoy'd thessil ' , Poll ?" " Oh , nivver better , " sed Ah . " Whyah , git the ways in , " sed he ; " the mudher hez sum gud yat coffee riddy fa '
yah , and a few nice rashers o' bakiu an ' sum eggs fried . " Seea Ah went in , and put off me things , an' tonn'd out me fairins . Then me fayder an' Tom com in , an' we all sat down te wer suppers . An' me mudher ast Tom
if Ah 'd getten a sweetheart , an' Ah culler'd up , an' Ah dipt me speean intit t ' seeager , an' put sum on te me egg , thin kin '
it wer ' sawt , an' they all brast out o laffin , at mah . Bud Ah pluckt up a bit , an ' telt ' em ther was mair mistacks then haystacks . An' Tom diddent let out aboot mah ; fer mebby he mud think Ah sud let out about him . An' all that week out Ah
sang about t' house like a nig htingell ; an ' me mudher sed gahin' tit Show ' ad quite rouzt mah up . T' next Sunda' efterneean , Ah went tit t' chetch ; an' Bill wer there , riddy te set mah yam when wa left ; an' he went as far as . our yat ; an' we steead a guddish bit . An' we did t' seeam tweea three
Sunda s . At t' last me mudher sed timma , yah clay : — " Polly , what ' s t' reeason ' at Bill Fallows nivver cnms in wi' tha on a Sunda ' . Ah sees ya stannin' at t' yat . " "Whyah" sez Ah"Ah nivver axt
, , him . " " Then , " sez sheea , " thou better had annudder tahme . It izzent civil te let him gan away V that manner . " Thou may be seear 'at Ah axt him t ' next Sunda ' . An' he went in , an' had his
tea wiv us : an' he gat started te cum clown on a neet , tell he gat te be like yan o' wer sels . An' Ah reeally think ' at ther nivver was sike fahne moonleet neets as ther was that back-end . An' our lass an ' me nivver forgat te bring t' sticks in afooar dark as we did that winter . Then Bill youst te hev te gan wiv us wi ' t' lanteren .
An' ther wer a yung chap youst te cum fra t' next fahm to see Dolly . An' efter Bill an' me had getten sum gether'd , we youst te len' ' em t' lanteren te see te fill Dolly ' s basket . Ha , dear ! what happy tahmes them war ! an' what fun we youst te hev ! Howsumivvert' upshot on ' t all were ' at
, Bill an' me gat wed . Beeath our fooaks an' ther fooaks was willin' . An Bill's fayder teeak a canny lahtle farm fer us , an' mah fayder helpt te stock 't . An' Bill sed he wer detarmin'd we wad hev a gud idjin-cooatfer they wer t' nicest bods 'at
p , flew . Ah knew weel eneeaf what he wer drahviu' at . An' Ah seear there can ' t be a mitch happier cupple neeawhere ner me an' our Bill iz . We hev a varry canny farm , at a eeasy rint , and plenty ov ivverything ' at wa want ; an' tweea as bonny
bairns as onnybody hez . T' yungist , thou " knaws , iz a lad , an' we call him Bill . Bill ' s fayder an' mudher , an' mah fayder an'
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Polly Rivers's Trip Te Stowslay Cattle Show, An' What Com On't. *
fahne neet ; bud we sud hev to be at wur journa ' s end biv neen o ' clock , fer our awd fooaks nivver liked us te be out efter that tahme . They awlus sed : — " Ally te bed , an' arly te rahse , Maks yan hilthy , wealthy , an' wahse . "
Tom an' t' yung wumman , an' Bill an ' me , teeak a tonn round t' toon , an ' t' lads bowt us a lot o' fairius ; an' Ah thowt it wer t' nicest Cattle Show ' at Ah'd ivver been at . At t' lang length , howivver , we gat yoked up ; an' Bill went an' gat his
galloway , an' com an' join'd us . An' Ah nivver knew befooare ' at our Tom wer sike a breet fella as he preeaved hissel' te be thatneet ; fer just efter we'd gettiu ower Bounsin' Brig , at Stowslay toon end , Tom sedif Bill likedhe wad change pleeaces
, , wiv him , —he cud rahde t' galloway , an ' Bill cud drahve mah ; an' 't were neea seeaner sed ner deeane . An ' , uppon mah wod , Ah nivver knew t' rooad atween t ' toon an' our house seea shooat i' mv life afooar . Whatwe wer there iv a jiffey
, . An' Tom gat off t' galloway te oppen our yat ; an' then they changed spots , an' we bad good-neet . Bud afooar Bill gat out o ' t' cart he ga' ma t' sweetest Nay , bon ,
Ah 11 nut tell what he did . Thou sees what maks mah think on ' t seea weel ; it wer t' fost tahme ' at ivver Bill had kisst mah . Dash mah ! Ah ' veletten ' tout efter all . Bud nivver mahnd . It ' s nowt te be sham'd on . 'flier ' s nut nionny fooaks bud
what ' s deean 't seeam thing , sum tahme i ' ther lives . AVhat , ther can't be mitch harm iv a simple kiss , ueeahow . When we drahve up tit t' house , me fayder com out wiv' t' greeat steeable lanteren , an' he sez : —
" What , you ' ve getten back seeaf an ' sound . An' how hez tha enjoy'd thessil ' , Poll ?" " Oh , nivver better , " sed Ah . " Whyah , git the ways in , " sed he ; " the mudher hez sum gud yat coffee riddy fa '
yah , and a few nice rashers o' bakiu an ' sum eggs fried . " Seea Ah went in , and put off me things , an' tonn'd out me fairins . Then me fayder an' Tom com in , an' we all sat down te wer suppers . An' me mudher ast Tom
if Ah 'd getten a sweetheart , an' Ah culler'd up , an' Ah dipt me speean intit t ' seeager , an' put sum on te me egg , thin kin '
it wer ' sawt , an' they all brast out o laffin , at mah . Bud Ah pluckt up a bit , an ' telt ' em ther was mair mistacks then haystacks . An' Tom diddent let out aboot mah ; fer mebby he mud think Ah sud let out about him . An' all that week out Ah
sang about t' house like a nig htingell ; an ' me mudher sed gahin' tit Show ' ad quite rouzt mah up . T' next Sunda' efterneean , Ah went tit t' chetch ; an' Bill wer there , riddy te set mah yam when wa left ; an' he went as far as . our yat ; an' we steead a guddish bit . An' we did t' seeam tweea three
Sunda s . At t' last me mudher sed timma , yah clay : — " Polly , what ' s t' reeason ' at Bill Fallows nivver cnms in wi' tha on a Sunda ' . Ah sees ya stannin' at t' yat . " "Whyah" sez Ah"Ah nivver axt
, , him . " " Then , " sez sheea , " thou better had annudder tahme . It izzent civil te let him gan away V that manner . " Thou may be seear 'at Ah axt him t ' next Sunda ' . An' he went in , an' had his
tea wiv us : an' he gat started te cum clown on a neet , tell he gat te be like yan o' wer sels . An' Ah reeally think ' at ther nivver was sike fahne moonleet neets as ther was that back-end . An' our lass an ' me nivver forgat te bring t' sticks in afooar dark as we did that winter . Then Bill youst te hev te gan wiv us wi ' t' lanteren .
An' ther wer a yung chap youst te cum fra t' next fahm to see Dolly . An' efter Bill an' me had getten sum gether'd , we youst te len' ' em t' lanteren te see te fill Dolly ' s basket . Ha , dear ! what happy tahmes them war ! an' what fun we youst te hev ! Howsumivvert' upshot on ' t all were ' at
, Bill an' me gat wed . Beeath our fooaks an' ther fooaks was willin' . An Bill's fayder teeak a canny lahtle farm fer us , an' mah fayder helpt te stock 't . An' Bill sed he wer detarmin'd we wad hev a gud idjin-cooatfer they wer t' nicest bods 'at
p , flew . Ah knew weel eneeaf what he wer drahviu' at . An' Ah seear there can ' t be a mitch happier cupple neeawhere ner me an' our Bill iz . We hev a varry canny farm , at a eeasy rint , and plenty ov ivverything ' at wa want ; an' tweea as bonny
bairns as onnybody hez . T' yungist , thou " knaws , iz a lad , an' we call him Bill . Bill ' s fayder an' mudher , an' mah fayder an'