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Goderey Higgins On Freemasonry.
Celtic Druids" by the same author , as also a review of King ' s " Gnostics , " both works being of importance in the study of our ancient and beloved Institution , and valuable in many ways especially , as suggestive of the character of much older o
... Societies from Avhich it is likely Freemasonry derived many of its symbols , and to which Ave are indebted for the strange fascination Avhich surrounds the study of secret fellowship . We bave much pleasure in taking this able article from the Voice of Masonry for December last .
An Historical Account Of Master And Free Masons.
BY THE REV . JAMES DALLAAVAY . Cough , and cry hern ! if anybody come - A mystery—a mystery!—Othello . ( Concluded from page 403 . ) II . IT is an inquiry , not Avithout its
difficulty , but which may be yet attended Avitti a satisfactory result , —whether a perfect discrimination can be made between the controllers of the Avorks and tbe master-masons ? Although the number of those who have
been styled architects will be considerably reduced by ranking as such only the magistri ajdificantes ancl the latomi , yet that claim may be authenticated by comparing the several designations by which patrons and contributors only are distinguished from others , Avho might possibly have given the original designs . *
AVe are accustomed to attribute , and justly in many known instances , all the arts of design to ingenious ecclesiastics of the Middle Ages . But this concession must not be exclusively made Avitb respect to professional artists . Proofs indeed aboundthat individuals among the higher
, rank of clergy cultivated and understood architecture theoretically . AVe generally see in contemporary chronicles , supplied from local registers , the single name of the bishop or abbot recorded , under whose patronage the master-masons were
employed , but who are sunk in oblivion in most instances . Although most frequently their plans Avere executed by ordinary masons , it cannot be fairly supposed that the erection of many cathedrals could have been designed and perfected excepting by
eminent professors , exclusively devoted to the study ancl practice of their art . , _ It may be found necessary to disrobe several of the prelates and abbots who have so long enjoyed the fame of being the architects of their own churches , iu pursuit of this evidence . The parts taken by
these greatecclesiastics should be separately considered ;—first , as contributors only , or patrons of Avorks ; or , secondly , as having designed plans Avhich were communicated to the master masons for execution by them . They were probably not so Avell
versed in geometrical science as the mastermasons , for mathematics formed a part of monastic learning in a very limited degree . The real obligation of posterity to the founders of these magnificent edifices , Avhich all who are endued Avith taste or religious feeling will not cease to venerate ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Goderey Higgins On Freemasonry.
Celtic Druids" by the same author , as also a review of King ' s " Gnostics , " both works being of importance in the study of our ancient and beloved Institution , and valuable in many ways especially , as suggestive of the character of much older o
... Societies from Avhich it is likely Freemasonry derived many of its symbols , and to which Ave are indebted for the strange fascination Avhich surrounds the study of secret fellowship . We bave much pleasure in taking this able article from the Voice of Masonry for December last .
An Historical Account Of Master And Free Masons.
BY THE REV . JAMES DALLAAVAY . Cough , and cry hern ! if anybody come - A mystery—a mystery!—Othello . ( Concluded from page 403 . ) II . IT is an inquiry , not Avithout its
difficulty , but which may be yet attended Avitti a satisfactory result , —whether a perfect discrimination can be made between the controllers of the Avorks and tbe master-masons ? Although the number of those who have
been styled architects will be considerably reduced by ranking as such only the magistri ajdificantes ancl the latomi , yet that claim may be authenticated by comparing the several designations by which patrons and contributors only are distinguished from others , Avho might possibly have given the original designs . *
AVe are accustomed to attribute , and justly in many known instances , all the arts of design to ingenious ecclesiastics of the Middle Ages . But this concession must not be exclusively made Avitb respect to professional artists . Proofs indeed aboundthat individuals among the higher
, rank of clergy cultivated and understood architecture theoretically . AVe generally see in contemporary chronicles , supplied from local registers , the single name of the bishop or abbot recorded , under whose patronage the master-masons were
employed , but who are sunk in oblivion in most instances . Although most frequently their plans Avere executed by ordinary masons , it cannot be fairly supposed that the erection of many cathedrals could have been designed and perfected excepting by
eminent professors , exclusively devoted to the study ancl practice of their art . , _ It may be found necessary to disrobe several of the prelates and abbots who have so long enjoyed the fame of being the architects of their own churches , iu pursuit of this evidence . The parts taken by
these greatecclesiastics should be separately considered ;—first , as contributors only , or patrons of Avorks ; or , secondly , as having designed plans Avhich were communicated to the master masons for execution by them . They were probably not so Avell
versed in geometrical science as the mastermasons , for mathematics formed a part of monastic learning in a very limited degree . The real obligation of posterity to the founders of these magnificent edifices , Avhich all who are endued Avith taste or religious feeling will not cease to venerate ,