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List Of The Regular Lodges In England According To Their Seniority, Year Of Erection, And Time Of Meeting.
220 . Blnkeney ' s Head , at , Bristol , 2 d and-1 th Thursday . 221 . Parliament Coffee House , Parliamenl Street , 2 d and 4 th Tuesday . 222 . Sun , in the Strand , 4 th Wednesday . 223 . Dove and Olive Branch , St . Lawrence ' s , Norwich . 224 . Santa Cruza Danish IslandWest
, , Indsies . 225 . Cock , Head of the Side , Newcastle upon Tyne , 1 st Monday . 226 . White Lion , Oxford Road , 3 d Monday . 227 . Sun , at Shadwell , 1 st and 3 d Monday . 228 . Lodge of Regularity , Amsterdam .
229 . Queen ' s Head , Duke ' s Court , Bow Street , Covent Garcien . lstand 3 d Wednesday . 230 . St . Michael's Lodge , at Severn , Duchy of Mooklenburgh . 231 . Cock , St . Mary ' s , Norwich . 232 . Red Lion , South side Street , Plymouth , 2 d and 4 th Monday . 233 . BellBroad StreetBristol .
, , 234 . Bombay , East Indies . 235 . Green Man , Berwick Street , St . James's . 236 . Swan , sea captains Lodge , Yarmouth , Norfolk . 237 . Three Crowns , 2 d Division of Marines , Plymouth .
Masonic Research.
An Address delivered before the Animal Meeting of the Members of the York College of Rosicrucians , at York , 26 th February , 1881 , BY K . W . ERA .. T . B . WHITEHEAD , IX . ° , CHIEF ADEPT . FRATRES —At the commencement of the second year of the existence of
, this college , I think we are offered a fair opportunity of looking back upon the past , and reviewing our work for the year that is gone , as well as glancing forward at our future prospects ancl the opportunities for labour which lie open before us . The college was officially constituted in the month of November , 1879 , and our first regular meeting was held in York in the following February , when the late officers were appointed . At that meeting I had the honour to
address you on the subject of the society , its aims ancl objects . In May our meeting was held in the Masonic Hall , in Thirsk , by the fraternal invitation of the Ealcon Lodge ; and we visited the ruins of Byland Abbey , ancl the village of Coxwold , on which interesting papers were read by the Primus Ancient . At the same meeting a valuable paper on some errors in the elucidation of Ancient Rosicrucianism was read by the Siiffi-agan . Our August meeting was held in
the Fidelity Masonic : Hall , Leeds , by the courteous permission of the trustees of that building ; ancl an able paper was read by the Secundus Ancient , on the history of Leeds . At the same time many of us visited the ruins of Kirkstall Abbey , under the guidance of the Tertias Ancient , whose remarks on the architectural features of Cistercian buildings have not as yet , I regret to say , been furnished to the pi-inter . In November our meeting was held again in Yorkwhen the Suffragan read you an account of the remains of a Knight
, Templar Preceptory in Herefordshire , and your Chief Adept gave you the translation of an old Rosicrucian Essay of the seventeenth century , and now at our annual meeting we are once more assembled , by the kind permission of the brethren of the Eboi'acum Lodge , in their rooms in this ancient Masonic city , and I think we may fairly be excused if we congratulate ourselves upon the practical manner in which we have thus far carried out the objects of bur
society . At any rate , I have no hesitation in saying , without any wish to draw invidious comparisons , that this college would compare favourably with any other college in England , either as regards the intelligence of its members or the work performed by them . Our college may also be said to be prolific as
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of The Regular Lodges In England According To Their Seniority, Year Of Erection, And Time Of Meeting.
220 . Blnkeney ' s Head , at , Bristol , 2 d and-1 th Thursday . 221 . Parliament Coffee House , Parliamenl Street , 2 d and 4 th Tuesday . 222 . Sun , in the Strand , 4 th Wednesday . 223 . Dove and Olive Branch , St . Lawrence ' s , Norwich . 224 . Santa Cruza Danish IslandWest
, , Indsies . 225 . Cock , Head of the Side , Newcastle upon Tyne , 1 st Monday . 226 . White Lion , Oxford Road , 3 d Monday . 227 . Sun , at Shadwell , 1 st and 3 d Monday . 228 . Lodge of Regularity , Amsterdam .
229 . Queen ' s Head , Duke ' s Court , Bow Street , Covent Garcien . lstand 3 d Wednesday . 230 . St . Michael's Lodge , at Severn , Duchy of Mooklenburgh . 231 . Cock , St . Mary ' s , Norwich . 232 . Red Lion , South side Street , Plymouth , 2 d and 4 th Monday . 233 . BellBroad StreetBristol .
, , 234 . Bombay , East Indies . 235 . Green Man , Berwick Street , St . James's . 236 . Swan , sea captains Lodge , Yarmouth , Norfolk . 237 . Three Crowns , 2 d Division of Marines , Plymouth .
Masonic Research.
An Address delivered before the Animal Meeting of the Members of the York College of Rosicrucians , at York , 26 th February , 1881 , BY K . W . ERA .. T . B . WHITEHEAD , IX . ° , CHIEF ADEPT . FRATRES —At the commencement of the second year of the existence of
, this college , I think we are offered a fair opportunity of looking back upon the past , and reviewing our work for the year that is gone , as well as glancing forward at our future prospects ancl the opportunities for labour which lie open before us . The college was officially constituted in the month of November , 1879 , and our first regular meeting was held in York in the following February , when the late officers were appointed . At that meeting I had the honour to
address you on the subject of the society , its aims ancl objects . In May our meeting was held in the Masonic Hall , in Thirsk , by the fraternal invitation of the Ealcon Lodge ; and we visited the ruins of Byland Abbey , ancl the village of Coxwold , on which interesting papers were read by the Primus Ancient . At the same meeting a valuable paper on some errors in the elucidation of Ancient Rosicrucianism was read by the Siiffi-agan . Our August meeting was held in
the Fidelity Masonic : Hall , Leeds , by the courteous permission of the trustees of that building ; ancl an able paper was read by the Secundus Ancient , on the history of Leeds . At the same time many of us visited the ruins of Kirkstall Abbey , under the guidance of the Tertias Ancient , whose remarks on the architectural features of Cistercian buildings have not as yet , I regret to say , been furnished to the pi-inter . In November our meeting was held again in Yorkwhen the Suffragan read you an account of the remains of a Knight
, Templar Preceptory in Herefordshire , and your Chief Adept gave you the translation of an old Rosicrucian Essay of the seventeenth century , and now at our annual meeting we are once more assembled , by the kind permission of the brethren of the Eboi'acum Lodge , in their rooms in this ancient Masonic city , and I think we may fairly be excused if we congratulate ourselves upon the practical manner in which we have thus far carried out the objects of bur
society . At any rate , I have no hesitation in saying , without any wish to draw invidious comparisons , that this college would compare favourably with any other college in England , either as regards the intelligence of its members or the work performed by them . Our college may also be said to be prolific as