Article Monthly Masonic Summary. Page 1 of 1
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Monthly Masonic Summary.
Monthly Masonic Summary .
MAY , tbe merry month , is UOAV upon us , and Ave have not a great deal to report about Freemasonry . "We have bad a numerous meeting at the Quarterly Court of tbe Boys' School , Avbere a vote of confidence lias been passed in the executiverendered necessary by the very
, foolish proceedings of some brethren iu AVest Yorkshire , which has ended by placing that distinguished Province in a very difficult position . Pamphlets bad been circulated industriousl y imputing mismanagement , and Avorse , to the
Executive for purely personal purposes , and from an entirely personal point of view , until it became absolutely necessary to vindicate the honour of the administrative , and , in order to prevent the spread of doubt and dissatisfactionto express formally
, unabated confidence in tbe Committee and the Secretary . This was done by an overwhelming majority of nearly twenty to one , all the provinces voting in the
affirmative , and more than one West Yorkshire band Avas held up for the vote of confidence . Let us hope that the Boys' School "will now be left alone to pursue the " even tenour of its way . " It has been decided very properly to
increase the accommodation of the Girls ' School , to take in fifty more girls , and to utilise tbe existing buildings . An attempt Avas made to ventilate the Question of the school of the future ; but , in our opinion , that school of tbe future
is , and must be for some time , still future . If tlie railway shall eventually Avant our land , then will be the time to sell , Avhen full compensation must be given us for the school itself . But at present if Ave educate 1 . 00 girls we shall do a good workand in
, the meantime we can be preparing for the future by husbanding our resources for a great effort , if need be , in due time . Our Royal Grand Master is at Gibraltar , will probably look in at Cadiz , will run up
to Seville , remembering the old Spanish proverb — " Quien no ha visto Sevilla , No ha visto Maravilla , " and also pay a visit to Madrid . He intends to " look in " at Lisbon , and probably be at
Portsmouth about May 11 . A hearty welcome awaits Mm iu England from all classes . AVe have been a little amused by an attack Avliicb has been recently made on us by the Voice of Masonry , U . S . We , of all people in the world , are termed " unmasonic "
and unfair , because , by an accidental omission , it is assumed that we are masonic pirates . By an oversight when we quoted our able Bro . Albert Mackey ' s article on the Guilds , Ave omitted to say that he was editor of the Voice of Masonry , and that
tbe paper was from that journal . We regret tbe oversight . With , regard to Bro . AV . J . Anglian " s article , reprint * dfrom tbe same source , Ave had intended to haA'e given editorially a few lines at tbe close , mentioning the source , and praising the article . AVe are sorry to have read such
remarks in the voice , because tbey are not masonic , and we do not deserve them . We seek most carefully to give American masonic journals their due , and Ave are glad to be permitted to express our sense of the great friendliness and fairness and courtesy of our American confreres as a rule
, and especially of our friend , Bro . C . H . M'Calla , editor ' of that first-rate paper tbe Keystone , and of the editor iVeio York Dispatch . We can plead that at any rate we are not thin-skinned , as hardly a day passes but we read our own articles and
leaders reproduced in every form , sometimes as original leaders , and quoted by others , little kuoAving apparently Avhence those lines Avere ori ginally taken . So all Ave can do henceforth is not to reproduce anything , though Ave are sorry for itas
, one advantage of friendly and mutual reproduction is , that it makes masonic students in different countries conversant with the thoughts and words of distant brother Masons Avhicb otherwise they would not see or appreciate . 2 n
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Masonic Summary.
Monthly Masonic Summary .
MAY , tbe merry month , is UOAV upon us , and Ave have not a great deal to report about Freemasonry . "We have bad a numerous meeting at the Quarterly Court of tbe Boys' School , Avbere a vote of confidence lias been passed in the executiverendered necessary by the very
, foolish proceedings of some brethren iu AVest Yorkshire , which has ended by placing that distinguished Province in a very difficult position . Pamphlets bad been circulated industriousl y imputing mismanagement , and Avorse , to the
Executive for purely personal purposes , and from an entirely personal point of view , until it became absolutely necessary to vindicate the honour of the administrative , and , in order to prevent the spread of doubt and dissatisfactionto express formally
, unabated confidence in tbe Committee and the Secretary . This was done by an overwhelming majority of nearly twenty to one , all the provinces voting in the
affirmative , and more than one West Yorkshire band Avas held up for the vote of confidence . Let us hope that the Boys' School "will now be left alone to pursue the " even tenour of its way . " It has been decided very properly to
increase the accommodation of the Girls ' School , to take in fifty more girls , and to utilise tbe existing buildings . An attempt Avas made to ventilate the Question of the school of the future ; but , in our opinion , that school of tbe future
is , and must be for some time , still future . If tlie railway shall eventually Avant our land , then will be the time to sell , Avhen full compensation must be given us for the school itself . But at present if Ave educate 1 . 00 girls we shall do a good workand in
, the meantime we can be preparing for the future by husbanding our resources for a great effort , if need be , in due time . Our Royal Grand Master is at Gibraltar , will probably look in at Cadiz , will run up
to Seville , remembering the old Spanish proverb — " Quien no ha visto Sevilla , No ha visto Maravilla , " and also pay a visit to Madrid . He intends to " look in " at Lisbon , and probably be at
Portsmouth about May 11 . A hearty welcome awaits Mm iu England from all classes . AVe have been a little amused by an attack Avliicb has been recently made on us by the Voice of Masonry , U . S . We , of all people in the world , are termed " unmasonic "
and unfair , because , by an accidental omission , it is assumed that we are masonic pirates . By an oversight when we quoted our able Bro . Albert Mackey ' s article on the Guilds , Ave omitted to say that he was editor of the Voice of Masonry , and that
tbe paper was from that journal . We regret tbe oversight . With , regard to Bro . AV . J . Anglian " s article , reprint * dfrom tbe same source , Ave had intended to haA'e given editorially a few lines at tbe close , mentioning the source , and praising the article . AVe are sorry to have read such
remarks in the voice , because tbey are not masonic , and we do not deserve them . We seek most carefully to give American masonic journals their due , and Ave are glad to be permitted to express our sense of the great friendliness and fairness and courtesy of our American confreres as a rule
, and especially of our friend , Bro . C . H . M'Calla , editor ' of that first-rate paper tbe Keystone , and of the editor iVeio York Dispatch . We can plead that at any rate we are not thin-skinned , as hardly a day passes but we read our own articles and
leaders reproduced in every form , sometimes as original leaders , and quoted by others , little kuoAving apparently Avhence those lines Avere ori ginally taken . So all Ave can do henceforth is not to reproduce anything , though Ave are sorry for itas
, one advantage of friendly and mutual reproduction is , that it makes masonic students in different countries conversant with the thoughts and words of distant brother Masons Avhicb otherwise they would not see or appreciate . 2 n